HKBU Sustainability

Incentive for Student Societies on

Leadership in Environmental Achievementand Dedication

The University offers a vibrant and exciting place for research, study and plenty of events. Apart from making your events fun and memorable, you can make it GREEN!

The Incentive for Student Societieson Leadership in Environmental Achievement and Dedication (LEAD Incentive) established by HKBU Sustainability is a year-round programme to provide subsidy and assist student event organisers to implement green measuresand to mobilise behavioural changes in order to lessen environmental impacts.

A maximum of HK$2,000 can be awarded to successful application. The size of grant awarded is based on the commitment to the Green Action Pledge and the degree of fulfilmentof Green Event Checklist. The breakdown of the scheme is shown below:

Maximum grant awarded (HK$)
  1. 1. Reward for signing the Green Action Pledge
/ 500
  1. 2. Fulfilment of the Green Event Checklist
/ 1,500

Application procedures

1.Green Action Pledge

  1. Applicant is required to fill in the electronic form(before all the orientationactivities are held. (Spot visit might be conducted to check the implementation of conditioned green actions)
  2. An electronic certificate will be sent to applicant when the electronic form is received.
  3. Complete the registration by taking a selfie with the electroniccertificate and send it back to HKBU Sustainability via email ()
  4. Upon the completion of all orientation activities, a confirmation will be sent to applicant and a cheque will be issued to the organisation for the reward. The applicant shall collect the cheque at the Environmental Health and SafetySection (EHS), Estates Office (EO) at FSC 503, Fong Shu Chuen Library, Ho Sing Hang Campus withinfour weeks of issuance or the cheque will be forfeited.

2.Green Event Checklist

  1. Applicant is required to submit the completed Application Form and relevant documentations e.g. poster, programme and correspondences with event detials to HKBU Sustainability via emailwithin two weeksafter completion of the event.
  2. Applicant is also required to submit all supporting evidences e.g. photos taken at the event, copy of invoices/receiptsin the Application Form.
  3. Upon the approval of application, a confirmation will be sent to applicant and a cheque will be issuedto the organisation for the grant. The applicant shall collect the cheque at the EHS, EO at FSC 503withinfour weeks of issuance or the cheque will be forfeited.

Terms and Conditions

  • Applicant can only register for the Green Action Pledge before all the orientation activities are held.
  • Student organisation should comply with the conditions of the Green Action Pledge for all the events throughout the academic year.
  • Each student organisation is only allowed to register for the Green Action Pledge once each academic year.
  • The reward for Green Action Pledge might subject to a maximum of 10 percent reduction if the organisation is found/proven fail to comply with any conditioned green actions at any orientation events.
  • Only events with more than 20 participants are eligible for theLEAD Incentive and regular/annual meetings will not be supported.
  • Limited application opportunities are available for the LEAD Incentive each academic year and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
  • Spot visit might be conducted to check the implementation of conditioned/checked green actions.
  • HKBU Sustainability reserves the rights to decide the allocation of grant and refuse granting any funding support to the application which deems inappropriate.
  • Should applicant fails to meet the deadlines, the application will not be accepted, or the grant and/or reward will be forfeited.
  • The application form and supporting documents must be filled in and submitted electronically, handwritten application will not be accepted.


For any enquiries, please contact or Ms. Roxanne Yip at 3411 2240

Thank you for your time and effort in hosting a GREEN event! 1


HKBU Sustainability

Incentives for Student Societies on

Leadership in Environmental Achievement and Dedication


A maximum of HK$2,000 can be awarded to successful application. Applications will be assessed on the commitment to the Green Action Pledge and the degree of fulfilment of the general sustainability practices outlined on the Green Event Checklist.

Green Action Pledge

Applicant can only register for the Green Action Pledge before all orientation activities are held. A maximum of HK$500 will be awarded to applicant signing the Green Action Pledge.

Signing this pledge, the organisation should take every possible effort to minimise adverse environmental impacts and to display and promote environmental sustainability in all events (not limited to orientation events) by implementing the green actions listed below:
☑not providing single-use plastic bottles of water;
☑not providing disposable straws and utensils at all events;
not organising water games;and
☑ utilising electronic registration.
Spot visit might be conducted to check the implementation of conditioned green actions
Do your organisation want to sign the Green ActionPledge?
To demonstrate your commitment, please sign the Green ActionPledge on submit a selfie with your electronic certificate attached to the Application Form.

Checklist for Implementing a Green Event

A maximum of HK$1,500 can be awarded to applicant with outstanding achievement in the Green Event Checklist. For details, please refer to the Application Guideline.

Green action
(Please check the appropriate boxes)
Venue selection
Choose a venue that is close to public transport (within 20 minutes walking distance) / ☐ /
Hold event at open area/venue with natural light and ventilation / ☐ / /
Event promotion and communication
Promote the event as a green event and the sustainability efforts involved / ☐ / /
Utilise only electronic means of communication for event registration and sending bulk mailings / ☐ / /
Where printing is required, print both-sided and use post-consumer recycle or FSC certified papers / ☐ / /
Provide links to website for the download of event materialsto reduce paper consumption / ☐ / /
Green commute
Encourage all participants to take public transport/shuttlebus/carpooling / ☐ /
Green catering
Provide vegetarian choices / ☐ / /
Minimise food waste
Order the right portion, encourage participants to take leftovers home and/or donate uneaten food to foodbanks or charity centres / ☐ / /
Minimise one-off disposable waste
Do not provide single-use plastic bottles of water / ☐ / /
Do not provide disposable straws / ☐ / /
Provide reusable tableware (cups, plates and utensils) / ☐ / /
Serve condiments in bulk, not individually-wrapped / ☐ / /
Do not provide corsages / ☐ / /
Do not provide souvenirs / ☐ / /
Reuse undated banners / ☐ / /
Conserve energy and resources
Maintain the air-conditioning thermostat at 25.5℃± 2℃when in use / ☐ / /
Provide well-labelled boxes for recycling at event venue / ☐ / /
Conserve water resources by banning water games / ☐ / /
Green purchasing
When giving out souvenirs are unavoidable, support locally manufactured products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or source products made from sustainable materials and environmental-certified / ☐ / /
Total number of green actions: Total no. of green actions

Organisation/Applicant Information for Reimbursement

Name of student body:
Name of student body
Full name of applicant:
English name of theapplicant
(English) / Chinese name of the applicant
Student number:
Student number / Position:
Telephone number:
Telephone number / Email address:
Email address

Summary of Event

  1. Nature of event:Click or tap here to enter text.
(Please check the appropriate boxes)
Seminar / ☐ / Academic Week / ☐ /
Competition / ☐ / Activities Week / ☐ /
Exhibition / ☐ / Visit / ☐ /
Workshop / ☐ / Eco-tour / ☐ /
O-camp / ☐ / Others(please specify): / ☐ /
  1. Type of event:
  2. (Please check the appropriate boxes)

  1. Indoor
  1. Outdoor
  1. Both indoor and outdoor
  1. Catered event
  1. Non-catered event
  1. Name of event:
(English)English name of the event
  1. (Chinese)Chinese name of the event

  1. Aim:Aim
(Please submit a poster/correspondences with event details)
  1. Period:

From Click or tap to enter a date. To Click or tap to enter a date. (Date)
(Duration: No. of daysday)
  1. Venue of event:Venue of the event

  1. Total number of participants: Total number of participants

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
The award of grant and reward are subject to the following conditions:
  • The applicant should abide to all the application procedures and terms and conditionsas stated in the Application Guideline and Application Form.
  • The size of the rewardmight subject to a maximum of 10 percent reduction if failure in implementing any of the conditioned green actions is/are found/proven at any orientation events.
  • Application Form and supporting documents must befilled in and submitted electronically, handwritten application will not be accepted.
  • Should applicant fail to meet the deadlines, the application will NOT BE ACCEPTED, or the grant will be FOREFEITED.
By signing below
  • I acknowledge that I have read the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by them if successful in this application.
  • I declare that the information given in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge. I will be in-charge of the whole programme and will be the contact person for all future matters relating to the event.

English name of the applicant
(English) / Chinese name of the applicant
E-signature of the applicant / ______
(Name of organisation with authorised scanned stamp)
Date on application
Total amount of grant awarded HK$:Total amount of grant

Thank you for your time and effort in hosting a GREEN event! 1