HOMI 960: Biblical Hermeneutics and Exposition

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

June 4-8,2007

Dr. Donald Fowler

Office (434) 582-2668


Course Description: A study of the principles for accurate interpretation and appropriate application and delivery of Scripture in its various settings or genre. Problems created by various literary forms, cultural differences, and theological issues will be considered. Preaching will be engaged with personal examination, employment of forms in light of literary, cultural and theological issues.

Course Objectives:

  1. To develop an understanding of the principles involved in validly interpreting a text.
  2. To develop the ability to apply those principles to God’s Word in order to understand its meaning correctly.
  3. To develop the ability to weigh the relative merits of alternative interpretations of a given passage objectively.
  4. To develop the ability to discuss differences of opinion regarding interpretations of a passage in an open and non-dogmatic manner.
  5. To be able to use the above understandings and skills effectively in preaching, teaching and counseling.


Book Review 10%

Term Paper 30%

Manuscripts 30%


Pre-course Assignments:

The two book reviews are to be submitted the first morning of the class.

1. Read Lawrence Crabb, Understanding People, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, and write a 10 page evaluation of the book that will include at least 3 pages at the end evaluating truths affecting your approach to ministry.

2. Read carefully,The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative by Steven

Matthewson, Grand Rapids: Baker.

3. Read carefully, Sidney Greidanus, The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. This will be the primary text for the class. Write a five page critical analysis of this book giving in details the strengths and weaknesses of the book.

Class assignments

Attend all classes and prepare for a comprehensive examination covering the

contents of the textbook and class lectures.

Post-course assignments

1. You will manuscript and deliver in typed format four sermons on assigned

passages. You should try to create in written form an exact replica of what

you would have presented orally. The sermon should be between 20 and 30

minutes when read from the paper.

2. You will write a 20 page paper explaining your view of the best method for

preaching the biblical text. You will need to cite at least 15 sources. Turabian form should be used.

You will have 6 weeks to complete the course requirements following the modular. Exact dates will be provided in class.