Canada’s Food Guide Scavenger Hunt

To start this Scavenger Hunt please go to the website


1.  Click on the icon “Food Guide Basics

  1. Having the amount and type of food recommended and following the tips included in Canada's Food Guide will help what?

2.  Click on the link for how much food you need every day.

  1. How many vegetables does a male 14-18 need?
  1. How many Grain Products does a male 14-18 need?
  1. How many Milk & Alternatives does a male 19-50 need?
  1. How many Meat & alternatives does a male 19-50 need?

3.  Click on the What is a Food Guide Serving? Link.

  1. Give 2 examples of :

i.  Vegetables and Fruit

ii.  Grain Products

iii.  Milk and Alternatives

iv.  Meat and Alternatives


Go to the following website and assess your eating habits:

Sign up for Eatracker. Then I would like you to enter your food that you have eaten over the last 24 hours and find out how many calories you have taken in, whether you have met the Canadian food guide standards, etc. Once you have completed the “my food” section and the “my Activities” section, save a copy of the report from the “Eating History” section, as well as the report from the “Activities History” section.


Choose any food item that you eat on a daily basis. Find the Nutrition Fact table on the internet and copy into the space below. Record the main ingredients in this food item. Answer the questions that follow.

What is the portion size listed on the label

Record the percentage of your daily recommended

intake of fats, sodium, carbohydrates and fiber that you

will receive from this portion size.

How would you personally rate this food item on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most nutritious)
