Homework - To be handed in on Friday 2nd March

Welcome back everyone! I am so glad that you all enjoyed the ski trip and were all so enthusiastic about your few days away. It was great to hear all the news on Friday and know that every one of you can now ski at some level. You had a great week of snow and the feedback from the teachers was that you were a great group to take away. I heard that you were positive, supportive, independent and enthusiastic. Well done P6, I am so proud of you all.

Last week Natalie began helping people to try and achieve their football badge for her challenge. Lola was the first person to gain her badge so well done to the trainer(Natalie) and to Lola for her achievement. Also, one of the P1 boys – Ruairaidh – managed to get his badge on Friday, well done to him. I, on the other hand have been told I will need more practice!

Last week letters went home relating to World Book Day on Thursday. I would like you to take in a favourite book to share with our paired class. We will also be looking at the books by Dr Seuss and we have a couple of activities planned for the day.

Also, the note asked for second hand books to be brought in. If you have any books that are not used or you have grown out of, but are still in good condition, then please take them in. We will then sell them in school for a small amount (20p – 50p). This is a great way to recycle books, get a new one for little money and to raise money to split between our badges for our challenges and a charity related to providing books for less fortunate children across the world. Remember to take in any books before Thursday and money to buy books on Thursday.


This week sees the P6s starting to take on some buddying duties. They will be working alongside the P7s to learn the role and get some experience before taking over from the P7s, completely, later on in the year.

Reading – please read your book for the given day. Keep reading Accelerated readers.

Mathletics – complete the task set

Victorian Talk– I was impressed with the different inventions that you have all chosen for your talks later this term. Over the next three weeks I would like you to prepare your talks before presenting them to the class. Please remember the feedback you got from your last talk and try to take this in to account when you are preparing this one. I do expect this one to have more content than some of you gave last time. Please do not have PowerPoint presentations with all of the information copied and pasted from the internet. Try to keep to bullet points that remind you of what to say but do not have all of your information written down.Please research and prepare your talk so that it is ready to present to the class from the week beginning Monday 19th MarchYou should know about your subject and you can choose how to present it. You can have pictures and objects to show if you wish. You can prepare a PowerPoint or just use bullet pointed notes. Please remember that this is a talk and not a read so you will have to practise what you are going to say before presenting it to an audience. The better you know your subject the more confident you will be. Use the success Criteria to keep you on the right track.

Victorian Talk Success Criteria

  • I have prepared the talk in my own words
  • I have some kind of visual aid to show
  • I have explained how the invention I chose has impacted or affected the way we live today.

Spellings – So that you have time to work on your talks over the next 3 weeks, I will not give spelling homework. Words will still be in your homework jotters so that you can do extra work if you wish but we will continue to do activities in school anyway.

Mathletics – Please do the tasks that are assigned

This week’s homework Done

Reading – read the part of your book for the given day

Maths – Mathletics

Victorian Inventor Talk

Spellings – extra task if you wish

Keep practising for your inventors badge challenge along with any others you wish to go for.

Answer to last week’s teasers

The hand that has the spoon in it!

Mike is a butcher. He is 5’10” tall. What does he weigh? He weighs meat!

Happy birthday to Jake for last week and to Zaid who had his birthday at the weekend.