1. Introductions and welcom

Present: Adam (chair), Jan Jackson, Dr Christine Hunter, Trudy, Jo, May, Christine, Fay, Aiden, Spencer Wimbleton (from Diabetes UK). Apologies from:John, Anne, Carole, Emma, Lynda

Linda is recovering well – best wishes were expressed for her.

  1. Minutes from last meeting

Minutes were reviewed and approved. The role of the group was discussed as including three things: fundraising, communications and health awareness. Concern was expressed that some members of the group may be able to contribute to one but not others of these – it was agreed that this is perfectly fine but that there are benefits of including all members of the group in conversations and meetings.

A priority for the group is to attract more members.

  1. Fundraising
  2. Treasurer’s summary
  3. Two oximeters have been ordered. Once received, the funds will be released.
  4. More money needs to be spent. We discussed priorities, including more equipment (Jan to ask Doctors for priorities) and also publicity material e.g. banners and gazebos for stalls. It was agreed that John Jay could go ahead and purchase a new gazebo.
  5. Feedback was received that sometimes blood pressure monitors are not available for nurses and patients. There are enough monitors so that each room has one.
  6. Highlights and progress - reviewed
  7. Forthcoming dates and events – reviewed
  8. Flu jab coffee mornings will go ahead – on October Saturdays, dates to be confirmed, probably 7th, 14th, 21st,28th. Bric-a-brac stall approved by Jan Jackson.
  9. Christmas coffee morning 25th November. Arrive 0845 for 10-12pm. Including raffle. Raffle sales to start at beginning of November. Members to ask for raffle prizes before then.
  10. Jan to liaise with Anne, Mike L and Mike C regarding a possible quiz
  11. Jan to look into possible bingo for Feb / Mar 2018
  12. Any other plans / concerns
  13. Make “Friends” visible
  14. Produce standing signs for events (Adam to investigate)
  15. Produce flyers with information and invites to join (Dr Hunter to progress)
  16. Spencer reported that exactly the same issues are faced by Diabetes UK – how to engage people in participating, attending events and looking after their own health
  17. There have been some successes with Pharmacists agreeing to distribute leaflets with e.g. diabetes medication
  1. Engagement / liaison
  2. External
  3. Locality meeting held (discussing coordinator role - in progress)
  4. New facebook group for Newquay Health – out of scope for this group
  5. Publicity e.g. Newquay Voice
  6. The Voice will be kept aware of meetings and events
  7. New facebook group for Newquay Health Centre. Dr Hunter and Aiden to work on this.
  8. Other forums / channels?
  9. Radio Cornwall; Pirate; Heart. Aiden to contact them and ask them to publicise each event and meeting we have.
  10. Posters / flyers – Dr Hunter to produce (Jan can print)
  11. The Patients Association – links / contacts
  12. Adam will pursue links with other PPGs (Praze, plus E Cornwall umbrella group) to share best practice
  13. Within the practice
  14. Doctors: Have met with PPG to discuss engagement plans
  15. Dr Stephen Seale has joined the practice
  16. Dr Kawita Schur is now a partner
  17. Dr Andrew Flewitt is joining in September
  18. We also clarified that Nurse Practitioners are still in place at the surgery
  19. Patients:New leaflet;Appointments system; Prescriptions; Other
  20. The new leaflet is at proof-reading stage
  21. It was clarified that the appointment system:
  22. You can phone on the day and request a same day appointment or book a telephone consultation on the day. (note when all the appointments have be taken reception will inform patients the appointment system is fully booked. If it is Urgent for the day and cannot wait for the next day you will be added to the duty doctors list and will receive a call back, the duty GP will arrange an appointment for you if they feel it is necessary).
  23. A limited number of Appointments can be pre-booked up to2 weeks in advance(note most GPs are part time full time GPs work 4 days)
  24. Acute emergencies (e.g :unconscious/unresponsive, shortness of breath, Heart attack) should call 999
  25. A possible ‘coordinator role’ has been discussed at Locality meeting, to engage people in the list of community groups. We need to plan to review the list regularly – discuss at next meeting.
  26. Practice management (e.g. chairs; other news)
  27. Other events
  28. Forthcoming meetings and events
  29. Shaping our Future event, St Austell, 20 July – Adam to attend
  30. Rotary ‘Blood pressure’ event, early Sept
  31. The practice can loan a machine as long as it is supported by a known, trusted professional. A portable electronic monitor will be used.Dr Hunter agreed to attend at least for the morning, and bring the monitor.
  32. Redruth Rotary did a similar event and worked with the Stroke Association for this.
  33. Adam will also suggest Margaret Lodge (mayoress) to the Rotary
  34. Central Cornwall Practitioner Event 14 Sept, Probus
  35. EPIC events and local working groups (eHealth)
  36. Various pilots exist e.g. e-Consult for giving online access to Doctors. In principle we are supportive of any pilots
  37. Further Diabetes UK event (following pilot 11 July)
  38. Spencer offered to bring his stand to the surgery for a few hours – to be arranged with Jan
  39. Health fair for Newquay
  40. There was interest in the idea; past experience has shown the challenges of attracting an audience
  41. Shock tactics seem to help. Examples of key messages to communicate include:
  42. There are an estimated 10,000 undiagnosed cases of Type 2 Diabetes in Cornwall
  43. Cornwall has the highest rate of foot amputations in SW. 80% of these would have been avoidable.
  44. Wider forum for developing the hospital / how to connect with Friends?
  45. Aiden to mention to Kim Young the value of having student nurses involved in Friends. If possible we’d like to identify projects for mutual benefit.
  46. AOB
  47. Next meeting is the AGM on Wed 18th October 2017 at 7pm