Name ______Date ______

Homework Sheet Week #4

“A Fox and a Kit”

SpellingAmazing Words: To Build Oral Vocabulary

  1. nap1. observe- When you observe something, you
  2. naps watch it.
  3. sit 2. wild- If something is wild, people do not care
  4. sits for or control it.
  5. win3. parent- A parent is a father or mother.
  6. wins4. solo- Solo means “alone.”
  7. fit 5. dangle- Dangle means “to swing.” When some
  8. fits thing is dangling it is swinging loosely from
  9. hit side to side.
  10. hits6. nape- The nape is the back part of the neck. 7. medicine- Medicine is a drug that helps you

feel better or makes you well.

8. poisonous- If something is poisonous, it can

cause sickness or death.

Bonus: her too

A Fox and a Kit

By: Leya Roberts

Illustrated by: Charles Santore

Genre: Nonfiction

Vocabulary: this, her, too, eat

Read the Words-1. This fox naps on the rocks.

  1. Her little kit sits up.
  2. The fox sits up too.
  3. The fox and kit will eat.

How does a mother fox take care of her kit?

This fox naps on the rocks. Her kit naps on the rocks too. The kit sits up. His mom sits up.

This man is fixing dinner. The kit will eat. His mom will eat. The kit is licking his lips. His mom is licking her lips. The kit is playing. His mom is playing. The kit nips and tags his mom.

The kit plays on the rocks. His mom will get him. She picks him up and takes him back. The fox will watch her kit. The kit will watch his mom. We like watching this kit and his mom too! We can watch lots of animals.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Who did the man fix dinner for?
  1. How is the kit’s game like a game that you might play?
  1. Do you think the fox takes good care of her kit? Why?
  1. What is A Fox and a Kit mostly about?

Read the completed Poem that follows (Frequently reread what has been written while tracking the print.)

Walking, crawling, fast and slow,

Babies all need a way to go.

Parents help babies, the wild and the tame.

They all like to go, whatever their name.

Independent Writing:

Write a poem: Have your child write their own poem about how baby animals move. Let them illustrate their writing.



hops licks

packs packing

taps picking

eat rocking

her sits

kicking this

naps too

Scoring: Score 1 point for each correct answer.

Inflected Ending -s (hops, packs, taps, naps, licks, sits)____ / 6

Inflected Ending -ing (kicking, packing, picking, rocking) ____/ 4

High-Frequency Words (eat, her, this, too) ____/ 4