Kathy Paauw ~ Productivity Consultant ~ Certified Professional Coach
~ 425-881-6627 ~

Class Assignment:
Your Business

Homework for Module 2

The suggested homework is designed to deepen your learning and support you in creating marketing materials that will help you to reach your goals and to show up and serve in a way that makes your heart sing.The more you put into this, the more you will get out of it.

Even if you have been in business for a long time and you already have a marketing plan, I encourage you to at least look at the materials provided and consider ways that you can enhance whatever marketing plan you have in place. Just one new idea that you implement can have a profound impact on your business.

If you are relatively new to our profession, the marketing tips shared in this module will speed up your learning curve and can shave off years of wasted time as you build your business.

If you did not get clear about your niche and who your choice client is in Module 1, please do so before continuing with the suggested homework assignments below.

  1. Identify what you enjoy doing that will become the cornerstone of your authentic promotion plan. Examples: teaching/speaking (workshops, webinars, keynotes), writing (blogs, books, articles), networking, event marketing (trade shows, etc.). Authentic Promotion Plan template provided:
  2. Authentic Promotion Plan (Word)
  3. Authentic Promotion Plan (PDF)
  4. Do you have a website that contains these elements? If not, an online presence is highly recommended, whether you work in person or virtually.
  • About
  • Services / Products
  • Testimonials
  • Contact
  • Assessments
  • Resources (Webinars, Free tips, Online resources (including affiliate links from other sites), Blog
  • Free offer that helps you build your list (lead capture page)
  1. How will youdrive traffic to your website so you can build your list and stay top-of-mind?
  • Submit articles or blogs to other websites for publication (with attribution to you)
  • Mentionresources available on your websiteduring your presentations
  • Print media – include web address
  • Provide web address on your voice message
  • Giveaways – include Web address
  • Email signature
  • Other?

Click here to learn about Content Upgrades…a very powerful way to build your list.

  1. Review theSPIN Sellingprocessand try it with a prospective client.
  2. Practice voice matching and identifying what type of learner someone is so you can “speak their language.” When you start paying attention to these things, it will become easier for you to quickly identify the clues so you can build rapport faster.
  3. Write some open-ended questions you can imagine yourself using with the wordswhat, who, how, where, when.Write some closed questions you can imagine yourself using with the wordsare, do, is, can, should, would, could, will, have.
  4. Use the formula “I _____ (feature) so you can _____ (benefit)” to identify ways that you can more effectively have conversations with your prospective clients.
  5. If you have already written some marketing materials, highlight or circle all the places in your copy where you use the word “I”. Now, go back and rewrite your copy to replace “I” with “You” wherever possible. If you do not have any written marketing copy, write your copy using the words YOU and YOUR as much as possible as you focus on the benefits.
  6. Before you pick up the phone to initiate or return a phone call, identify what you will say ahead of time by creating an outline or script. Fine tune this as you learn what works best.
  7. Review the Marketing Tips from Kendall SummerHawk, which contains some great sample language you can use for your marketing discussions. Find someone to practice this with.
  8. Review theCalendar Of Special Days For Professional Organizers,an excellent month-by-month calendar of events that lend themselves to great marketing campaigns. Calendar in any ideas you choose to implement.
  9. If you have an interest in learning more about Relationship Marketing, here are some resources:
  10. My freeRelationship Marketing webinar
  11. Free E-book: 7 Secrets to Fabulous Follow-up
  12. Check out theSendOutCards app here or contact Kathy if you’d like to test-drive sending two free cards with a sample account. Read Tips for Building Client Loyalty and Being Remembered

I’d love to hear your feedback about which of these assignments were most valuable to you and what you are learning. Please email me your comments at .

Additional Resources for Module 2 (Marketing)

  • Please visit click on the Client Login in the upper right. The User name is client and the password is organize. You will find an entire section of Marketing tips and tools there…lots of high value information if you want more than what is already here.
  • GREAT free information from marketing guru Robert Middleton: Get Robert Middleton's free Marketing Plan Workbook and sign up for his free More Clients eZine. Robert's expertise is in helping service professionals develop effective marketing plans. Both of these free tools helped me to take my business from fledgling to fantastic.
  • Powerful Marketing Tools: My Marketing Coach, Kendall SummerHawk, offers clear and practical ideas that turn marketing theory into practice. I attribute much of what I learned about marketing to Kendall.
  • Here are some excellent books:
  • Million Dollar Consulting, by Alan Weiss
  • Flawless Consulting, by Peter Block
  • 6 Steps to Free Publicity, by Marcia Yudkin