Match the entries below with a poet indicated on the Reading List for the English Poetry Course (AN-211)

[For example, The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer]

(Note: At the examination, you will be asked to match ten randomly selected entries from the list below and then to identify a quote from a poem indicated on the Reading List (name of the author, title.) Finally, you will be asked to discuss a poet / general topic of poetry.)

  1. "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
  2. "Mower" poems
  3. (alleged) lover of Anne Boleyn before her marriage to Henry VIII
  4. 154 sonnets
  5. 36 plays
  6. A Defence of Poetry
  7. A Hymn to God the Father
  8. A Red, Red Rose
  9. A Vision
  10. Abbey Theatre
  11. addicted to laudanum (opium dissolved in alcohol)
  12. Adonais
  13. ambassadorial missions frequently took him to France--once, in 1377
  14. America
  15. Amoretti
  16. An Anatomy of the World
  17. An Essay on Criticism
  18. An Essay on Man
  19. Anne Hathaway
  20. Anne More
  21. Anthem for Doomed Youth
  22. Areopagitica
  23. Arthur Hallam
  24. As a student at the RoyalAcademyAntiqueSchool (1845-47), he met William Holman Hunt and John Millais
  25. Ash Wednesday
  26. Assisitant Latin Secretary to Cromwell's government
  27. At the Hawk's Well
  28. Atalanta in Calydon
  29. Auguries of Innocence
  30. Bagpipe Music
  31. became a British subject in 1927
  32. became completely blind
  33. became secretary to the Council of State under Oliver Cromwell
  34. Bells and Pomegranates
  35. beloved sister, Dorothy
  36. Bermudas
  37. Biographia Literaria
  38. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
  39. born in St. Louis, Missouri
  40. born to a prominent Roman Catholic family but converted to Anglicanism
  41. Break, break, break
  42. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
  43. Christabel
  44. Christopher Marlowe
  45. City Without Walls
  46. combined the vocations of engraver, painter, and poet
  47. Composed upon WestminsterBridge
  48. crippled from his earliest years by a deformity of the spine (tubercolosis)
  49. Crossing the Bar
  50. Dante Alighieri's Vita Nuova
  51. dean of St. Paul's Cathedral
  52. death of his friend Walpole's cat
  53. Dejection: An Ode
  54. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
  55. died of tuberculosis in Rome
  56. Don Juan
  57. Dramatis Personae
  58. Dulce et Decorum Est
  59. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
  60. Endymion
  61. Epipsychidion
  62. Epistle to Miss Blount
  63. Epithalamion
  64. Europe
  65. Four Quartets
  66. friendship with Coleridge
  67. Frost at Midnight
  68. Futility
  69. Globe Theatre
  70. God's Grandeur
  71. Green Grow the Rushes
  72. Hamlet and His Problems
  73. Hap
  74. Harriet Westbrook
  75. he typified the romantic revolt and the cult of personal freedom
  76. he was apprenticed to a surgeon
  77. his engraved portrait by Martin Droeshout was the frontispiece for the First Folio
  78. his exile lasted until his death
  79. his father, John, was a glover and leather merchant
  80. his mother, Mary, was the daughter of Robert Arden of Wilmcote
  81. his tomb in Westminster Abbey was the first in what is now known as Poets' Corner
  82. Holy Willy's Prayer
  83. Homage to Clio
  84. Il Penseroso
  85. illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy
  86. illustrations for The Book of Job
  87. in 1386 he was elected representative to Parliament from Kent
  88. In Memoriam
  89. introduced (with Henry Howard, earl of Surrey) the sonnet form into English verse
  90. Irish myth and landscapes
  91. John Anderson, My Jo
  92. John Donne and Ben Jonson both seem to have affected his poetry
  93. joined the earl of Essex's military expedition to Spain and the Azores
  94. joined the Society of Jesus
  95. Kubla Khan
  96. La Belle Dame Sans Merci
  97. Lake District
  98. L'Allegro
  99. Leda and the Swan
  100. Legend of Good Women
  101. Like his older contemporary John Milton, he was educated at CambridgeUniversity
  102. Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey
  103. long expedition through the Middle East
  104. Los
  105. Lycidas
  106. Lyrical Ballads
  107. Manfred
  108. married Erica Mann, daughter of Thomas Mann
  109. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
  110. Men and Women
  111. military service in France in 1359
  112. Murder in the Cathedral
  113. Musée des Beaux Arts
  114. My Last Duchess
  115. Neutral Tones
  116. Nobel Prize for literature in 1948
  117. Nobel Prize for poetry (1923)
  118. Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes
  119. Ode to a Nightingale
  120. Ode to the West Wind
  121. Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
  122. Of the Progress of the Soul
  123. On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
  124. On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again
  125. On the Elgin Marbles
  126. one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelites
  127. Oxford Movement
  128. Ozymandias
  129. Paradise Lost
  130. Paradise Regained
  131. Pauline
  132. Pied Beauty
  133. Poems on Various Subjects
  134. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical
  135. poet laureate in 1843
  136. poet, painter, and designer
  137. Poetical Sketches
  138. Portrait of a Lady
  139. Prayer Befor Birth
  140. President of the Irish National Theatre Society
  141. proficient in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew
  142. Prometheus Unbound
  143. prose romance Arcadia
  144. Puritan member of Parliament who published political verse satires
  145. Queen Mab
  146. radio programs for the BBC
  147. Regius Professor of Modern History in Cambridge
  148. Renowned in his day as the English Renaissance courtier par excellence
  149. Sailing to Byzantium
  150. Sara Hutchinson
  151. Scriblerus Club
  152. secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton
  153. served as an ambulance driver in the Spanish Civil War
  154. served as member of Parliament for Hull
  155. She Walks in Beauty
  156. Siegfried Sassoon collected his Poems
  157. Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister
  158. Songs Before Sunrise
  159. Songs of Innocence and of Experience
  160. Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West
  161. sonnet sequence Astrophel and Stella
  162. sprung rhythm
  163. Stephen Gosson
  164. Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress
  165. subjects taken from Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur
  166. Sudden Light
  167. Sweeney among the Nightingales
  168. The Art of Sinking in Poetry
  169. The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church
  170. The Blessed Damozel
  171. The Book of the Duchess
  172. The Cenci
  173. The Cocktail Party
  174. The Darkling Thrush
  175. The Defence of Poesie (=Apologie for Poertie)
  176. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
  177. The Dunciad
  178. The Ecstasy
  179. The Eve of St. Agnes
  180. The Excursion
  181. The Faerie Queene
  182. The Fall of Hyperion
  183. The Family Reunion
  184. the first English essay of literary criticism
  185. The Flea
  186. The Four Zoas
  187. The Garden
  188. The Garden of Proserpine
  189. The Good-Morrow
  190. The House of Fame
  191. The House of Life
  192. The Indian Serenade
  193. The Lady of Shallott
  194. The Lamb
  195. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  196. The Lucy poems
  197. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
  198. The Mask of Anarchy
  199. the most outstanding of the Metaphysical Poets
  200. The Necessity of Atheism
  201. The New Dunciad
  202. The Parliament of Fowls
  203. The Progress of Poesy
  204. The Rape of Lucrece
  205. The Rape of the Lock
  206. The Rehearsal Transprosed
  207. The Reverie of Poor Susan
  208. The Revolt of Islam
  209. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  210. The Ring and the Book
  211. The Sacred Wood
  212. The Second Coming
  213. The Sermons
  214. The Shepheardes Calendar
  215. The Shield of Achilles
  216. The Sick Rose
  217. The Solitary Reaper
  218. The Strings Are False
  219. The Sunlight on the Garden
  220. The Tower
  221. The Tyger
  222. The WasteLand
  223. The Windhover
  224. The Winding Stair
  225. The World Is Too Much with Us
  226. The Wreck of the Deutschland
  227. Thomas Kyd
  228. To a Skylark
  229. To His Coy Mistress
  230. Tradition and the Individual Talent
  231. translated Homer in heroic couplets
  232. Troilus and Criseyde
  233. Twins, named Hamnet and Judith
  234. Under the Greenwood Tree
  235. university professor in Dublin
  236. Urizen
  237. Venus and Adonis
  238. Veue of the PresentState of Ireland
  239. Visions of the Daughters of Albion
  240. was expelled from OxfordUniversity
  241. was killed in World War I
  242. was twice imprisoned on suspicion of treason
  243. We Are Seven
  244. went to school in London before entering JesusCollege, Cambridge
  245. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
  246. When I Have Fears
  247. When We Two Parted
  248. When You Are Old
  249. with Southey, he planned to found a community in America ("Pantisocracy")
  250. wounded in a skirmish with the Spaniards at Zutphen and died three weeks later