Homework Chart for the Week of5-7-14

Practice reading and spelling the most frequently used words:write, number, could, people, my.

Practice reading the attached vocabulary for the story this week: How To Be a Nature Detective. Our focus skill for the week isMain Idea. Our focus strategy isRead Ahead.

Practice reading the decodable books: Flo Hippo and Let’s Go, These books will helpyour child practice the spelling patterns for the week (long o).

Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling: Write #1-10 spelling words and the bonus word three times each.
Math: Lesson 9.4 Worksheet—Use Think Central Website Animated Math Model Skill #40
Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling:Study the spelling words any way that you choose.
Math: Lesson 9.5
Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling: Write the spelling words in ABC order including the bonus word.
Gwynedd Square Spring Concert and Art Show 6:30
Come out and see the beautiful artwork displayed in the hallways and listen to a wonderful concert.
Parent Signature:
______/ Spelling: Practice test on the spelling paper sent home.
Math: Lesson 9.6-- Use Think Central Website Animated Math Model Skill #41

First Grade News: We are reading many non-fiction stories about animals and discussing the main idea and details. In math, we are having fun estimating and measuring the length of objects using nonstandard items (color tiles, paper clips, etc.). We will also begin to learn how to tell time to the hour and half hour on an analog and digital clock. The Mega Math games have been added for Chapter 9 onto the Think Central website so when you log on to the website click on Things To Doand you will find the games that can be played to match the lessons in Chapter 9. These are for your child to use for extra practice and fun. In addition, the Go Math Standards Practice book has been added when you click on My Library. This contains the pages that we send home for homework. If your child is absent or forgets the homework folder you can open this book and print the pages for your child’s homework.


  • Save the date for the Author’s Tea for your child’s classroom. All Author’s Teas will be held in the library from 2:45-3:30.

Mrs. Moyer--Thursday, June 5

Mrs. McCarthy--Wednesday, June 11

Mrs. Chiodo--Thursday, June 12

Mrs. Sell--Friday, June 13