Homework at Littleton Green


  • To provide a clear definition of the purpose and nature of homework at Littleton Green.
  • To identify our shared views of good practice.
  • To establish how homework will be organised and how we ensure progression across the school.
  • To identify the roles and responsibilities of those involved.
  • To make clear the ways in which we aim to ensure that the policy makes an important contribution to the quality of teaching and learning in the school.


At Littleton Green we view homework as being a supported or independent task undertaken outside of curriculum time which reinforces, extends or enriches current learning.


The purpose of homework at Littleton Green is to provide opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s learning. It enables children to practise and consolidate skills and aims to broaden the context of learning and provide enrichment and extension. Finally, it aims to enable children to take responsibility for their own learning, to become independent learners and to develop perseverance.

How can parents/guardians help?

  • Provide a quiet area where your child can work. It is helpful to switch off the TV to aid concentration.
  • Offer your help and support for younger children to complete tasks.
  • Expect older children to work independently, but make it clear that you are there if needed.
  • Encourage your child to complete homework on the day set, as the task will have just been explained.
  • If they leave it until the day before it is due in, they may find that they need resources that they do not have to hand. The setting of homework several days in advance enables children to develop skills in organising their time. Younger children will need your support in moving towards this.
  • Take an interest in the homework and encourage your child to take a pride in the presentation of written tasks. Work should be handwritten by your child in pencil or a suitable handwriting pen, unless directed otherwise by your child’s class teacher
  • Check your child’s Home School Diary regularly.

What should my child be doing?

At Littleton Green we have the following expectations…


Daily reading can be part of homework and it is recommended that all primary aged children should read either to an adult or on their own (if fluent readers) for at least 10-20 minutes a day. Being read to by an adult is a beneficial way to spend some of the time with children in early years. Children also benefit from being questioned on what they have read and what they understand. A set of question stems are in your child’s reading record to help you ask them relevant questions about their book.

Year Group / Reading materials
Nursery / Reception / Jolly Phonics letters, Key words, Simple stories, library books
Yr 1-2 / Oxford Reading Tree Book, Library Book
Non-fiction – newspapers, magazines, comics, timetables etc.
Yr3-4 / Oxford Reading Tree Book, Library Book
Non-fiction – newspapers, magazines, comics, timetables etc.
Yr 5-6 / Oxford Reading Tree Book, Library Book
Non-fiction – newspapers, magazines, comics, timetables etc.


Spellings are sent home weekly and children are tested weekly. Details of the words sent home for each year group are below:

Year Group / Words
Nursery / Reception / Nursery
  • Jolly phonics actions and words.
  • Four phonetic words.
  • Two common exception words from the National Curriculum (HFW).

Yr 1-2 /
  • Five National Curriculum statutory year1&2 words.

Yr3-4 /
  • Eight National Curriculum statutory year3&4 words.

Yr 5-6 /
  • Eight National Curriculum statutory year3&4 or 5&6 words.
  • Yr6 – one piece of personalised spelling homework.


Maths homework is sent out and checked weekly. We strongly recommend that children practice their times tables and number bonds daily. Details of activities for each year group are below:

Year Group / Homework
Nursery / Reception / Nursery
  • Practical maths activities e.g. number hunts, number songs/rhymes, comparing quantities etc…
  • Number recognition activities
  • Writing numbers.
  • Practical maths activities.

Yr 1-2 /
  • Number bonds, telling the time, using money.
  • Times tables x2, x3, x5, x10.

Yr3-4 /
  • Times tables x4, x6, x7, x8, x9, x11, x12.
  • Roman Numerals, solving time and money problems.

Yr 5-6 /
  • Times tables, multiples, factors, prime numbers, solving time and money problems.
  • Yr6 – one piece of personalised homework.