January 12, 2015. Call Notes

Home Visiting Conference Planning conference call


Sonya Satterlund, PGC Family Services; Natasha Peterson, Family Tree; Colleen Wilburn, Family Tree; Beth Huber, Sinai Hospital; YolandQuarty, Charles Co.; Nancy Vorobey, MSDE; Mary LaCasse, DHMH;Jenn Bistrack, GOC; Jean Mitchell, MFN; Nancy Gardner, MFN. Others who have been in contact with Jean: Donna Ponn, Rebecca Brunet, Theresa Booker, Kim Malat.

In contact after call: Barb Scherr

Funding for this conference is through MSDE Dept. of Special Education with MFN to facilitate the Maryland Home Visiting Consortium. One of the major deliverables is the Home Visitors Conference. The format of the conference is expected to be the same as in the past. The "Committee" helps with finding worship topics and presenters,and provides assistance on the day of the conference such as registration, and facilitation in conference sessions. The committee also helps gather door prizes, suggests workshop topics and speakers. Most tasks can be managed from members' offices. MFN manages the registration process and other logistical tasks.

No one volunteered to chair or co-chair the committee. The conference chair is responsible for managing introductions and the opening session. It is possible for two people to co-chair the committee.

Keynote planning:

Theresa Booker has some additional funding to pay for the keynote speaker. Goals for the conference are based on networking and support for home visitors. In the past, we sought a keynote that was energizing and had relevant content to share.


  • Mary LaCasse: "sharing a vision" discussion of trends that helps home visitors understand their place in a bigger picture, perhaps Anne Duggan discussing the importance of data collection and use; Child Abuse Prevention in MD connected to the role of home visiting.
  • Nancy Vorobey: Frank Kros (The UpsideDown Organization) on the effects of poverty on school readiness, social-emotional wellbeing, etc.

Workshop planning: We have a capacity for 250, including supervisors and administrators. The schedule provides opportunity for two choices during the day. Workshop sessions are generally about 90 minutes. There are no CEUs for this day although a certificate of attendance is provided and participants get stickers to identify the sessions they attended. Topics:

  • Mary LaCasse asked for a session to plan cross-model training for home visitors.
  • professional boundaries
  • mindfulness, (Sonya knows someone at UMd)
  • perinatal mood disorders (Beth at Sinai has a contact)
  • drugs, violence, parental mental health issues (Stephanie at Sinai has a contact).
  • statewide data collection and TA (Jennifer Bistrack -- would do AM or PM)
  • a panel of experienced home visitors answering questions of new(er) home visitors regarding lessons learned (create a list of general questions to start the panel off and give the panelists a context)
  • something about child development or early childhood mental health/ SEFEL?
  • anintroductionto trauma-informed care (staff in PGC are currently receiving some of this through Kay Connors; ask Dona Ponn to arrange)
  • time management
  • reflective supervision
  • engaging fathers (contact Big Brothers, Big Sisters; MFN possible lead (STRIDE -- Vernon used to work in FSC Network)

Since 1/12

  • new lead regulations and outreach

Should there be information tables at Conference?

Next steps:

The next call will be January 26, 2015 at 12Noon

Please send Jean an email to confirm your email address. Include additional ideas.

Registration will be set up through Survey Monkey.

Next call: Approve save the date notice.

Select Conference Chair