Rainier Middle School
“Home of the Mountain Lions”
PO Box 98
202 2nd St. West
Rainier, WA 98576
Phone: (360)-446-2206
FAX: (360)-446-7414
Web Site:
This handbook belongs to:
Principal: Bryon Bahr
Vice Principal: John Beckman
Athletic Director: JerradJeske
Instructional Facilitator: Kim Sackett
Counselor: PK Deuesen
Secretary/Registrar: Jill Coleman
Secretary: Helen Smith
Assisting students to reach their full potential
Preparing students for life- long learning
Producing active, contributing members to society
Providing high standards for achieving academic excellence
Student Name (Print):______
First Period Teacher:______
Our signatures below indicate that I have read the 2015-2016 Student/Parent Handbook
and reviewed it with my student. We are aware of the policies, procedures, and expectations
of Rainier Middle School and the Rainier School District contained in this handbook.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Student Name (Print):______
First Period Teacher:______
Our signatures below indicate that I have read the 2015-2016Student/Parent Handbook
and reviewed it with my student. We are aware of the policies, procedures, and expectations
of Rainier Middle School and the Rainier School District contained in this handbook.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Please sign and date the back section also, and return to your child’s 1st period teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office (360)-446-2206. If you have more than one child at RMS, each child will be required to return a copy with the signed agreement.
Rainier School District Network and Information Systems Use
As outlined in Rainier School District Board Policy No. 2022 regarding digital network usage, prohibited practices include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
- Using obscene language, including hate mail, cyber-bullying, harassment or discriminatory remarks
- Using network resources for illegal activity, including gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities
- Attempting to damage equipment or harm data on any network, including creating, uploading or propagating viruses or other malware
- Violating copyright and other intellectual property laws
When accessing the Rainier School District network, please remember:
- Access is provided for educational/professional purposes only
- No student or staff user should have any expectation of privacy when using the district's network.
- The district reserves the right to disclose any electronic message to law enforcement officials or third parties as appropriate. All documents are subject to the public records disclosure laws of the State of Washington.
- Account IDs and passwords are to be used by the account owner only. The account holder may be held responsible for all account activity.
- Students shall not provide personal information such as addresses or telephone numbers over the system or utilize social networking tools without explicit teacher permission and oversight.
- Use resources efficiently: only print as much (or as little) as is absolutely necessary for educational purposes.
- Treat district equipment (and the privilege of its use) with respect
- If you need help or run into something unexpected, please ask for assistance.
- Don’t forget to log off!
Rainier Middle School student email accounts
- All student Electronic Mail (email) accounts are property of the Rainier School District. The user accepts all responsibility to understand these guidelines and the existing network use policy.
- Students are recommended to check their school email regularly.
- The primary purpose of the Google Apps for Education service is for students to communicate with school staff and classmates, utilize resources related to school assignments, and collaborate with fellow students on school activities.
- Account user names and passwords can be provided to parents so those parents can monitor the account and communicate with teachers. If a parent wishes to take advantage of this, please contact the Rainier Middle School office.
- Use of Google Apps for Education services will align with the school's code of conduct and the code will be used as needed for discipline purposes. Communication through this service will exhibit common sense and civility. Students are responsible for messages sent from their accounts. Students should not share their passwords.
- Messages via the district email cannot cause disruption to the school environment or normal and acceptable school operations. Occasional and reasonable personal use of the district's email is permitted, providing that this does not interfere with the performance of the electronic mail system or disrupt the operation of the schools.
- Students will report any unusual activities such as "spam" communications, obscene email, attempts by adults to lure them into dangerous behaviors, and the like to the school's technology contact for action. Students should not forward chain letters or jokes.
- Students will not identify their home telephone numbers or home addresses in any email correspondence.
- Electronic mail sent or received within the Rainier School District system is not confidential (see above).
- Administration reserves the right to retrieve the contents of user mailboxes for legitimate reasons, such as to find lost messages, to conduct internal investigations, to comply with investigations of wrongful acts or to recover from system failure.
- When issues arise, the school administration will deal directly with the student and/or parents/guardians. Improper use of the system will result in discipline and possible revocation of the student email account. Illegal activities on the system will be referred to law enforcement authorities for appropriate legal action. The account may be revoked if used inappropriately.
- Again, it is very important that students keep his/her username and password private and do not share either with other students.The assigned user name is graduation year followed by last name followed by first (Example: ). User names cannot be changed.
- Because Google Apps services are web based, students and parents can also access student e-mail accounts from home and public library computers.
- Any user who violates these guidelines may be denied network access, depending on the severity of the infraction. School, district and/or legal sanctions may be imposed over and above any revocation of network access.
Any user who violates these guidelines may be denied network access, depending on the severity of the infraction. School, district and/or legal sanctions may be imposed over and above any revocation of network access.
“I have reviewed the computer use policy and agree to abide by the stated rules.”
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Return this signed form to your 1st period teacher by Sept. 14th, 2015.
(Recommended form of communication with teachers)
Vice Principal John
Athletic Director
Instructional FacilitatorKim
CounselorPK Deusen
SueAngela Anderson
PE Lock (required) -$6.50
Art Class Fee -$10.00
Planner (to replace) - $5.00
ASB card (optional) -$25.00
- All students will be graded on an A, B, C, D, and F system, or in accordance with individualized plans.
- Parents may access student’s progress through ouron-line gradingsystem on the district or school website: . Contact the office for your access code.
- Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled in November and March of the academic year; look for information coming home with your student.
- Report cards for second and fourth quarters will be mailed home.
There are basically four types of assemblies: spirit, entertainment, awards/recognition, and information. Students’ conduct at each of these assemblies is somewhat different, and the key is to fit actions to the type of the assembly that is being presented.
- Each student is responsible for appropriate behavior to fit the occasion and plays an important role in making our assemblies an enjoyable experience for everyone.
- Whistling, booing or yelling is not acceptable.
- Always enter with your class and sit with them until dismissed at the end of the program.
- Students may be removed if their behavior is inappropriate, and will not be allowed to attend the next assembly.
ASB Elections and Officers are governed by the rules and regulations laid out in the Rainier Middle School Constitution. ASB officers approve school fundraisers, sponsor school dances as well as events and assemblies, and make decisions to improve the character and appearance of the school. Any activity or club that receives financial support from ASB funds will be required to have participants purchase an ASB card.
- All ASB officers must maintain a 2.5 GPA and display appropriate behavior.
- ASB cards for the 2015-2016 school year are $25.00.
- All school and district rules apply at any school related activity.
- A student leaving an activity early will not be allowed to re-enter.
- Misbehavior at any activities will result in school discipline and loss of activity attendance privileges.
School sanctioned athletics are available for 7th and 8th grade students only.
- Students must obtain and complete an eligibility packet (Athletic Handbook) from the office prior to the start of a sports season.
- All students are required to have health insurance to participate in after school athletics. Insurance forms are available in the office for those students who do not presently have coverage.
- Students participating in these activities are to purchase an ASB card and follow all school rules while participating.
- Students who are excused from PE for medical reasons by a physician or parent are not allowed to participate in athletic practices or competitions for that day or time period.
- Be in attendance and attending classes for the entire day in order to practice or participate. Only exceptions are those made with either the prior approval of the Principal or Athletic Director, or the student can excuse the absence with a doctor’s note.
Athletic Seasons
Fall: Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Football, Boys and Girls Cross Country
Winter: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling
Spring: Boys and Girls Track
Attending school every day and on time is an important part of being a successful student. In accordance with Washington State Law, all students are expected to attend all assigned classes daily.
- Only illness, medical appointments, religious observance, and certain family emergencies can be considered excused absences or tardies.
- All other absences and late arrivals are considered unexcused by law, including oversleeping, missing the bus, needing to babysit, etc.
- Students must be in attendance at least three periodsin order to attend school activity/event, i.e.; athletic games, dances, field trips, music concerts, etc.
- Tardies: It is important that you are in class, ready to learn when class begins. Chronic offenders will be referred to an administrator.
The school may issue disciplinary action for unexcused absences/tardies in an effort to correct attendance problems and strongly encourage the student to attend classes as scheduled.
Absence from school: All absences must be excused by your parent/guardian. Parents are required to call the attendance office (360-446-2206)within 24 hoursto verify or excuse any absence. Students may also bring a written note to the Student Office on return to school. Notes must include your full name, dates absent, reason for absence and the signature of your parent/guardian.
- Homework must be made up and turned in within the number of days equal to excused absences.
- Participation points for classroom work may be made up at teacher discretion as outlined in the class syllabus.
- Students absent from class without permission (i.e., unexcused or truant) will be required to make up work in order to remain current in the class, but may not receive credit for that work, as outlined in class syllabus.
- After 10 absences due to illness/medical appointments in a semester, we will require a doctor’s note in order to excuse the absence.
- Parents/guardians of students who exceed 20excused absences in a semester will be notified by our BECCA Specialist to verify the excessive excused absences.
Early Dismissal: If you need to leave school early, you must bring a note that includes your full name, the date and reason for the early dismissal and the phone number and signature of your parent/guardian. Students are not permitted to leave school grounds
at any time without permission from the Student Office.
- Early dismissal notes should be submitted to the Student Office before school.
- You must sign out from the Student Office before leaving the building.
- Check in at the Student Office upon return to school for a pass to class.
Late Arrival to School: You must bring a note with your full name, date, reason for lateness, and the signature of your parent/guardian for the tardy to be excused.
- If you arrive to school after 8:25, report directly to the Student Office for a pass.
Reminder that oversleeping, missing the bus, traffic, etc. are not considered excused.
Pre-arranged Absences: Please notify teachers at least one week in advance, when possible.
In the event of a family need or emergency that will require a student to miss 2 or more days of school, parents must obtain and fill out a pre-arranged absence form from the office. This notifies the attendance secretary and provides arrangements for missed homework during the planned absence.
- Homework pre-assigned in this manner is due when the student returns.
- Other assignments missed must be made up and turned in within the number of days equal to the absence.
- Participation points for classroom work may be made up at teacher discretion as outlined in the class syllabus.
Make-up Work: After being tardy or absent from a class, YOU must take responsibility to ask your teachers what work you have missed.
- Only after being absent more than two consecutive days, may your parent/guardian call the Student Office to request assignments and arrange pick-up.
- 24 hour notice is needed to fill homework requests.
Students with excused absences can complete make-up work and will receive credit for the make-up work submitted to their teacher.
- You may ride your bike to and from school.
- Upon arriving at school, bikes must be parked in the bike rack and locked.
- Rainier School District is not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes or boards.
- Skateboards, longboards, scooters, roller blades and roller skates are not to be ridden on school campus. If caught riding on campus, they will be confiscated.
- Ifbrought to school they are to be put away.
All school rules and regulations apply to bus conduct.
- School bus drivers have the authority to discipline students for misconduct related to school district rules.
- Misconduct may result in suspension of the bus riding privileges.
- School rules apply at the bus stop, at school events, functions or activities requiring transportation on school vehicles.
- Students are not allowed to ride a bus, other than their own, without a bus pass.
- Bus passes are issued in the office from a note including: parent/guardian signature; name of student they are to go home with; and date.
Breakfast and lunch is served daily in the cafeteria. Free and reduced forms are made available before school starts. You may pick up a form in the office at any time. Money may be deposited into an established prepaid account before school each day. Students will not be able to charge more than one lunch on their account.
- All food must be consumed in the cafeteria. Please do not send high sugar/caffeinated beverages to school for your child, these items do not meet nutritional “healthy choice” guidelines.
- Students are responsible for clearing their garbage after eating/drinking in the cafeteria.
- During lunches, students must remain in the cafeteria, and/or outside courtyard.
Students are not allowed to be in the hallways, or in any of the restricted areas outlined in this document.
- Failure to follow directions will result in disciplinary action.
RMS is a closed campus.
- Studentsmay not leave the school grounds without parent permission once you have arrived (even before first period) or before school dismissal.
- Student guests/visitors from other schools or communities are not permitted during the school day or at extra-curricular school events with the exception of athletic events.
- Students may not enter campus grounds when absent or suspended from school.
RMS has a PC computer lab available for classroom instruction. Thislab is only used under the supervision of an adult. Computer use is also permitted within individual classrooms with teacher supervision. Misuse, illegal use and/or hacking of technology, computer equipment and/or software are prohibited.
- Parent permission is required for computer use as well as Internet access.
- The Parent Permission form at the front of this planner must be signed and returned to the office.
- If parents do not wish their student to use the Internet at school, they need to indicate this on the permission form.
A counselor is available by appointment, to help you with concerns that impact your education. Sign-up sheet for the counselor will be available in the main office through the secretary.