Democratic elections

A recent election in Iran sparked protests with some people saying the process wasn’t fair and the results were rigged. So what makes an election fair?

Focus Questions

  1. What happened in the recent Iranian election?
  2. Why were some people protesting?
  3. Why are elections an important part of democracy?
  4. Why is it important for elections to be conducted fairly?
  5. Give an example of how elections can sometimes be unfair or rigged.
  6. What processes help ensure that elections in Australia are fair?
  7. Why do you think a secret ballot is an important part of the election process?
  8. Describe the role of a scrutineer.
  9. Do you think it’s important for young people to understand the election process? Why or why not?
  10. What do you now know about the election process that you didn’t know before watching the BtN story?

What makes an election fair?

Students will be investigating how elections are conducted in Australia and what makes them fair. Ask students to record what they think the following key words mean and how they help ensure the election process remains fair:

·  Preferential voting

·  Compulsory voting

·  Ballot paper

·  Secret ballot

·  Scrutineer

·  Democracy

·  Represent

Students can then check their definitions using a web or print resource. There are some web links at the end of this activity to support students. Students will then examine an aspect of elections – the secret ballot. Ask students to decide on a classroom, school or community issue that they can vote on. Students first vote with a show of hands and then use the secret ballot system. Ask students to reflect on the results:

·  Were there differences in the outcome of the votes?

·  What are the possible reasons for people voting in a different way?

·  How could the secret ballot system impact on the way people vote in an election?

Ask students to share their responses in small groups and use either a plus, minus and interesting or SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats) chart to display the information.

Further investigation

Hold a class or small group discussion using the following questions as discussion starters: Do you believe that another country should interfere with their election processes? Should all elections be monitored by a United Nations body?

Research and present the different stages in the election process.

Develop an argument for or against the following statement: Voting in Australia is compulsory.

8 Related Research Links

ABC News - US questions Ahmadinejad's election win

ABC News - Tweeting from Tehran: social media and the Iranian election

ABC News – Iran blocks foreign coverage of election protests: media

Australian Electoral Commission – Democracy Rules: Teacher information

Parliamentary Education Office – Information about elections

BBC Country profile – Iran

© ABC 2009