April 12, 2017 ** le 12avril 2017
Oral Health
Why Doesn't Our Health-Care System Cover Dental?
Huffington Post Canada • April 7th, 2017
April is oral health month in Canada. Ads remind us to book an appointment with our dentist for a regular dental exam and to get our teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist. But...
U of S College of Dentistry offers free clinic for those in need
thestarphoenix.com • April 10th, 2017
36 per cent of Nova Scotia children have cavities by age 6: report
Global News Canada • April 5th, 2017
the age of six due in part to a lack of proper dental care and early checkups. Story co...ntinues below The study on oral health by Nova Scotia’s dentists also says that there are currently 500 childr...
U of A dental students work to remove oral health barriers at Sharing Smiles Day
Global News Canada • April 8th, 2017
Students in the University of Alberta's Dentistry and Dental Hygiene programs have come up with a unique way to build relationships and foster trust wit...
Ask an Expert: Oral health month
Global News Canada • April 2nd, 2017
Sun, Apr 2: April is Oral Health Month. This week in ‘Ask an Expert’, Dentist Dr. Bruce Ward from the B.C. Dental Association shares tips on preventing enamel erosion and answers viewer questions.
April is Oral Health Month: Need a Source?
Canada NewsWire • April 3rd, 2017
/CNW/ - Just in time for Oral Health Month, Crest and Oral-B are highlighting to Canadians how the food they eat can have a surprising impact on their oral health. While there has been a greater...
Dental clinic goes kid-friendly on Fridays
University of Manitoba • April 5th, 2017
teeth have to stay healthy so you can eat.” Introducing children to oral care and making sure cavities or other problems are treated promptly is routine ...
Supporting dental health through music
Vernon Morning Star • April 5th, 2017
ilent auction takes place Saturday and is hosted by the non-profit Community Dental Access Centre (CDAC), and featuring Vernon musicians, including bluesman She...
Dental Plans Meet with Members of Congress to Encourage Consumer Access and Incentives to Dental Benefits
Canadian Business Journal • April 6th, 2017
) – National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) members will urge Congressi...onal leaders to improve consumers’ dental benefit options through continued tax incentives on employer...-sponsored plans and expanded options for pediatric dental coverage in......
Oshawa woman's million dollar smile made possible by $25,000 in free dental work
DurhamRegion.com • April 7th, 2017
Local dentists Sheri Margolian, Mark Bishara offer free dental days, annual smile makeover DURHAM — For years, Allison Bunt was self-cons...
Student tooth decay high
Trenton Trentonian • April 7th, 2017
ecommended by dentists. Ontario’s average is 70 per cent. Brown said oral health is part of Ontario’s curriculum for students in Grades 2 and 3. Board mem...
Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition eyes low-income dental program
Yukon News • April 7th, 2017
the ground.” YAPC will be working with the community and the Yukon Dental Association in order to develop the framework. “We don’t actually know what...
Dental Day YXE provides ‘immeasurable impact’ to those in need
Global News Canada • April 8th, 2017
; Dental Day YXE event at the University of Saskatchewan College of Dentistry provides a "immeasurable impact" to 200 people in need. Brice Perkins / Global News The Saskatchewan dental community rallied...
Bedford Public School students learn how to take care of their teeth
Stratford Beacon Herald • April 7th, 2017
at their school. Dr. Susan Lipa and Amy Springer, a dentist and dental assistant, respectively,... from the Avon Dental Office hosted the educational program at Bedford Public Sch...ool. The annual event, hosted by the Stratford and District Dental Society......
CNC Set to Host Free Dental Day
250News • April 6th, 2017
e Heart day. The College is partnering with the Northern British Columbia Dental Hygiene Society on the initiative for a day set aside for registered hygieni...
Dental students seek donations, pledges
Sudbury Star • April 2nd, 2017
Cambrian College’s dental hygiene and dental assisting students are working to improve oral health awareness and outcomes in Greater Sudbury through their annual Walk for a Smile on Friday, from 4-6 p.m...
Keeping your child’s smile great for life
Daily Herald Tribune • March 30th, 2017
Despite improvements in oral health, dental cavities continue to be a common problem in childhood. To maintain those beautiful smiles, adults need to provide oral health care for their infants and young children and help brush...
Health unit telling people to brush their teeth
My Prescott Now • April 5th, 2017
ys we sometimes overlook the importance of our mouth. Certified Dental Assistant Bronwyn Mcfarlane says it’s important to treat oral diseases and s...
Home Insurance / Assurance Habitation
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DISCLAIMER: Articles and advertisements, as well as their claims, do not necessarily represent the viewpoints/opinions of the Canadian Dental Assistants Association (CDAA). The CDAA is not responsible for grammatical errors, misspelled words, unclear syntax or errors in translations, in original sources. AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ: Les articles et annonces, ainsiqueleursrevendications, ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue / opinions de l'Associationcanadienne des assistant(e)s dentaires (ACAD). L’ACAD n'est pas responsable des erreursgrammaticales, des mots mal orthographiés, de la syntaxeimpréciseou des erreursdans les traductions, dans les sources originales.
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