27th April 2016 7.00pm


Executive Committee:

Maria / Melanie / Rosanna / Nikki

In attendance:

Georgia (Principal) / Khalida / Kerry / Suzane
Gabby / Naomi / Rhonda / Diane Peacock-Smith (Learning Links)
Jenny V (teacher)

1.  Welcome and Opening

This meeting was called as a result of complaints from some parents who used the Out of School Hours care provided to McCallums Hill PS by Learning Links.

2.  Apologies Susana G, Megan M

3.  Correspondence

•  Susana G

•  Megan M

Emails from both these parents were sent to G Constanti and tabled at the meeting as they could not be present due to other commitments. Both emails outline the issues they had regarding the OOSH care provided for their children.

4.  Diane Peacock-Smith, the General Manager-Operations of Learning Links addressed individual questions and concerns by parents. There was lengthy discussion on the competence of the current coordinator and parents were informed that Learning Links are already in the process of addressing these concerns by putting in place positive performance and professional development strategies for staff.

The following points were also discussed:

-  The Coordinator who is currently employed on a full-time 38hr/wk basis cannot be onsite all the time as she is required to undertake administrative tasks at the office. Nonetheless student/staff ratios are always maintained.

-  All staff have undergone WWC and Child Protection Training

-  Not all staff are qualified for inclusion support of children with special needs. Parents expressed a desire for staff who are better qualified and also requested that tailored plans are developed for each individual child with special needs

-  Some concerns were raised by Diane regarding pest control, electricity supply and access requirements which need further addressing by the school.

-  Parents requested that changes to casual staff be limited in order to minimise disruption. Parents also asked that training of staff be focused on the duty of care they have but also on empathy and compassion as this is allegedly lacking in current staff.

-  A suggestion was made to conduct surveys or ‘exit interviews’ to parents who withdraw their children from OOSH.

-  Diane circulated her contact details and urged parents who use the service to get in touch with her directly if they have any problems. Email: P: 85688200

-  A follow-up meeting has been planned for May 27 2016 to discuss which improvements have been made, particularly concerning the coordinator of the OOSH at MHPS.

NEXT MEETING: Friday 27th May 2016 @ 9am