Home FellowshipManual for the week ofAugust 12, 2018

(Based on Sermon by Rev Twum Barimah)


Scripture Text: Isaiah 12:3


Chuck Swindol said that “there are two kinds of people in this world- people who choose joy and people who do not choose joy”. It is pretty difficult to defeat a happy person. Happy people are resilient and sickness and diseases have a hard time finding them. Frustration bounces off them like a ball hitting a wall. Likewise, an unhappy person attracts sickness and diseases like bread absorbs water.

Points of Discussion

John 4:11

The analogy of drawing water from a well was used to demonstrate what Joy does for us.

In the well there is salvation- which means there is healing, deliverance from sin and poverty, victory, prosperity, health and welfare and every blessing God has for us.

How can we access these blessings?

With joy we will draw salvation from the well- Joy is the Rope and the Bucket we need to draw our blessings from the well.

The well that contains the blessings is deep, therefore we need something to access it. In Psalm 42:7 we see “deep calls into deep”. Joy is deep within us and it is the tool we use to access salvation.

Proverbs 17:22- “A merry heart does good like medicine….”

Acts 16: 24-25- Paul and Silas did not have a pity party- they praised the Lord and obtained their deliverance

Ps 68:1-4-& Ps 34 Happiness is a great weapon to use against your enemies in the battle of life

Things you need to know

Depression lowers your defenses and allows every imaginable negative thing to happen in your life

God works all things for our good- Rome 8:28

If you don’t have joy, you won’t be able to stand when challenges come

The theme of the book of Philippians is rejoice - Paul was in jail, but found the secret to happiness- Jesus

Joy produces medicine- Joy in your heart = health in your body

Sometimes we invite sickness into our lives

Jesus is the solution- He has come so we can have abundant life

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and holds the key for us to draw from the well of salvation

Money does not make us happy

If you want to carry the presence of the Lord you must be happy

Things we need to do

Choose joy! Be happy whether you have or don’t have

Use the blood of Jesus to flush out anything toxin from your system

Ask the Lord to lift the spirit of gloom from your life


In Psalm 103, we see that Jesus has made salvation available to us, we have forgiveness of our sins, healing of our diseases, the redemption of our lives from destruction. We are crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies and our mouths are satisfied with good things. Our youth is renewed like the eagles! The month of August is the month of Joy. In Psalm 119:164-165 the Psalmist committed to praising the Lord seven times a week. Let us commit to praise the Lord continually and watch what He will do for us!