Prof. Nayef Ali Q. Al-Joulan
Department of English Language and Literature
Al Al-Bayt University
Mafraq, JORDAN
Tel.: (+ 00962 2) 6232 219 ext. 2146 or 2175
Mobile: (+ 00962 7) 77 419601
Personal Details: المعلومات الشخصية
Marital Status: Married with four children
Nationality: Jordanian
Place and date of birth:Amman, 4 August, 1971
Academic Qualifications:الشهادات العلمية
Ph.D. English Literature (Modern Poetry)الدكتوراة
Glasgow University. Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Thesis: “Essenced to Language”: The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg”
MA English Literature and Criticism (Excellent)الماجستير
Yarmouk University. Jordan
Thesis: “The Image of the Hero in the English Poetry of the Great War”
BA English Language and Literature (Very Good)البكالوريوس
Yarmouk University. Jordan
GSCE. General Secondary Certificate Examinationالثانوية العامة
(GPA: 91.2%; number 7 of the top 10 students in JORDAN)
Ministry of Education. Jordan
Areas of Expertiseالخبرات والاهتمامات البحثية
LiteraryTheory;FeminismandDeconstruction(Gyno-construction) CognitiveEkphrasis(PoetryandPainting)
Arab American Literature; Diana Abu-Jaber;AhdafSoueifn
Emily Dickinson
Professional Experienceالخبرات العملية
9 Sept., 2013-Now
Dean for Academic Researchعميد البحث العلمي
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
9 Sept., 2013-Now
Editor-in-chief, Al-Manarah Journal رئيس هيئة التحرير
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
1 Sept., 2012-Now
Assistant President for International Affairs: مساعد الرئيس للشؤون الدولية
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
1 Sept., 2012-Now
Member of the Editorial Board:عضو هيئة التحرير
Al-Manarah Journal
Deanship of Scientific Research,
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
8 Sept.,2011-10 January, 2011 (Sabbatical leave)
Professor: استاذ دكتور
Department of English Language and Literature
Delmon University,Manama, Bahrain
11July, 2011-Now
Professor: استاذ دكتور
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
Member of the Editorial Board:عضو هيئة التحرير
Studies in Language and Literature
ISSN1923-1555 [Print]; ISSN1923-1563 [Online]
Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture,Montreal, Canada
January 2008 –January 2010
Member of the Editorial Board:عضو هيئة التحرير
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature
Deanship of Graduate Studies,
Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
August 2006 - 2010
Member of the Board of Trustees:عضو مجلس الامناء
Amman Private University, Amman, Jordan
Sept. 2006- 2007
Elected Member of the University Council: عضو مجلس الجامعة
University of Al Al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan
July 2006 –July 2011
Associate Professor: استاذ مشارك
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
1 July – 12Aug. 2003
Visiting Scholar: استاذ زائر
Department of English
Northern Illinois University, Chicago, USA
17 Sept. 2000- June 2006
Assistant Professor: استاذ مساعد
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
March 2000-January 2004
Chairman: رئيس قسم
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
8 Nov. 1999-16 Sept. 2000
Lecturer in English: محاضر متفرغ
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Al Al-Bayt,Mafraq, Jordan
Teacher of English:مدرس
Ministryof Education.
Lecturer in English:محاضر غير متفرغ
Mafraq Private College, Jordan
Teaching Assistant: مساعد بحث و تدريس Department of English,
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Research and Publications:البحث العلمي و النشر
Theses:الرسائل العلمية
1. “‘Essenced to Language’: The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg,” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1999.
2. “The Image of the Hero in the English Poetry of the Great War,” Masters Thesis, Yarmouk University, 1996.
1.'Essenced to Language': The Margins of Isaac Rosenberg.Oxford:Peter Lang, 2007.
2. Gynoconstruction; Feminist Literary Criticism: Theory and Practice. Amman: Juhaina, 2007.
3. Cognitive Ekphrasis and Painting in Words: Theory and Application. Amman: Aila and Zahran, 2008)
Published refereed journal articles: الابحاث العلمية المحكمة
- "Religious or Secular: Political Christianity in Renaissance Drama." Submitted to Interactions, Turkey (2013)
- “Dis/Continuities: Natural and Artistic Landscape/Seascape in T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” and S.T. Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”,”Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 7, no. 2 (2011): 265-271.
- "'incurable sores on innocent tongues': The Language of Pain in World War I Poetry," accepted in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada,vol. 7, no. 2 (2011): 109-115.
- “The Criticism of Evasion: the Non-literary Margins in T. S. Eliot’s Early Criticism,” Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 5 (2010): 16-25.
- "Prosopopoeia as a Cognitive Ekphrastic Activity: A Case from Eighteenth-Century Graveyard Poetry,"Canadian Social Science, Canada,vol. 6, no. 4 (2010): 20-27.
- "Aesthetic Dying: The Arab's Heroic Encounter with Death,” Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 6 (2010): 31-44.
- "'ut pictura poesis' and Aesthetic Kinship: A Case from Modern Arabic Prose," Studies in Literature and Language, ISSN 1923-1555 [Print], ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], vol.1, no 5(2010): 1-16.
- "Ekphrasis Revisited: The Cognitive Essence of 'et picture poesis'," accepted in Studies in Literature and Language, ISSN 1923-1555 [Print], ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], vol.1, no 7(2010): 39-54.
- “Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz: Arab American Feminism and Literature,” Mosaic, vol. 43, no. 4 (2010), Canada.
- “Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz: The Orphic Vision of Arab American Identity and Literature,” Neophilologus, vol. 94: 637–652 (2010), Netherlands.
- “Islam in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery,” published in Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 2 (2010): 29-39.
- “Feminist Politics of Location: Staging Sexuality and Violence in the Drama of Griselda Gambaro,”Canadian Social Science, Canada, vol. 6, no. 3 (2010): 114-124.
- “Contending Heterotopic Artistic Space and Spatial/Stretched Time in T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’,” Miscelanea, Spain, vol. 42 (Nov. 2010): 13-32.
- “Below the level of the visible: The Mathematics and Physics of Space in Jane Smiley’s A Thousand Acres,” Cross-cultural Communication, Canada, vol. 6, no. 3 (2010): 83-96.
- “Heterotopological Space in Emily Dickinson’s Poem 632 ‘The Brain—is wider than the sky—‘,” Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 2 (Fall 2009): 1-14.
- “Content is in the Character: Critique of Arab and American Cultures in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz,” Interactions, Turkey, vol. 18, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 19-30.
- “The Poet’s Elegy of the Self across Arabic and English Poetry: A Case Study of John Keats and Malik Ibn Ar-Rayb,” Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 4 (2007): 9-41, Al Al-Bayt University.
- “The Stylistics of Repetition: Gender and Class in Nawal El-Saadawi’s God Dies by the Nile,” Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 4 (2007): 71-88, Al Al-Bayt University.
- “Walking Against the Usual Traffic: A Feminist Reading of Sexual Textuality in John Updike’s A and P,” Al-Manarah, vol. 13, no. 5 (2007): 9-33, Al Al-Bayt University.
- “Gynoconstruction; A Gyno-Space and a Gyno-Center of Her Own: Re-Viewing the Deconstructive Essence of Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism,” Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Yarmouk University Journal for Research and Studies, volume 24, no. 1 (2006): 37-90.Yarmouk University, Jordan.
- “Poetic Truth or Historical Truth; Dramatist or Historian: Shakespeare’s King Henry V History Plays,” (Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. 11, no. 2 (2005): 163-206.
- “The Cognitive Essence of Ekphrasis and Literary Pictorialism: A Theory Encountered,” Journal of Arts and Human Sciences, Minia University, Egypt, Vol. 52 (April 2004): 1-48.
- “A Portrait of the Historian as Artist: The Fusion of Painting and History in the Prose Narratives of Hind Abu-Sha’ar,” Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. X, no. 3 (2004): 21-56.
- “The Influence of Paining on the Language of Isaac Rosenberg's Poetry,” Al-Manarah, Al Al-Bayt University, vol. VIII, no. 2 (2002): 27-48.
Media/Journalism (Arabic)المقالات الصحفية
- "دولة الحنكة و المناكفة و معالي الحكمة و التصالح: مشهدان أردنيان": و
- "فضيحتان في الميزان: الإعلام الأردني و سياسة كشف المستور": و
- "عشيرة-فوبيا: الحقيقة الزائفة والأسباب الغائبة عن العنف في الجامعات الأردنية": و
- "آه ... آه ... وا كرامتاه":
In Progress:قيد الاعداد
Books: الكتب
1. Feminist Criticism: A Theory Practiced (new revised edition of a previous monograph)
2. Studies in Ekphrasis and Spatial Theory (new revised and extended edition of a previous monograph)
3. Orphic Hybridity in Arab American Literature: Diana Abu-Jaber.
4. Aesthetic Dying: Poetic treatment of death in Elegiac Verse and War Poetry
5. Studies in T. S. Eliot's Poetry and Criticism (editor and main contributor)
Journal articles:الابحاث العلمية
- “Masters of Blindness: A Study of John Milton in the Light of the Classical Blind Arab Poets.”
- “Literary Theory: An Islamic Perspective.”
- “The Image of the Grave across Arabic and English Poetry.”
- “Fauna in the Poetry of Marianne Moore and Elizabeth Bishop.”
Undergraduate Teaching: التدريس
Courses Taught:مساقات البكالوريوس
Introduction to Literature
Writing III: writing about literature
English Literature
The Short Story
Modern Poetry
The Novel
World and Comparative Literature
Literary Theory
Poetry from Romanticism to the Present (Yarmouk University)
Graduation Project: I taught the course a few times.I also supervised more than sixty graduation projects and examined about one hundred and twenty.
Earlier in my career in the university I taught the following courses:
Grammar I
Writing I (Paragraph)
Writing II (Essay)
Writing III(Writing about Literature)
Postgraduate:مناقشة رسائل الدراسات العليا
I served as an external examiner for the following MA theses at Yarmouk University:
“F. S. Fitzgerald’s Mythopoeic Implications as a Transitional Stage between American Literary Tradition and the Modernist Movement”. Unpublished MA thesis. Yarmouk University. 2002. (Supervisor: Dr. Ibrahim Dawood).
“The Village as Mise-en-Scene in Irish Drama”. Unpublished MA thesis. Yarmouk University. 2008. (Supervisor: Prof. M. Al-Shra'ah).
I also served as an external examiner for the following PhDdissertation at the University of Aleppo, Syria:
"The Romanticism of S. T. Coleridge and Elias Abou Chabke: A Comparative Study." Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Aleppo, 2010 (Supervisor: Dr. Munzer Absi).
- Member of the Organizing Committee. "National Conference on Undergraduate Students' Creative Output" to be held at Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan. May 2014.
- Ministry of Higher Education and Academic Research/Academic Research Fund. September 2014.
- TIES International Conference, organized by the University of Alicante, Spain, the coordinator of TIES, and Philadelphia University, Jordan. Held at the Regency Palace Hotel in Amman on Monday, April 29, 2013.
- Member of the Organizing Committee. Second International Conference. "Arabic Literature and the Literature of the Islamic Societies: Aspects of Stylistic and Topical Interrelatedness". Organized by the Centre for the Studies of the Islamic World. Al Al-Bayt University and the World Islamic Literature Association. Held at Al-Bayt University, Jordan. 23-24 April, 2013.
- The Fifteenth International Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and Translation, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 2000.
- The Faculty of Arts & Humanities First Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2001.
- "The Short Story in Jordan," a conference held at Al al-Baty Univ., April 2001
- The Faculty of Arts & Humanities Second Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2002.
- The Faculty of Arts & Humanities Third Conference. Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Al al-Bayt University, 2003.
- Organizing and Academic committees. The Second International Jordanian Francophone Conference on "The International Critical reception of A Thousand and One Nights in the Arts and Humanities." Al al-Bayt Univ., 13-14 April, 2011.
- Panel Discussion Participant and visiting scholar. Fulbright Institute on Modern American Literature, Dept. of English, Northern Illinois University, Chicago, USA, 1 July – 12 Aug. 2003
- Evaluation of Jordanian (MHE) Government Competence Test. A discussion panel held at Jerash University, Jerash, Jordan, 2002.
- English Departments Quality Assurance. A discussion panel and training workshop for English Language and Literature program reviews, administered by Al-Hussein Fund for Excellence in collaboration with The Center for Quality Assurancein International Education, held at Campensky Hotel, Amman, Jordan, 11-12 March 2007.
Workshops, Memberships, and Assistantships:ورش العمل والعضويات والمنح
Fulbright Alumni, Life Member, 2003, (International)
1 July – 12Aug. 2003
American Literature Fulbright Institute, Northern Illinois University.
Member of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Council. University of Al Al-Bayt.
1999- Now
Member of Jordan Translators’ Association (JTA)
Government of Jordan Grant. For Ph.D.
Graduate Student’s Assistantship. Dept. of English, YarmoukUniv. For MA
Government of Jordan Grant. For BA
Languages and computer skills: اللغات والحاسوب
English: Second language
Arabic: Mother tongue
Basic Computer skills: DOS, Window, MS Word, etc.
Evaluation Activitiesالنشاطات التحكيمية
Editor-in-chief:Al-Manarah Journal, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Al Al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan
Editorial Board Member:Al-Manarah Journal, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Al Al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan
Editorial Board Member:Studies in Language and Literature, ISSN 1923-1555 [Print]; ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, Montreal, Canada
Editorial Board Member:Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature, Deanship of Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Peer Reviewer:Al-Manarah Journal, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Al Al-Bayt, Mafraq, Jordan
Peer Reviewer:Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature, Deanship of Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Peer Reviewer:Mu'ta University Journal, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Mu'ta, Karak, Jordan
Peer Reviewer:Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Deanship of Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Peer Reviewer: Studies in Language Literature, ISSN 1923-1555 [Print];ISSN 1923-1563 [Online], Canadian Academy of Oriental & Occidental Culture, Montreal, Canada
Peer Reviewer: The Arab Journal for Arts, The Society ofArab Universities Faculties of Arts, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
- Professor Faris Mashaqba. President. Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan
- Professor Osama Nuseir.Vice-President. Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan
- Professor Mouafaq Omoush. Vice-President. Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan
- Professor James Giles. Dept. of English, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Chicago, USA. (E-mail: )
- Professor William Baker. Dept. of English, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Chicago, USA. (E-mail: )
- Professor Keith Gandal. Dept. of English, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Chicago, USA. (Email: )
- Professor Mahmoud Al-Shra’ah. Dept. of English, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. (E-mail: )
- Professor David Pascoe, Dept. of English Literature, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
- Professor Fadia Al-Souyofi. Dept. of English, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
- Professor Nayel Al-Sharah. Jordan University, Amman, Jordan. (Dean of Students Affairs).