HOME & COMMUNITY Policy No.: ADM-5-210
SUPPORT SERVICES Created: Jan. 2007
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In order to insure the security of HCSS personnel, property, capital assets, client, staff and volunteer information, all access keys to exterior and interior doors, filing cabinets, vehicles, etc. will be accounted for on an on-going basis. When a key goes missing or there is reason to believe that the security of premises or of HCSS information has been compromised; specific actions will be taken to alleviate the risk(s).
1 The supervisory staff (Executive Director, Program Directors) will be responsible for maintaining an up to date list of all employees they supervise and janitorial/landlords, who have key(s) to HCSS facilities, filing cabinets, vehicles, etc. A master list will be kept by the Executive Director.
2 The responsible supervisory staff member will always maintain an up to date list of how many keys there are for each lock and who has a copy.
3 Keys will only be issued to staff (contracted cleaning personnel) that are regularly scheduled to work at an HCSS facility when other staff members with keys are not available to use their keys.
4 Only supervisory staff may make a copy of a key and this will be duly recorded i.e. who, when, why. Whenever possible, keys which cannot be copied will be purchased by the supervisor.
5 When an employee leaves the employment of HCSS, or their responsibilities change and they no longer require certain keys; these keys will be returned to their supervisory staff prior to leaving. The supervisor will record what keys are returned and on what date.
6 If a staff member leaves and their key(s) have not been returned, or a key(s) is lost this will be immediately reported to the appropriate supervisor. The locks corresponding to the missing key(s) will be changed by a lock smith or land lord maintenance staff and an incident report will be completed by the supervisory staff and forwarded to the Executive Director.
7 Staff members will not lend their keys to anyone without written permission from their supervisor.