FALL 2015 (August 31st – December 19th)
Course No.: 138’s and Co-op 50 Course Title: All 138’s and Co-op 50 Units: 1-4
Section No.: Look in WebAdvisor Class Hours: see required hrs. below Days: N/A
Room No.: Your worksite Instructor Name: Professor Dunsmore
Phone: (760) 245-4271, Ext.: 2288 Co-op Ed. office is located in the Academic Commons, Bldg. 42, Rm “D” Fax: (760) 245-4279 Co-op Ed. Website: Professor Dunsmore’s Office Hours are by appointment. The Co-op office does not have set hours at this time when it is open due to lack of staff. please email or call if you need to come into the office to make sure someone is here.
Fall Term Begins August 31
Labor Day (college closed) September 7
Veteran’s Day (college closed) November 11
Thanksgiving Holidays (college closed) November 26 - 28
Fall Term Ends December 19
Last day to drop 16-week class without receiving a “W” grade September 13
Deadline to drop a 16-week class and receive a “W” grade October 17
STATEMENT OF ACCESS: Students with special needs are encouraged to meet with instructors to discuss the opportunity for academic accommodation and referral to Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) and services per Administrative Procedure (AP 3440)
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No prerequisite, but you must have a job, paid or non-paid. You must work the required hours listed below.
Paid worksite hours required: Non-paid worksite hours required:
10 hours/week = 1 unit = 75 total hours 8 hours/week = 1 unit = 60 total hours
20 hours/week = 2 units = 150 total hours 16 hours/week= 2 units = 120 total hours
30 hours/week = 3 units = 225 total hours 24 hours/week= 3 units = 180 total hours
40 hours/week = 4 units = 300 total hours 32 hours/week= 4 units = 240 total hours
Interns/Externs must work at least one shift a week (no exceptions). Interns/Externs may also be asked by the instructor to report their hours weekly as well as monthly.
The Cooperative Education Notebook is available at the Ram’s Bookstore. This is a one-time buy at approximately $20. You can use this for subsequent semesters.
Course Description:
Cooperative Education is a key element of Victor Valley College’s comprehensive approach to career development. Co-op is an 8-week course that enables the student to receive college credit for on-the-job training that will make him/her a more efficient and valuable employee while providing a practical education that supplements and enhances classroom theory. It relates education to real work environments through learning while earning. It also provides the opportunity for work improvement by improving skills. Victor Valley College recognizes job experience as a valuable learning resource. It has the uniqueness of turning community business, industry, and public agencies into an expanded educational training laboratory. Co-op also allows credit for volunteer training. Co-op is a course designed for students who are cross-training at their current worksite for upward mobility of possible career changes as well as those looking for entry-level occupational training through work-based learning.
Credit is awarded on the basis of objectives completed and the number of hours worked. Interns/Externs will receive their new learning objectives from the Cooperative Education Office. All other students will create/complete a minimum number of new learning objectives per unit enrolled; i.e., 1 units = 2 objectives, 2 units = 2 objectives, 3 units = 3 objectives and 4 units = 4 objectives. The instructor has the right to edit, delete, or add objectives at any time during the semester. Students will need a minimum of 75 hours of paid work for each unit of credit or 60 hours of volunteer work for each unit of credit. Students may earn between one and four units of Co-op credit in the 8-week summer semester, depending on the number of hours completed. A maximum of 16 units of Co-op credit may be used towards electives for the AA/AS degree. Any of our 138 classes are transferable units to CSU and some other universities.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Strengthen their learning by engaging in new enhanced on-the-job learning opportunities.
2. Apply good time management and communication skills to their class work as well as at their work site.
3. Complete meaningful work experience.
4. Apply skills and knowledge acquired in their academic coursework while adhering to generally accepted business principles, standards, and work ethics.
5. Successfully complete required written work- or career-related homework assignments.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to identify organizational objectives and contribute to their achievement through the utilization of a business model similar to Management by Objectives.
Grading Policy:
Grading scale for letter grade:
For the semester: Class Assignment (homework) 40%
Time Management & Communication 10%
Co-op Ed. Instructor 30%
For each objective: Supervisor Evaluation 15%
Student Evaluation 5%
You cannot receive a passing grade without a signed Training Agreement by the student, supervisor, and instructor.
Attendance Policy:
Class attendance is not a measure of performance or proficiency. Whether a student is just physically present in the class is not a valid basis for grading. Reference Title 5 Section 55002 of the California Code of Regulations: (A) Grading Policy. The course provides for measurement of student performance in terms of stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently-recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55758 of this Division. The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of written expression that may include essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises, or skills demonstrations by students.
10 Things To Do To Be Successful In Your Cooperative Education Class:
1. Contact our office once you’ve enrolled. Lack of progress may result in students being dropped from Cooperative Education. You must start your Cooperative Education class on time; i.e., the first day of the class for the 16-, 12-, and 8-week classes. Failure to adhere to the dates listed on the Dates to Remember/Timeline (page 6 of syllabus)will result in your grade being lowered.
2. Twelve- and 8-week students must contact the instructor immediately to schedule your Training Agreement appointment. Within three days after enrolling, students must view the orientation video and contact the Co-op Office for instructions. DO NOT DELAY, or you may be dropped. All students must complete a Training Agreement appointment with the instructor and supervisor. You cannot receive a passing grade unless you have a signed and completed Training Agreement and approved objectives.
3. Turn in, email, or FAX monthly time sheets to our office by the due dates. Each time sheet is for one month only. Do not mix months on your time sheets. Fill in the discussion part of the time sheets each month. Make sure you and your supervisor sign each timesheet. Do not sign for your supervisor.
4. Stay in good contact with your instructor throughout the semester. Return phone calls and e-mail promptly. To reach our full-time instructor, you can email or call Professor Dunsmore at or (760) 245-4271, ext. 2288. You can also leave a message for her on her office door. Email is the preferred method of communication.
5. Your homework assignment is due by Monday, November 16th, by 5:00 p.m. We will accept assignments before this date. No late assignments will be accepted. No extensions will be given, even in cases of emergencies. First semester students enrolled in one – four units of Co-op will only be responsible for completing assignment #1—Portfolio. Students enrolled in five or more units of Co-op will complete two homework assignments beginning with assignments 1 and 2—Portfolio and Occupational Research. Check your yellow Student Handbook for the order of assignments to be completed if you enroll subsequent semesters.
6. Advisement appointments will be scheduled at the end of the semester from November 19 – December 10. Contact Ms. Dunsmore (email is preferred) to schedule your appointment by November 12th.
7. Contact our office immediately if you have changes in your job, are injured, get laid off, your supervisor changes, your hours change, etc. Also, contact us if your address, phone, e-mail, etc., has changed.
8. Read all instructions and post your “Dates to Remember” in a conspicuous place.
9. You can print off most Co-op forms (information sheet, time sheets, Dates-to-Remember Timeline, etc.) from our website:
10. Use good time management and communication skills. E-mail Professor Dunsmore @ that you’ve read the “10 Things to be Successful in Your Cooperative Education Class”. If you do not have e-mail, call her @ (760) 245-4271, ext. 2288, and leave a message.
NOTE: Ms. Dunsmore will not be in the Co-op Ed. Office every day during the fall semester. Please communicate via e-mail.
· Also, please notify the office of any Co-op Ed. related changes that occur during the summer (i.e., worksite or home address, phone number, supervisor, change of worksite, etc.)
· Interns: Contact the office if you are injured on the job immediately to get further instructions.
· Failure to adhere to dates listed above will result in your grade being lowered.
· Lack of progress in the class may result in you being dropped.
· You cannot receive a passing grade unless you have a signed and completed Training Agreement and approved objectives.
· Late homework will not be accepted.
· Time management/communication are “key” to making this a successful class. You must check your email and voicemail during the semester.
Dates-To- Remember/Timeline: Fall 2015—August 31st to December 19th
WHO / BY WHEN / WHATAll Students / August 31st / Turn in your paperwork (signed purple information sheet and student contract)
Nurse Externs, Auto Interns, & VVWRA Interns / September 1st / Contact Ms. Dunsmore at , to make/obtain Training Agreement appointment date/time/place for group appointment.
(AutoPark Interns: Your appointment will be held on August 11th at 3:30. If you miss this appointment, please contact Ms. Dunsmore to schedule an individual appointment in her office.)
Returning Students
(except interns/externs) / September 1st / Contact Ms. Dunsmore at , to make your Training Agreement appointment.
Returning Students
(except interns/externs) / September 3rd / Turn in new learning objectives to the Co-op Office in person, by email, or by fax. Interns/externs will be given their objectives when they enroll.
New 1st Semester
Students / September 2nd / Watch one-hour orientation video, available on our website at You can also watch the video in our office by appointment only. Purchase your Co-op Ed. notebook at the Rams Bookstore and read the yellow student handbook in your notebook before viewing the video.
New 1st Semester Students
(This does not apply to interns/externs) / September 11th / Discuss and write objectives with your supervisor. Turn in new learning objectives and contact instructor to make a Training Agreement appointment with you and your supervisor at . Late-add students must turn in objectives and make your Training Agreement appointment within five days of enrollment. Do not include weekends.
All Students / September 13th / Is the last day to drop a full-term class without receiving a “W”.
All Students / October 17th / Is the unit change/withdrawal deadline for a full-term class.
You will receive a “W” if you should decide to drop.
All Students / November 12th / Contact Ms. Dunsmore at to make your Advisement Appointment. These appointments will be held from November 19 – December 10. You will receive a letter by email/snail mail with dates/times that are available. Email instructor to schedule this appt. to be held in her office. Your supervisor will not be attending.
All Students / November 16th / Turn in all homework assignment/s by 5:00 p.m. You may turn in your homework assignment/s before November 16th also.
No late assignments will be accepted, even in cases of emergencies!
Your Instructor / November 30th
– December 11th / Ms. Dunsmore will be contacting your employer/trainer for their evaluation of your objectives.
Time sheets may be faxed (760) 245-4279, e-mailed, turned into the office, or placed into the wire basket outside the office if no one is in the office, on or before the due date. If your supervisor is unable to sign your time sheet by the due date, turn it in any way with your signature and follow-up with your supervisor’s signature ASAP. Contact Professor Maggi Dunsmore to confirm that our office received your time sheet.
Time Sheet for: / Is due by:August 31st (one day only) / October 6th
September / October 6th
October / November 5th
November / December 11th
December (1st-19th) / December 11th (Please estimate your hours from Dec. 11th through Dec. 19th)
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