Holy Spirit Youth Ministry Program
-The Youth Ministry Prayer line will be tailored to meet the following objectives:
- To teach them to recognize who they are in Christ Jesus andthe purpose for their life on earth.
- To teach them to become leaders using their respective talents to help win other youths for God
- To teach them the fundamentals of the Word of God, and guide them into daily bible studies.
- To teach them God dependency - how to pray effectively; and when or how to run into the presence of God for solutions to any problem they may face.
- To counsel them through issues by making available an access lines to call any time a youth is in need of prayer and counseling.
- To guide them to recognizeopportunities of services to help them find their place in the body of Christ in their respective zones – church, school or home.
-Roles & responsibilities should be defined to ensure that the youth’s understood their roles as the adult coordinators train and guide them to come out of their shell. The adult coordinator’s roles should also be defined to ensure that it does not cross over and eventuallyovershadows the objective of youthleadership roles:
- Adult Leader Coordinator (1)
- Adult Coordinator Assistant (1 or 2)
- Coordinators – to lead prayer line as assigned, as well as provide prayer and counseling services to youths.
- Youth Leader Coordinator (1)
- Youth Leader Assistant Coordinators (2 or 3)
- Youth Ministry Coordinators for:
- Youth Singing Ministry
- Youth IntercessoryMinistry
- Youth for Christ Outrage/Program Ministry
- Youth prayer line Membership Drive Ministry
- Youth Bible App for Teen DevotionalMinistry (*Will explain how it work later)
-To review weekly PRAYER LINE Activities or Format:
- Saturday prayer line for youths and young teens - A one (1) hourprayer line program recommended to hold their attention
- An adult coordinator will be assigned (weekly or monthly) to lead, oversee and guide the youth leaders participating.
- Prayer line activities should include:
- Praise & worship session lead by the singing ministry of the youth or both.
- Intercessory opening prayer - lead by youth ministers (may need to be trained)
- Ministration & Talk lead by adult coordinator or guest speakers
- Opportunity to pray for their prayer request through text (as done of adult prayer line)
- Opportunity to give testimonies at each Saturday meeting (towards the end) so youths will be encouraged to come back because of what they are hearing and see God do.
- Announcements - on any new or impending programs or activities (which may include a call for fasting, Scripture reading assignments, etc. (From youth leaders / Coordinators)
Youth Ministry Promotion and Growth Strategy Recommendations:
- The youth leaders will meet regularly (as agreed) by themselves to pray, share ideas and discuss how to promote their prayer lines.
- The Youth will be encouraged to create their own prayer linesocial media plans (eg. fb page, twitter and WhatsApp group) as an avenue to reach out to more youths, talk to each other and share Gods love and Word, andinvite their friends to join the prayer line.
- Adult leaders will also meet with the youth leaders when needed to discuss their plans, and for guidance and motivation.
- Brother UwakweChukwu will be regular guest speaker (at least once a month and preferable set specific schedule for him like the last or 2nd Saturday) when possible. It will help speed up their faith, enthusiasm and added blessings while feeling part of the big ministry.
- At every national convention, youths must be represented by allowing them to plan their own program with the coordinators approval. It will not only make the convention exciting for them but will also be an avenue for their networking and cross over to adulthood.