Gopher Buddies Review Lesson

Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 3; Mark 10:13-16; Acts 8:26-35

Lesson Objective and Application ......

Using the Gopher Puppets, this lesson will reinforce and review the material covered in lessons one, two, and three of this module.

At the conclusion of this review lesson, the children will thank God for giving them His Word, the Bible. The children will be able to name one thing they have learned about the Bible.

Supply List ......

Bible Lesson ......

Gopher Puppet Dialog:

Andy enters, singing.

Andy: The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that’s the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.

Teacher: That is a great song you are singing, Andy.

Andy: I like to sing it when I am looking for my Bible. Sometimes I have to sing it several times before I find my Bible.

Teacher: Does someone hide your Bible from you, Andy?

Andy: No, I just never seem to remember where I put it after coming home from church.

Teacher: Andy, do you use your Bible only when you are taking it to church?

Andy: Sure, I don’t need it any other time during the week.

Teacher: Oh, Andy, you are missing out on God’s message.

Andy acts confused.

Andy: Message? Uhh...What message? God has a message?

Teacher: Yes, He does! The boys and girls have learned about a boy named Samuel who received a message from…

Andy interrupts the teacher.

Andy: A message from his mother?

Teacher: No, Andy, he received a message from God.

Andy: How did Samuel know the message was from God?

Teacher: Would someone like to tell Andy about God’s message to Samuel?

Direct the children in retelling the story of God’s message to Samuel.

Andy: Wow, I didn’t know that God spoke to Samuel!

Teacher: At first, Samuel did not know that it was God who was talking to him. He needed Eli’s help to understand. The Bible tells us another story about someone who needed help to understand a message from God.

Andy: Tell me, tell me! Who was it? Was it another little boy?

Andy jumps up and down in excitement.

Teacher: No, it wasn’t a little boy this time. It was a very important man from the country of Ethiopia.

Andy: Are you telling me that even a very important man did not know God had a message for him?

Teacher: No, the Ethiopian man knew God had a message for him. He even knew where to find the message from God.

Andy: Did he have to follow a treasure map to find the message from God?

Teacher: No, Andy, the message was in his Bible.

Hold up your Bible.

Andy: In his Bible?

Teacher: The Ethiopian man read God’s message in his Bible. But he did not understand the message. He needed someone to help him.

Andy: I know. He needed Superman to help him!

Andy pretends to fly around like Superman.

Teacher: No, not Superman. But God did send a man who could run as fast as a horse!

Andy: No way! Tell me more!

Teacher: Would someone like to tell Andy whom God sent to the Ethiopian man?

Teacher chooses a child to answer.

Teacher: Philip helped the Ethiopian man understand God’s message. He would have missed that message if he hadn’t read his Bible. The Bible is God’s Word. The boys and girls have learned that the Bible, God’s Word, is for everyone, even children. The Bible helps us know more about God. When we read our Bible we learn what God wants us to do.

Andy: Wow! I didn’t know all that was in the Bible. I am going to go find my Bible right now!

Andy leaves while he sings The B-I-B-L-E.


I hope Andy can find his Bible this time. And I hope that he tries to read it every day, not just when he goes to church. God has a special message for each one of you. The Bible helps you know more about God. When you read your Bible you can learn what God wants you to do. And remember, boys and girls, what else you have learned—God’s Word, the Bible, is true, and it is for everyone, even boys and girls. At times you may need help to understand what you read. Whom can you ask to help you? Allow time for response. Let’s take time to talk to God right now and thank Him for His message to us!

Prayer Time Suggestion ......

Thank God for the Bible, His message to us. Ask Him to help the children understand what they learn from His Word.

Review Questions ......

Before children arrive in class, hide today’s Gopher Buddies Activity Sheets around the classroom. After the Gopher Buddy dialog, tell the children Andy is not the only one who lost something. Tell the children you have lost their activity sheets and you need their help to find them. Tell the children to begin looking for the sheets. As soon as an activity sheet is found, have the children stop and answer one of the review questions.

Snack Time ......

JEasy Cheesey Cracker Snack

Serve Cheez-It Scrabble Junior Crackers. Give each child a serving of crackers on a small plate.

¿Cheesey Cracker Scrabble Mix

Mix Cheez-It Scrabble Junior Crackers with pretzel sticks and m & m’s in a large bowl. Give each child a serving of cracker mix on a small plate.

Discipleship Time ......

Use Activity Sheet (The Bible is God’s Word — Lesson 4)

Questions for Further Discussion:

1.  What is all true? (God’s Word)

2.  What does the Bible help you know? (It helps me know more about God and what He wants me to do.)

3.  What do you need to do to hear God’s message? (Open my Bible and read it)

4.  Whom is God’s Word for? (For everyone, for me)

5.  Name one thing you have learned about the Bible. (Answers will vary)

Prayer Time

Thank God for His message to us.

Suggested sentence prayer

Thank you God for giving us Your Word, the Bible. Thank you that Your Word is true and that it is for everyone, even me.

Scripture Memory Time ......

Verse: Luke 11:28b

Activity — Simon Says “Say Your Bible Verse”

Have the children stand up and spread out to give themselves room to play this version of Simon Says. Tell the children the rules of Simon Says. Every three or four instructions say “Simon Says Say Your Bible Verse.” All the children should repeat the Bible verse. Continue to play as time allows.

Variation: Play Simon Says as usual, but when a child is “out,” they have to say the Bible verse to get back “in.”

Game Time ......

JBible Bookmark Craft

This week’s lesson offers an excellent opportunity to make a simple craft, a Bible bookmark. Provide children with a 7-inch by 2-inch piece of cardstock or construction paper. Have markers and stickers available for children to decorate their bookmark. If time allows, write the Bible verse on bookmarks. Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the bookmark. Have children loop yarn or ribbon through the hole to complete their project.

¿Game Time Bible Hunt

Tell the children that Andy Gopher needs their help to find his Bible. Have the kids close their eyes and hide a Bible somewhere in the room. Then let the children look for Andy’s Bible. The child who finds the Bible can hide the Bible for the next round. To make it more fun, have Andy Gopher give the game directions to the children and cheer them on as they look for his Bible. Take the opportunity when Andy’s Bible is found to review with the children how to correctly hold and take care of God’s Word.

The Bible is God’s Word – Lesson 4 33