Lloyds Month End Processing

Lloyds Month End Processing

Requirements Document
Distribution : / XGIS
Reference : / Q:\Lmd\Development\300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-Requirements.02.doc
Author : / Mark Larter
Applicability : / Product
Customers / IRIS-ENH
Global Insurance Solutions Ref / SN300087496
SAP Network ID / P-IRGRP073
IUG Reference : / 502
Version : / 02
Revision Date : / 13thMarch 2006
Authorised by: / ______/ Projects Manager / Date: / / /

© Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Limited (XGIS).

This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided. Written consent is required before any part is reproduced.

Note: This document is submitted to the IRIS User Group solely for informational purposes and shall not be deemed or construed to be a contract or agreement binding on Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. Only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled. Any other copy may not be current.

Trademark Information

Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.

1.Amendment History

Reason / Date / NewReference
Version 1 / 30/01/2006 / Q:\Lmd\Development\300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-Requirements.01.doc
Version 2 – Apply Comments / 13/03/2006 / Q:\Lmd\Development\300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-Requirements.02.doc


1.Amendment History......

2.Business Requirements......

3.Functional Design Requirements......

4.Business and Functional Requirements Matrix......


2.Business Requirements

TheLloyds month end will be a manual process with the client taking responsibility for ensuring that the data reconciles prior to rolling the month forward.

B1)Receive Lloyds Month End Control Message (MCM)

B2)Reconcile the processed and deleted USM transactions in IRIS against the daily USM messages and the MCM message for a selected control month.

B3)Receive the Quarterly LCO Reconciliation report.

B4)Reconcile the Outstanding Claim figures held in IRIS to the LCO report.

3.Functional Design Requirements

The following functional design requirements refer to the Lloyds Monthly Control Message as the ‘MCM’ and the Quarterly LCO Reconciliation Report as the ‘LCO Report’.

F1)Receive theMCM.

F2)Store the MCM data in a new controls reconciliation file. The new file will be referred to as the ‘USM control’ file.

F3)Accumulate daily USM downloads into a format that can be compared to the MCM, storing the information on the new controls reconciliation file.

F4)New USM Controls Rebuild function. The USM accumulation function needs to be flexible enough so that it can be called for one or more individual downloads (i.e. an individual USM download of a group of downloads that represent a whole months data) so that a rebuild function can be written.

F5)New USM Controls Removal function. The USM accumulation function must be configurable so that it will either ‘add’ a download to the USM controls file or ‘subtract’ it. Therefore, in the event of a bureau downloadsstatus being reset so that it can be re loaded, the control file will also be reset. Upon loading the bureau download again it will not be double accounted in the USM control file.This will integrate to existing functionality on the iSeries that ‘backs out’ a bureau download.

F6)Update USM controls file each time a USM transaction is processed or deleted.

F7)New ‘Processed USM controls’ rebuild function. A function is required to rebuild the control figures that represent the processed USM transactions.

F8)Produce a USM reconciliation report.

F9)Receive the LCO Report in CSV format.

F10)Store the LCO Report information in a new controls reconciliation file. The new file will be referred to as the ‘LCO control’ file.

F11)Update the LCO Control file each time a claim is updated with either a manual or SCM transaction.

F12)New claim reconciliation rebuild function. A function is required to rebuild the figures representing the accumulated claim figures is required.

F13)Produce a report to reconcile the IRIS Claims data to the Quarterly LCO Report.

4.Business and Functional Requirements Matrix

The following matrix shows the relationships between the business and functional requirements listed in this document.

Business Requirements
Functional Design Requirements / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4
F1 /  / 
F2 / 
F3 / 
F4 / 
F5 / 
F6 / 
F7 / 
F8 / 
F9 /  / 
F10 / 
F11 / 
F12 / 
F13 / 



Full Specification / 52 / days
Estimated Development / 135 / days

This quotation is valid for 90 days.

The estimate for the production of the full specification is an approximate figure only. The Specification will be produced on a fixed price basis based on this approximate figure.

The estimate for the development is also an approximate figure. The full specification will involve more detailed analysis and will provide a firm quotation for enhancement implementation that may vary from the figure given above.

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Global Insurance SolutionsVersion 02

Printed 13/03/06

Ref Q:\Lmd\Development\300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300087496-Lloyds Month End Processing-Requirements.02.doc