Centralia, Missouri
November 10, 2013
Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Times
In today’s second reading we hear Saint Paul urging the members of the community at Thessalonica to direct their hearts to God’s love through Christ. He wants them to be laser-focused on Christ, and nothing else. He desires that they be strengthened by the Lord and shielded from what is not Christ-like.
Good stewards cultivate a total focus on Christ; not on things that could give them false or superficial images or ideals. Let’s think about our own daily focus: Do we direct out hearts toward Christ or are there other “gods” that claim our attention? Our career? Material possessions? Our body? Favorite sports team? Political leanings? Does our daily life point to Christ so that those who are younger and less mature in their faith learn from our example?
We would like to welcome all visitors and newmembers to our Parish today. Registration papers are on the bulletin board.
Mon11Wis 1:1-7; Ps 139:1-10; Lk 17:1-6
Tues12Wis 2:23-3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10
Wed13Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4,6-7; Lk 17:11-19
Thurs14Wis 7:22b-8:1; Ps 119:89-91,130,135,175;
Lk 17:20-25
Fri15Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 17:26-37
Sat16Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3,26-27, 42-43;
Lk 18:1-8
Sun17 Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2Thes 3:7-12;
Lk 21:5-19
Mass Intentions
Mon 11 7:30 am-John & Charolette Finlay
Tues12 7:30 am-Diana Rennick
Wed. 13 7:30 am-Deceased Members of Council7891
Thurs14 7:30am-Angela Benoit
Fri 15 7:00 am-Scripture Service
Sat.16 5:00 pm-People
Sun.17 8:00 am-Marie Swiney
10:00 am-Martha Bret
My steps have been steadfast in your paths, my feet have not faltered. I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God. Psalms 17:5-6a
Remember those that have asked for our prayers: Dell Goosey, Catherine Ripperger, Maxine Stinocher, Bob Diemeke,Linda Hightshoe, Shirley Ann Wilmoth, Ralph Ostmann, Carol Gene Rhodes, Ruth Bader, Frances Hummel, Michelle Hollum, Richard Freschi, Lee Gabelsberger, Judy & Marshal Stringer, and those out of work. Also remember those serving in the military: Ray Finlay, Zack Pulkrabek, and Jacob Schlemmer
Confirmation Candidates
Congratulations to the follow that were Confirmed on Thursday, November 7
Drew Huffington Beth Jennings
William Lee Lance Leverenz
Rachel Million Jessica Pendegrast,
Timmie Power Sylvia Romine
Brett Stover
Sole Tree: The tree in the back of church is for collecting tennis shoes or cash donations for purchasing about 180 pairs shoes for Hallsville students that are in need. You can take a card from the tree and bring your donations back to church. This is sponsored by SGMWorldwide, a nonprofit organization.
Congratulations to the Lady Panther Softball Team on 3rd State Championship in a row!
Thank you for your donation of $150.00 to the $1.00 Sunday account. This money will be used to help others that need help in our church and with the Ministerial Alliance.
Starkenburg Trip: A group is planning to go to Starkenburg Shrine on Tuesday, November 12th. They have reconciliation, the rosary then Mass. After Mass the ladies of the parish have a luncheon. If you are interested in going, call Barb Matteson 573-696-3638 or 573-819-5060.
More information on the “Sole” Tree: Would like donations by Monday, November 25th. You can make a check out to SGMWorldwide and mail it to 7571 N. Fall Creek Dr. 65202 or donate shoes in the back of church. This is a non-for-profit group that concentrates on helping children and this time our focus is children in the Hallsville community.
Liturgical Roles–Nov 16/17
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Greeters: Clara Vance. Barb Chamberlain
Lectors: Barb Matteson, Rita Jennings
Servers:Gus & Lily Stidham, Ben Schmidt
Communion: Mary Reichert
Ministers: Pat Reichert
Gifts: John & Carolyn Romine
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Greeters: John Ripperger, Roger Barela
Lectors: Volunteer, Volunteer
Servers:Volunteer, Volunteer
Communion: Harvey Million, Sr.
Ministers: Louise Million
Gifts: Volunteer
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Greeters: Mary & Johnna Smith
Lectors: Rhonda Gibler, Andy Pendergrast
Servers:Kendall Gibler, Jacob & Hannah Pendergrast
Communion Sterling Schneller
Ministers: Marilyn Schneller
Gifts: Mary Kate, Claire & Collen Bennett
Diocesan Assessments Fiscal Year:
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Monthly Cathedracticum $316.00
November 5, 2013, 6 parishioners have pledged $1,470 toward our Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $5,274.
Calendar November ‘13
Tues 12 Parish Council 7:00 PM
Wed 13 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Wed 13 St. Anne’s crafts 12:00 Meal & craft
Sun 17 Adult Formation Class 6:00 pm
Thurs 21 Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM social,
Meeting 7:30
Sun 23 End of Catholicism for this session
Sat/Sun 23/24 Special Collection-Catholic
Campaign for Human Development
Mon 25 Rosary 7:00 PM
Wed 27 CCD/Fellowship
Thurs 28 Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00 AM
December ‘13
Wed 4 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Sat/Sun 7/8 Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday
Tues 10 Parish Council 7:00
Wed 11 St. Ann’s Craft Group 12:00 Lunch
Wed 11 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Sat 14 Living Nativity 5-8:00 PM
Tues 17 Advent Reconciliation Service 7:00 PM
Wed 18 CCD Christmas Party/Fellowship 7:00
Tues 24 Christmas Eve Mass 5:00 PM
Midnight Christmas Eve Mass 12:00 Midnight
Wed 25 Christmas Day Mass 9:00 AM
Special Collection-Vocation office and
Priestly Retirement
Mon 30 Rosary 7:00 PM
Tues 31 Mass 7:00 PM Mary, Mother of God Octave Day of Christmas---Holy Day of Obligation
Calendar of Reservations for MPB
December 8 Parisher Rental 10:30-4:00
St. Anne Fellowship 1st Thursday 7:00
St. Anne Crafts 2nd Wed. afternoons
CCD Wed evenings
Knights of Columbus third Thursday evenings
Adult Formation Class on some Sundays evenings
- Food Collection and $1.00 Sunday first full weekend of the month.
- Knights of Columbus meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM
- St. Anne’s Craft Group will meet the second Wednesday at 1:30.
- St. Anne’s Fellowship Group: will meet the first Thurs. of the month at 7:00 pm
St. Anne’s Craft Group will meet at 12:00 on Wednesday, November 13 for lunch and a craft. Please bring old Christmas cards and scissors if you can.
Thank you to all who have served
or are currently serving our country to keep it free.
Thank you to all those that donated baskets, consolation prizes, food for Basket Bingo and those that attended. It was a great success and appreciate your support. The Basket Bingo Committee
class will meet Sunday, November 17 at 6:00 pm in the MPB. If you have questions you can call Harvey Million, Jr at 573-682-7900.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to those parish families who have made a commitment to the 2014 Catholic Stewardship Appeal. Please prayerfully consider supporting the many good works of the Diocese. Every gift is gratefully received, sincerely appreciated and wisely used. Our goal is $5,274.00.
“Stir into flame the gift of God”
PC Agenda
Financial Report
Pastoral Plan-Catholic Formation
Building and Grounds Committee Report
Need for more CCD classrooms
Community Nativity
Profess, Proclaim, and Celebrate—Offertory enhancement program
Website Committee Report
Children’s Education Initiative
Reports: Knights of Columbus-Shawn Carrico
St. Anne’s-Cassie Carrico
Volunteers Needed: The Centralia Intermediate School PTO is looking for volunteers (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles)to help with the annual Holiday Shop. The individuals will help students pick out presents for family members. The dates of this shop is December 11, 12, or 13th. Anyone who might be interested is asked to contact Kassie Oliver at 573-682-001
Kiwanis Cheese Sales: Kiwanis is again selling cheese. It is available in mild, medium, sharp Cheddar and Pepper Jack for $7.50. Contact Dave Holsinger, Bill Miller or Don Bormann.
You’re Invited! It’s not a fund raiser or a commitment. It’s the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King with a moving liturgy reflecting our global church; entertainment sharing the ethnic heritage of our diocese; and a potluck feast of dishes from around the world. Please join Bishop Gaydos at St. Joseph Cathedral at 2:00 pm on Sunday, November 24 for an afternoon of prayer and fellowship. Fix a favorite recipe and bring the family or a friend. Come for the Mass and stay for the fun.
The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Mo., will host an Advent Come and See monastic weekend for women discerning a religious vocation. The event is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 6, through Sunday, Dec. 8. Participants will enter into the rhythm of contemplative life, experience the time and place for listening to God, share with others who might also be discerning a religious vocation and ask vowed religious about monastic life. Single women between the ages of 18 and 47 can pariticpate. The event is free.Contact Sister Ruth Elaine Starman, OSB, Vocation Director, at (660) 944-2221 or . or
Please contact the office if you want to borrow tables for garage sales or family functions or if you have dropped your land line phone
Rides to the doctors or other places: Dorothy Wright is available to take people to the doctor or other needed places. Call her at 682-3154.
Volunteers Needed: Would you like to volunteer to serve as Holy Spirit’s Respect for Life representative or as our representative for planning A Night in Bethlehem.
A Night in Bethlehem:December 14Almost all roles are filled but If interested contact Lori Benson at 573-982-9176 , or call Betty Gooding 573-355-1864 to let them know what you would like to do. Again, rehearsals are being cut back 1-3 depending on your role. If your child would like to be in the lamb choir let them know. We are asking parents to please purchase a white sweat suit and dark gloves. We are providing ears and face paint.We also going to need volunteers for "meet and greet", people to set up day of, and tear down after event. ***This will be Betty's last year serving on this committee and we will need a representative from our parish to serve.Contact Betty Gooding if interested.
First Christian Church Chili/Soup and Country Store Friday, November 15. Soup & Chili served from 11:00am-2:00pm. Country Store 10:00 to 6:00. Crafts and baked goods
Centralia United Methodist annual coat drive is going on. Collection boxes at C&R, Prengers, Chance Elementary, Kinkeads, RecCenter, and UnitedMethodistChurch. Please drop off coats, hats, mittens, gloves and scarves by Nov. 6th. Coat Give Away Fri & Sat, Nov. 8 & 9, 8 am to noon along with a Rummage Sale and Electronics Recycling Event.
Senior Citizens: Thanksgiving will soon be here, and Chester Boren Middle School would like to invite the Senior Citizens of our community to our annual Holiday Dinner to be served on Wednesday, November 20th, from 11:00A-12:00P. Cost of the dinner is just $2.25 and advance reservations are greatly appreciated by contacting the middle school office.
St. Anne Craft group is collecting Best Choice labels.
Books to Borrow: Father has a good selection of books that he likes to load out if you are looking for good fiction reading material. These are located in the rectory/office.
Communion for Shut-ins: If you know of someone that is not able to attend Mass and would like to have communion brought to their homeor if you would be willing to take communion to the nursing home and shut-ins.please call the church office to make the arrangements, 682-2815.
Good Catholic websites:
includes Catholic Encyclopedia, bible, library and much, much more
Franciscan site
for Biblical word pronunciation click on resource link then bible basics link and hear the pronunciation!
Catholic current events, history and more....
information on your diocese and more...
Literature in the back of church is for you to take as you desire.
2014 Engaged Encounter Couples can sign up directly on the Jefferson City Diocese website when they put down a $25 deposit. The total cost for each couple is $100for the weekend. January 3-5th,March 7-9th, May 2-4th,August 8-10th, November 1-3rd
Retrouvailleis a program designed to provide help and support tomarried couples who are undergoing difficulties in their relationship, for those who are hurting in brokenness and
loneliness. It has also proven helpful to couples who are separated and divorced. For further information,call1-800-470-2230orvisit
Natural Family Planning helps to build better marriages and strengthens faith and family life! Couples report that they learn to communicate more fully and creatively with each other. Practice of NFP builds mutual respect as persons to be loved and gifts of God to be appreciated, and it is a natural way to postpone or achieve pregnancy. NFP can be learned individually or as engaged or married couples. Brochures are available in the back of church. For more information go to ccljeffcity.wordpress.com, or contact parishioners Jeremy & Maria Henson at (573) 696-0078 or .
Web Page:Updated weekly by Laura Bormann.
Marriage Encounter Weekend- Closeness, comfort, fun, trust, a friend, and a helper – these are some of the blessings of marriage. Marriage Encounter provides the opportunity and the atmosphere for you to focus on and renew these blessings inYOUR marriage. Don’t let the busyness of life steal them away. Every couple deserves to make a weekend! For Information: Contact Roger and Brenda Kempker at 573-642-3647 or .
Please contact the office if you want to borrow tables for garage sales or family functions or if you have dropped your land line phone.
Rides to the doctors or other places: Dorothy Wright is available to take people to the doctor or other needed places. Call her at 682-3154.
Volunteers Needed: Would you like to volunteer to serve as Holy Spirit’s Respect for Life representative or as our representative for planning A Night in Bethlehem.
Seven Days without Prayer makes one weak.
Copies of the Church Photograph are available for sale in the back of church. They are $3.00 each. There are two photos marked as A and B. The envelopes are marked with the letter. Money can be put in the basket.
Books: The Centralia Public Library has a very niceselection of books for the Catholic Christian. In years past Holy Spirit Church,the Knights of Columbus and local parishioners have made donations to help make this possible. If you are looking for something to read,here is a list of new arrivals at the Centralia Public Library.
Summoned From the Margin; Lamin Sanneh
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything; James Martin
Story of a Soul; Therese of Lisieux
The Cloud of Unknowing; Unknown Author
Introduction to the Devout Life; St. Francis de Sales
The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism; Bernard McGinn
Fire Within; Thomas Dubay
Pray, Hope, & Don't Worry: True Stories of Padre Pio; Diane Allen
The Pursuit of God; A. W. Tozer
The Fathers Know Best; Jimmy Aiken
Dark Night of the Soul; St. John of the Cross InteriorCastle; St. Theresa of Avila
What does Holy Spirit Do?
Youth Education pre-K through high school
St. Anne Sodality including a Fellowship group and a Craft Group They have Basket Bingo each year as a fundraiser
Knights of Columbus has the annual Shrimp Fest as a fund raiser
Strong Family Group
Small group study groups
Study groups lead by Father Offutt
Children’s Liturgy during 10:00 Mass
Adult Classes on Initiation into the Catholic Faith
Monthly Rosary
Summer Parish Picnic
Monthly Food Collection
Monthly $1.00 Sunday to help those in need
YearlyChurch Fundraiser Dinner
Lenten Stations of the Cross followed by a dinner
Advent and Lenten Reconciliation Services
Bereavement Dinners provided for members
Participation in the Buddy Pack
Member of Centralia Ministerial Alliance
Communion to Shut-ins
MultipurposeBuilding available for rent
Cleanup/Work Days for Church grounds
Easter Egg Hunt
Reception for 1st Communion and graduates
Confirmation Classes
Communion to Shut-ins
Adopt a Family at Christmas
Parish Garage Sale
Our Knights of Columbus participates in the Anchor Fest, holds a Pumpkin Fest in the fall.
Esther’s Pantry
We received a thank you for our continued support of Ester Pantry with our food donations. They serve 10-15 families a month who would otherwise have a difficult time feeding their families. Cash donations go for vouchers for milk and perishable goods.
Suggested items for donation are listed below:
snacks(popcorn, raisins, peanuts) flour
canned fruit cake mixesfrostings
chili/chili beans sugarcrackers
jellytoilet paperpancake mix
syrupspaghettispaghetti sauce
paper towelshamburger helper oil
tuna in waterpeanut buttertuna helper
Holy Days of Obligation for 2013:
Jan. 1 Mary Mother of God
Aug. 15 The Assumption of Mary
Nov. 1 All Saints
Dec. 8 The Immaculate Conception
Dec. 25 Christmas
There are five precepts of the Church that are binding on all her members. They are "meant to guarantee to the faithful the very necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor." Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) #2041 The first precept is: "You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor." (CCC #2042) In the Diocese of Jefferson City, there are six holy days of obligation. (the Ascension of the Lord is a Holy Day but celebrated on a Sunday) All parishioners are expected to observe these days with the same fidelity as Sunday.When Jan.1, Aug 15, or Nov 1 fall on either a Saturday or Monday there is no obligation to attend Mass.
(CCC) #2041 The first precept is: "You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor." (CCC #2042) In the Diocese of Jefferson City, there are six holy days of obligation. All parishioners are expected to observe these days with the same fidelity as Sunday.When Jan.1, Aug 15, or Nov 1 fall on either a Saturday or Monday there is no obligation to attend Mass.