February 19, 2015 – 7:30 P.M.

Members Present

Fr. Tim LaBo

Harry, ChairpersonVirginia


JuneLucille Giambalvo

Fr. Tim opened meeting with prayer

Fr. Tim introduced new member, Lucille Giambalvo; members present introduced themselves

Harry gave brief overview of Council meetings – every third Thursday except July and December; 7:30 P.M.

  • Ministry Fair recently held – some new sign-ups; additional fair to be held April 11& 12, 2015
  • Strategic Plan for Parish – needs to be developed. The School has one in progress
  • Memorial Pillar with Time Capsule to be dedicated weekend of April 11/12, 2015
  • Presentation Brothers - $6,000 collected at Masses; they currently provide weekend food packs for 12-15 families of children in HRCS. Lucille to contact Sharon Sikorski to request bulletin notice re: this


Father presented the issue of diminishing number as well as aging of clergy in our Diocese

In particular the current status of four priests administering to Holy Redeemer and St. Rose of Lima is at issue and is being discussed with the Bishop. Various options are being considered to minimize workload for the priests and still provide services to parishes. Fewer Masses weekdays, priest traveling between several parishes for Mass, change in Mass times – are among possibilities for the future.

The ordinary hierarchy for offering Mass:

  1. Priest
  2. Deacon – Communion Service
  3. Lay Person – certified, trained and deputized by the Bishop – Communion Service

Retirement age for a priest is 75; 69 is the average age of current priests. Deacons also aging population. Seminarians are older than in the past

Good Friday Service – Deacons being considered to conduct as it is not a Mass

Holy Redeemer Catholic School

  • ACE – Alliance for Catholic Education

Sponsored by Notre Dame University; supported by foundations; nine schools nationwide; five-year program.

Four schools recently accepted – Holy Redeemer Catholic School chosen; program was presented earlier this evening to School Board chairpersons

Program provides on-going teacher training, marketing, website, etc. Training is provided during one week at Notre Dame funded by the university

Overseen by Board – Bishop, Pastor, Principal, key School representatives

  • Chiller System

Looking at several companies and possibility of a system with larger capacity capable of adding on in the future

First estimate - $800,000

  • Media Center being reorganized to better conform with up-to-date educational standards/needs

Cost approximately $50,000; QUEST fundraiser goal of $2,500

Technically, the School is running on its own. Parish subsidy of $150,000 being banked in Capital Improvements

Parish debt is currently 1.2 million on loan


Approximately $25,000 to construct three units; must meet all codes

Plan to complete in new fiscal year (7/1/15)

Food Pantry

Serving 180 families per week; government surpluses have been greatly reduced; current supplies very low;

donations are greatly needed

Light of Faith – nominations can be made; information found in Bishop Noonan’s e-scroll

Emergency Disaster Plan – needs to be developed

School currently has one in place

Need to consider current day emergencies – shootings, terrorism, etc.

Suggestion to look at Diocesan plans if in place; County Emergency Office for a template

Music Minister – Louis Canter will be on board March 9, 2015

Mr. Canter has experience in varied music genres, has ministered in parishes and was Director of Music in Detroit Diocese; has written his own works


  • Altar servers, specifically at 4 P.M. Mass Saturday need better training
  • Additional cups needed at 4 P.M. Mass Saturday

Respectfully submitted,

Lucille A. Giambalvo

HRCS Pastoral Council – 2/19/15