Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Hall Lane
Nr Widnes
0151 424 3926
Headteacher: Mrs J Cook-Hannah
Weekly Newsletter
Friday 26th September 2014
Following in Jesus’ footsteps…
We pray together
We play together
We learn together
Come and SeeOur RE Theme this term will be the three themes of Domestic Church (Family), Baptism and Confirmation (Belonging) and Advent and Christmas (Loving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend a week studying Judaism.
Our school Prayer
Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at home,
Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless my family at school,
Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless all the families of the world
It’s Time to ShineYear Group / Achievement Certificates / Dojos
Year 1 / Lucas
Ava / Not given at this time to children in Year 1
Year 2 / Isla / Erin
Year 3 / Summer
Finn / Harry
Year 4 / Libbi
Abigail / Jonathan
Year 5 / Josie
Ewan / Isabella
Year 6 / Natalie
Maisy / Daniel
What’s coming up soon
Coffee Mornings
Coffee meetings have now been arranged. Dates and times are as follows:
Reception – Tuesday 30th September @ 9.15am
Y1 - Tuesday 30th September @ 2.15pm
Y2 – Wednesday 1st October @ 9.15am
Y3 – Thursday 2nd October @ 9.15am
Y4 – Thursday 2nd October @ 2.15pm
Y5 – Monday 29th September @ 9.15am
Y6 – Friday 3rd October @ 9.15am
We will be sharing information about the year ahead as well as fundraising for MacMillan and Halton Hospice. There will be raffles and refreshments and the book fair will be open. We would be grateful for any raffle donations or donations of cakes please.
Y6 Football Tournament
Selected children in Y6 will be taking part in a football tournament at Finch Farm on Monday 29th September. A separate letter giving full details will be sent home shortly.
Book Fair
We will be holding a book fair week beginning Monday 29th September. Books will be on display after each coffee meeting but you are also welcome to come along to the school hall after school each day.
Y6 Trip to Formby
As part of the Y6 topic – In my Liverpool Home, Miss Ashdown is hoping to arrange a trip to Formby on Wednesday 1st October to investigate the coastline. A separate letter has already been sent home.
IPad Day – Y6
Mr Alan Ellis from Knowsley CLC will be coming into school on Thursday 2nd October to spend the day with the children in Y6. More information will be sent home shortly.
He will also be coming into school on Thursday 23rd October to work with the children in the Y4 class.
Y5 Trip to Tatton Park
Mrs Quigley has arranged a trip to Tatton Park on Friday 3rd October as part of the topic on Victorians. A separate letter has already been sent home. We look forward to seeing them all in Victorian outfits.
Y1 Football Tournament
Selected children in the Y1 class will be taking part in a football tournament on Monday 6th October at Everton’s Finch Farm ground. A separate letter giving full details will be sent home shortly.
Morrisons ‘Lets Grow Vouchers’
This is just to let you know that Morrisons are beginning their annual ‘Lets grow’ voucher scheme again this year. We believe that vouchers are not being issued automatically and would be grateful if you would please ask for them at the check-outs. Many thanks.
Reception & Y1 Trip
Mrs Evans & Mrs Mitchell have arranged a trip to The Brindley Theatre in Runcorn to watch a stage performance of The Princess & The Pea. Separate letters have now been sent home and permissions have been received. The trip will be taking place on Wednesday 15th October. I’m sure the children will have a wonderful afternoon.
Secondary Admissions
We have received and circulated the Secondary Admission booklets to our children in Y6 who we believe live in the Knowsley area. If you have not received the booklet please call into the school office and pick one up. Unfortunately, we do not receive the Halton booklets but you can apply online at Halton Council - www4.halton.gov.uk.
Please be aware that the closing date for applications is 31st October 2014.
School Meal – Event
Children who are not normally a school meal are invited to join us for lunch on Thursday 2nd October for a party box which will include a finger roll, sausage roll, crisps, a cookie and a drink. A letter regarding this has been sent home to all the junior classes for the children who are not normally a school dinner. The charge for this day will be £1.00 for all children wishing to take up this offer. The amount payable for week commencing 29th September will be £7.80. We would be grateful, if you received the letter, if you would return the slip as soon as possible indicating if your child would like take part in order for the kitchen to order the correct quantities.
Y3 Music
The children in Y3 are learning about Reggae music over the next few weeks. The focus of the lessons will be the song 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley & The Wailers and a music teacher from Knowsley music & performing arts service will be coming into school every Monday. The children will be singing, playing percussion instruments and using games to explore how songs are composed and structured. They will also be appraising and comparing a number of Reggae songs.
Proposed Strike Action
As I’m sure most of you are aware there is another day of proposed strike action due to take place on Tuesday 14th October by members of Unite, Unison and GMB unions. As this will affect the whole of the school unfortunately we will be closed for all classes on this date, unless strike action is called off nationally. We will update you as soon as we hear anything.
Reception Class – September 2015 Admissions
Parents need to complete admission forms for the area in which they live. For example, if you have a Halton address you need to complete a Halton form. If your first choice of school is Holy Family, you need to indicate this by writing Holy Family as first choice on the Halton Form and return to Halton LA. If you live in Knowsley, you need to complete a Knowsley form and return to Knowsley LA. We have now received copies of the Knowsley booklets and these can be collected from the school reception or completed online. Please note that the Halton booklets are now available but, unfortunately, Halton will not give any to the school. Halton online form is now available. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call into the school office. The closing date for applications is no later than 15th January 2015. Addresses for the websites are as follows:
Knowsley Admissions: www.knowsley.gov.uk/schooladmissions
Halton Admissions: www.halton.gov.uk/schooladmissions
Holidays in School Term
On 1st September 2013, the Education Regulations 2013 came into force changing the rules about term-time holidays. The amendments specify that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless it is considered under ‘exceptional circumstances’.
The Governing Body have agreed to support this process and have asked that all letters asking for permission and detailing reasons why such a request has been made be brought to a small committee so a decision can be made.
In order to support this process, we would ask that parents/carers give at least 1 term’s notice so this request can be put to Governors.
Parents/Carers will receive a letter notifying them of the decision made.
Spotlight on Y2
This week we received letters from the fairies with recipes to make cakes. We made them with Mrs Davison who sang us the song ‘Beat it’ as we beat the 2 eggs. We added flour and butter and put vanilla icing on the top.
We left 4 cakes for the fairies and we got thank you letters back from them.
We have also been looking at numbers and using the symbols < and >. We also went onto the playground with chalks and were put into teams to write the numbers in the correct order and to see if we could form them the right way. Team number 2 won.
Thanks to Erin and Olivia for their feedback.
Diary Dates
Monday 29th / Y6 Football Tournament
Monday 29th -
Friday 3rd / Book Fair open daily @ 3.30pm
Monday 29th / Y5 coffee meeting @ 9.15am
Tuesday 30th / Reception coffee meeting @ 9.15am
Tuesday 30th / Y1 coffee meeting @ 2.15pm
Wednesday 1st / Y2 coffee meeting @ 9.15am
Wednesday 1st / Y6 Trip to Formby
Thursday 2nd / Y6 Ipad Day
Thursday 2nd / Y3 coffee meeting @ 9.15am
Thursday 2nd / Y4 coffee meeting @ 2.15pm
Friday 3rd / Y6 coffee meeting @ 9.15am
Monday 6th / Y1 Football Tournament
Tuesday 14th / Proposed strike action – school closed
Wednesday 15th / Reception & Y1 to The Brindley @ 1pm
Thursday 23rd / Y4 Ipad Day
Friday 24th / Break up for 1 week holiday
Monday 3rd / Return to school @ 8.55am
After School Clubs
Mon / Tues / Weds / Thurs / FriY1 / Cookery until 4.15pm
Ipad Club until 4pm
Y2 / Cookery until 4.15pm
Ipad Club until 4pm / Multi-Sports until 4.15pm
Y3 / Gardening until 4pm / Choir until 4pm / Ipad club until 4pm
Multi-Sports until 4.15pm / Dance until 4.15pm
Y4 / Gardening
until 4pm / Choir until 4pm / Ipad club until 4pm / Dance until 4.15pm
Y5 / Rugby until 4.15pm / Cookery until 4.15pm
Gardening until 4pm
Netball until 4pm / Choir until 4pm / Ipad club Ends at 4pm
Y6 / Rugby until 4.15pm / Gardening until 4pm
Cookery until 4.15pm
Netball until 4pm / Choir until 4pm / Ipad club until 4pm
A £1.00 donation would be greatly appreciated.
And finally…
A positive thought for the week to promote discussion in the classroom and at home…
Everyone makes mistakes,
So, instead of getting angry with myself, I try to do better.
Mrs Hannah