Thursday 27 January 2011 at 7.30 p.m. at Holmes Chapel Library
Part I – Public and Press present
1. Attendance / Mr A Pierce (Chairman)MrWA Ashworth
Mrs PA Cotton
Mr JA Clowes
Mrs IM Mackenzie / Mr RC Parry
Mr AC Rickards
Mr DE Savage
Mr MJ Street
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (c10/11/66) to approve apologies from Cllrs. Brownlow, Gilbert and Guthrie
3. Declarations of Interest / None
4. Council Minutes / RESOLVED (c10/11/67) to approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 December 2010 as a true and accurate record and to be signed by the Chairman.
5. Committee Actions and Recommendations / RESOLVED (c10/11/68)
- To approve the actions and recommendations of the Finance Committee held on 2 December 2010 except for item 7 Precept and Budgets.
- To approve the actions and recommendations of the Technical Services Committee held on 9 December 2010.
6. Matters Arising / None
7. s.106 monies / RESOLVED (c10/11/69)
- to approve the report on s.106 money for the Sanofi Aventis site as circulated;
- to Clerk to send a copy of the report to Bluemantle and to endeavour to arrange a meeting with them before they meet CEC;
- the Clerk to arrange a meeting with CEC planning department to present the report,
8. Budget / Precept / The Council considered a report from the Clerk together with budget proposals and recommendations from the Finance Committee.
RESOLVED (c10/11/70)
- To approve a proposed amendment to restore the sum of £2,000 to the capital budget
- To approve the proposed budget for 2011/12 as amended in 1 above to give an overall precept requirement of £73,445.
- To approve the earmarked Capital Fund and 5 year Plan.
- To approve a precept requirement of 73,445 (a 5.01% increase from 2010/11) and to inform the Chief Financial Officer of CEC accordingly.
It was requested that a named vote be recorded in the minutes in respect of the resolutions in paragraphs 1 and 2 above:
For the proposed budget and precept of £73,445:
Cllrs Ashworth, Cotton, Clowes, Rickards and Savage (5)
Cllrs Pierce (Chairman), Mackenzie, Parry and Street (4)
9. Finance / Accounts for payment
RESOLVED (c10/11/71) to approve the following:
Already Paid
743 / Bowland Paving / Re-issue of cheque no. 721 / 352-50
744 / BT / Internet office / 112-76
745 / CVS / Payroll services Oct – Mar 2011 / 72-00
746 / EQH Ltd / Partnership December 2010 / 587-50
SO / DR Cowgill / Salary December 2010 / 533-69
SO / NL Clarke / Salary December 2010 / 324-37
SO / RS Cussons / Rent - Dec 2010 – March 2011 / 937-50
SO / CPRE / Annual payment / 20-00
To be paid
747 / HM Revenue / PAYE /NI Oct – Dec 10 / 820-11
748 / United Utilities / Water – office / 15-28
749 / Impressions / Printing of winter newsletter / 154-00
750 / HC Scout Group / Delivery of newsletter and play area questionnaire / 180-00
751 / Morreys / Bulbs for Christmas lights / 51-63
752 / Scottish Power / Electricity – office / 113-06
753 / Scottish Power / Electricity – floodlights / 113-90
754 / NL Clarke / Stamps / 15-36
10. s.137 Donations / This item to be deferred until Full Council on 10 February 2011. The Clerk to produce a report to be circulated prior to the meeting.
11. Agendas / The Clerk noted the following items to be taken to the committee meetings:
- Strategy – s.106 money for Sanofi Aventis
- Amenities – Leisure Centre
- Technical Services – Footpaths, Middlewich Road
12. Chairman and Clerk’s reports / The Clerk reported on the following:
- Police Station visits - have been organised with Sgt. Penny Jones. Three members to attend on various Friday evenings.
- Royal Wedding - Fiona Bruce MP has written with guidelines for street parties to celebrate the royal wedding – the Clerk to circulate details by use of the web site.
- Community Pride competition Details of the 2011 event received – agreed no action at the moment.
- ChALC seminar with Graham Evans MP - on Friday 18 February 2011 about the Coalition Government’s concept of the ”Big Society”.
- Police Report - There has been a spate of burglaries in the village
13. News items / The Clerk will inform the press of the Precept figure for 2011-12.
Part II - Private and Confidential Business – None
The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 10 February 2011. Until then they are draft minutes.
Signed as Chairman of the Council as a true and accurate record: