English 9

Fall/Spring 2016-2017


Ms. Stanley




Supplies that you need to provide:

  1. College ruled, lined paper, 8 1/2 x 11.
  2. Pencils, Pens.
  3. Flash-drive
  4. Markers/glue sticks (optional)

Grading: 90-100%……A 70-79%….…..C

80-89%….…..B 60-69% …….D


This will be conducted by means of quizzes, tests, speeches, presentations, and writing activities. Point totals will be decided upon at the time the assignment is given.

Statement of Learning Outcomes and School Expectations:

All students will achieve the following PRIDE skills in 9th grade:

Powerfully Prepared for College and Career(by)

Demonstrating proficiency in speaking skills by presenting two integrated unit projects to family and partners

Demonstrating proficiency in individual problem solving by writing goals and the steps to accomplish them

Demonstrating proficiency in using proper English grammar and punctuation when writing

Researching an infectious disease and a risky behavior

Responsible Citizen (by):

Turning in all assignments in a timely manner

Maintaining organization of English papers and assignments

Coming prepared to class to positively participate in class discussions

Offering support and help in completing Integrated Unit Projects (IUP’s)

Independent Critical Thinker (by)

Writing persuasive, narrative, and expository essays that maintain a controlling thesis and include supporting facts

Evaluating and revising their own writing assignments

Reading a variety of texts and synthesizing the main points and making connections across content area

Determined Lifelong Learner (by)

Selecting and reading additional texts or novels beyond the 9th grade level

Being intrinsically motivated to improve their vocabulary

Excellent Communicator (by)

Creating a written report describing all facets of an assigned infectious disease

Creating a written report analyzing a risky behavior among teenagers

Acting and speaking professionally during the final presentations of the IUP”s

Demonstrating knowledge of correct English conventions when writing

Using various media and computer programs to enhance presentations and discussions

Check out the board!

Assignments and due dates will be written on the board by the door.

Please copy this information in the front of your notebook. This assures your awareness of what will be taking place in class. There will be little tolerance for excuses regarding lack of knowledge about an assignment due date.

Absences/Late Work:

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to get all necessary make-up work; this should be done upon your return to class. You will be allotted the same number of days you were out to make up your work; this will assure that you get full credit for your work. All workthat was assigned prior to your absence is due the day you return.

If there is an objection regarding the content of any novel/movie we are using, a statement regarding the problem will need to be given to your teacher. This statement should be in the form of a letter signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). At that time, another equivalent (level of difficulty) selection will be issued.

Texts and Resources for the Class:

Holt Literature and Language Arts Third Course

Holt Interactive Reader

Gifted Hands

English Reading and Writing Course, CSUS

Hot Zone

Romeo and Juliet

Selections from Choices Magazine

Free Willy

Vertical Limit

Every Quarter we will do:

  • Weekly writing prompt activities.
  • Weekly grammar activities.
  • Benchmark Tests

The following is a list of major requirements that must be completed in order to pass this class. *Note- This is not an inclusive list of assignments and the instructor reserves the right to make any changes necessary to comply with state and district standards.

First Quarter

  • Read and discuss Gifted Hands
  • Write a 5 paragraph essay
  • Read and critique excerpts about Edgar Allen Poe’s death and write a persuasive essay
  • Demonstrate understanding of group roles and dynamics.
  • Work with a group and synthesize information from all classes to create a Power Point presentation.
  • Read essays about the 1918 Flu virus/H1N1/ and BioMouse and summarize the information presented.
  • Acquire words and definitions from the School wideAcademic Word List.
  • Acquire medical word part definitions for roots/prefixes/suffixes.
  • Understand basic sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Read and analyze Hot Zoneand answer questions about the novel

Second Quarter

  • Research an infectious disease for your “Catch the Fever” unit.
  • Integrate information from all classes and create a game to demonstrate your content knowledge.
  • Create a Power point presentation
  • Actively participate in the Family Game Night.
  • Create an informational brochure relating to your assigned disease
  • Properly document all reference materials used for your “Catch the Fever” presentation utilizing MLA format
  • Present information about an infectious disease to a community audience
  • Identify key poetry terms
  • Read and analyze assigned poems
  • Memorize and present a poem using an additional modality
  • Read various informational texts and annotate key points
  • Identify key elements of a plotline and create a plotline poster
  • Understand the difference between literal and figurative definitions of idioms.
  • Examine the characters in “Most Dangerous Game” and write a compare/contrast essay about them

Third Quarter

  • Read articles about juvenile justice
  • Write a persuasive essay that examines the theme of juvenile justice
  • Explore stereotypes and write a poem about stereotyping
  • Read Romeo and Juliet and compare the text with the movie production
  • Create a tableau and present it to the class
  • Identify and define key specific dramatic terms.
  • Create a powerpoint about your favorite song and analyze the lyrics
  • Read and understand the elements of short stories
  • Discuss non-profit organizations
  • Select a risky behavior to research and analyze with a team of your peers

Fourth Quarter

  • Synthesize information about a high risk behavior and design a Tri-Fold using the information.
  • Present Tri-Fold information to an audience of professionals.
  • Write a comprehensive report about the high risk behavior; include complete bibliography.
  • Read various excerpts about helmets and concussions.
  • Read informational texts about animals
  • Write an essay that examines the question “Can Animals Think”
  • Research mythological characters
  • Read and watch excerpts of the Odyssey

Student’s Last Name: ______

Teacher/Student/Parent Contract

By signing below I acknowledge that this is a demanding class that requires regular attendance, participation in class work, regular outside reading, and homework. Grades are available to parents and students on a regular basis through the “Infinite Campus.”

Parent/guardian’s name (please print): ______

Parent/guardian’s signature: ______

Phone: ______Best time to call:______

Parent E-Mail address: ______

Student’s name (please print): ______

Student’s signature: ______

Student’s E-Mail address:

*The best way to communicate with us is via e-mail; although phone calls and in-class appointments are encouraged.*