Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council
Clerk: Steve Young, The Hawthorns, 60 Main Street, Bubwith, Selby YO8 6LX, Telephone 01757 288234
Dear Councillor
A meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 21 December 2016 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Chapel, Selby Road. You are summoned to attend, if you are unable to attend, would you please contact me in order that I can record your apologies.
Planning applications and decisions will be available to view in the meeting room from 6.30pm and hopefully at the PC Surgery on Saturday 17 December 2016 between 10am and 12 noon
The PC meeting may be recorded by the public as per the legislation
Steve Young
Public session
Parish Council vacancy, a bye-election has not been called and the Parish Council has permission to co-opt someone to fill the vacancy, no expressions of interest have been received yet
Welcome and Apologies
84/16 Minutes of PC meeting 16/11/2016
Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Ian Baxter, Richard Brook, Ernest Smith, Anthea Waudby non-pecuniary in Village Hall matters
85/16 Matters arising
ü Facebook page run by a resident, concern has been expressed at the insulting personal comments on this page directed at the Parish Council
ü Parish Council website, nothing to report
ü Handyman issues
ü Leylandi trees in playing field, fence is being done
ü Grapevine December edition, feedback needed to take to a review meeting, next deadline is 27 January 2017. Report on delivery under the new arrangements
ü Adoption of BT telephone box, Mike Wright to report
ü Donations to youth voluntary groups in the village from the pedestrian crossing fund, a list of youth voluntary groups will be given and cheques written
ü Snowdrop Garth road adoption, still waiting
ü Cemetery report
ü Car parking in the centre of the village, update
ü Play area update, the tender documents have been sent out to contractors and to WREN the grant body, completion date at the end of April 2017. A meeting with the ERYC Commuted Sums Officer has led to an agreement that the formal opening of the new play area will take place in May 2017. A total of £80,000 will have been invested in the play area by then for the benefit of young people in the village for generations to come
ü In Bloom
ü Area outside school, to meet with School Head in new year
ü Litter bin siting, a bin has been ordered to be sited next to the zip wire
ü Christmas event review
ü Spaldington Airfield Wind Farm Community Fund, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Fund manager to attend the January meeting
ü Salt bin at Sandholes
ü Speeding on Selby Road at west end of the village
86/16 Planning applications
16/03781/PLF Erection of first floor extension to side and alterations to front porch at Kinross Selby Road for Mr Neil Chapman
16/03557/PLF Erection of replacement pig finishing building at Sand Hill Farm, Arglam lane for RJ & KM Smith
16/03569/PLF Erection of general purpose agricultural building at Land West of New Farm, Cliffe Lane for Mr Simon Goodall
16/03570/PLF Change of use of existing static caravan from welfare facilities and store for medical supplies to a temporary agricultural workers dwelling at Land Est of New Farm, Cliffe Lane for Mr Simon Goodall
16/03969/PLF Erection of first floor extension to side at 9 High Street for Mr Ian Gardner
16/04016/TPO TPO HOLME ON SPALDING MOOR NO.4 (ref 788) T1 – Oak. Crown clean to remove deadwood, historical stubs, rubbing branches and hazard beam and (or) dysfunctional tissue. Using this as a guideline, a further amount of live branches to be removed to achieve a 25% crown this to allow more light into the adjacent property at 2 Snowdrop Garth for Mrs Georgette Chapman
16/03295/PLF Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing agricultural storage building at Duck Nest Farm, Cliffe Lane
87/16 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council
16/03243/PLF Erection of two storey and single storey extension and construction of dormer extension to rear at Wayside Cottage, Selby Road for Mrs Karen Jones, granted
DC/16/02633/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness for continued use of buildings for the fabrication and manufacture of steel framed buildings at Park Farm, Market Weighton Road for Parks Fabrications Ltd, a certificate has been issued ie approval given
16/02584/STOUT Outline – Erection of up to 175 dwellings (including up to 25% affordable housing) with associated landscaping, open space, drainage and ancillary works (Access to be considered) at Land SouthEast of The Croft 44 Back Lane for Gladman developments Ltd, refused
Applications to remove 5 hedges as some are self-sown, new drainage system been installed and due to larger machinery in use at Highgate Farm, Lock Lane for Mr Mark Laverack
Applications 16/03717/HEDGE proposal A and 16/03747/HEDGE proposal B have been granted
Applications 16/03748/HEDGE proposal C/16/03749/HEDGE proposal D and 16/03760/HEDGE proposal E have all had a hedgerow retention notice served on them
88/16 Accounts, balances of £12,873.66 current account, £2,240.90 saver account (reserves £1,000 towards election 2019)
Difference to last meeting, debits; £1,683.69 payments approved at last meeting plus £4,765.20 cheques to be confirmed, credits £886.00 cemetery, 27p bank interest, £10 donation to Christmas decorations
Cheques to be confirmed £4,118.65 WREN grant third party contribution, £160.00 SJ Young reimbursement for cash laid out at Christmas event, £486.55 XBM copier copy costs and staples
Cheques to be approved: £670.39 Peter2 Wiles handyman (£444.60 salary plus £225.79 expenses), £99.85 Mel Raper litter picker, £794.52 Steve Young Clerk December (includes £15.57 post), £1,060.86 East Riding of Yorkshire Council street light agreement, £194.81 SJ Young reimbursement for A3 paper purchased/meal, £240.00 CR Wright & Son for Christmas trees, £742.26 HM R&C tax on salaries Quarter 3, £29.25 Autela Ltd for payroll support Quarter 3, £70.00 Allen Williamson rent for the Parish Council depot
Cheques to be written to the agreed list of youth voluntary groups as noted earlier in this agenda
2017/18 precept request to be signed by the Chairman
Newsletter/copier 2016/17 to date. Income £2,000.00 Expenditure £2,716.69 (£2,263.92 ex VAT)
89/16 Reports
90/16 Correspondence
ü Preparation for winter booklets
ü ERYC Chairman Awards
The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 18 January 2017 in the Methodist Church Hall