Holly Springs Fire-Rescue District
Commission Board of Fire Control
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
A public meeting of the Holly Springs Fire-Rescue District Commission Board of Fire Control was held on Tuesday, December 6th, 2012 at 7:00 pm. in the Social Hall of the Holly Springs Fire Department administrative building. Chairperson Lee Jeffcoat presided. The following members were present or absent as indicated:
List Present or Absent
Chairman Lee Jeffcoat - Present
Vice-Chairman Robby Golightly – Present
Commissioner Jerry Jackson. – Present
Commissioner Roger Hall – Present
Commissioner Scott Yarborough - Present
Chief Brent Blackwell – Present
Secretary Bonnie Fulton – Present
Accountant Ken Everham - Present
In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, notices of this meeting were posted on district website, posted on public information board, & mailed to the local media or other interested parties that formally requested such copies.
Invocation was rendered and the beginning prayer was led by Mr. Bill Baddorf.
Agenda items were addressed out of order as indicated
Commissioner Jeffcoat made statement.
2. APPROVAL OF November 23rd, 2011 MEETING MINUTES
Commissioner Golightly moved to approve the November 23rd, 2011 meeting minutes as emailed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hall. Vote was unanimous, motion carried.
· Financial Report as Presented by Ken Everham
o Beginning Monthly Fund Balances for beginning of November 2011 & provided board members with a QuickBooks report:
§ Beginning Balance $31,194.51
Monthly Income $5261.29
Monthly Payout $27,663.50
§ Ending Balance $8,792.30
Detailed Expense & Income data in separated document.
Mr. Everham pointed out that a new administration in Spartanburg and bad publicity could result in taxes being paid late.. Looking for Homestead taxes in January.
· CHIEF’S REPORT Chief has priced extrication blades at $1200.00. The current ones are still usable for a short period of time. Estimate for repairs to Utility 1 is $500 and 2 days. Since the amount is so low, it is the chief’s decision.
-Lake Cunningham FD is requesting Mutual Aid Package to help cover water shuttle for area of Mt Lebanon Road that has no water. Package given to Commissioners for review.
-The Girl Scouts are wanting to us the Station as a meeting place 2 Thursdays per month. Commissioners asked for more details but did not see an issue with this.
-Commissioner Yarbrough made a motion that the Chief be able to decide on expenditures of $500 or less without board approval. Commissioner Jackson 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried.
· Workshop report-full eval Commissioner Jeffcoat handed out 5 year plan (old) and explained how calculations were made. It was agreed that new plan needed to be written and Chief Blackwell needed to work on calculations for future growth of department.
· Obtaining an Attorney & CPA Report Commissioner Jeffcoat is to obtain 2 quotes for an attorney. More discussion tabled until January meeting.
· Summary of 2010-11 Audit Mr. Everham gave a brief presentation in which a $34,809 deficit was discussed. It was agreed that Professional Fees need to be reduced now and in the future. Entire audit will be posted to the website.
· Reinstatement of insurance billing Commissioner Jeffcoat gave history and explained billing. To reinstate, the commissioners must Adopt a Resolution. Commissioner Golightly made a motion that this be tabled until more research could be done. Commissioner Jackson 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried
· Chief’s Salary – Commissioner Jackson made a motion to go into Executive Session. Commissioner Hall 2nd. Vote Unanimous, motion carried @7:46 p.m.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Commissioner Hall 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried @ 8:15 p.m.
During Executive Session, it was discussed that the chief’s salary would be in the 10-15K range, performance based, at 15 hours per week.
· Lt. Melton brought to the attention of the board that the bonus amount for the Firefighters had exceeded the budgeted amount by $1800. Commissioner Golightly made a motion to amend the budget by $2000 to cover the bonuses. Commissioner Yarbrough 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried.
· Fire Department Chaplain – It was suggested that we have multiple coverage as Pastor Clark may not always be available. Chief Blackwell to appoint.
· Commissioner Jackson made a motion for a Resolution to acquire all past loan documentation from BB&T. Commissioner Yarbrough 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried.
8. CITIZENS AGENDA Mr. Bradley asked for a FOIA application to get a copy of the audit. Commissioners went ahead and approved a copy for him.
9. ADJOURNMENT & CLOSING Commissioner Hall made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Jackson 2nd. Vote unanimous, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.