Onondaga Community College – Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Management

Onondaga Community College, Department of Public Safety, is offering an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Management. The AAS in Emergency Management can be taken on campus in a traditional classroom setting and through linkage with the Central New York BOCES synchronous learning classroom system. In addition, Onondaga Community College is working with the New York State Emergency Management office to deliver this program throughout the state. The Emergency Management degree incorporates emergency management courses of study as offered through the FEMA higher education project, state, and local courses and nationally recognized courses in the incident command system. The AAS degree will require students to complete 65 credits.

Proposed Curriculum:

Liberal Arts and Sciences Component – Total: 25-26 credits + 2 P.E. Credits

Emergency Management Courses – Total: 30 Credits

EMG 150 Principles of Emergency Management (2 credits)
EMG 152 Public Safety Critical Incident Management (1 credit)
EMG 160 Developing Volunteer Resources (1 credit)
EMG 170 Public Information Officer Basic Course (3 credits)
EMG 182 Basic Incident Command System (1 credit)
EMG 184 Emergency Response to Terrorism (1 credit)

EMG 162 Resource and Donations Management (2 credits)
EMG 178 Emergency Response Planning (3 credits)
EMG 180 Emergency Management Leadership (2 credits)

EMG 252 Disaster Response and Recovery Operations (2 credits
EMG 262 Intermediate Incident Command System (3 credits)
EMG 270 Multi-Hazard Emergency Response Planning for Schools (1 credit)

EMG 280 Emergency Exercise Program Management (3 credits)
EMG 282 Advanced Incident Command System (1.5 credits)
EMG 278 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management (1.5 credits)
EMG 284 Terrorism Response Planning (2 credits)

Electives: Total – 9 Credits
Note: Must be a sequence in Fire Protection Technology, Public Safety or Emergency Medical Services or courses in Health Professions or other relevant areas with approval of advisor.

Onondaga Community College is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges.

For more information:

Contact: Public Safety Training Center
Onondaga Community College – Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Management
4969 Onondaga Road
Syracuse, New York 13215-1944
Phone: (315) 498-6046
Fax: (315) 492-1521

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Updated: 12/20/04