Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish Council meeting held at

Holland Fen VillageHall onTuesday 5th July 2016.

1.1Present:Clr. D. Ball (Chairperson), Clr.P. Robinson (Vice-Chair),Clr. R. Leggott,Clr. A Dring,Clr. A. Cannon, Clr. N. Early, Clr. B. Holden and Paul Julian (Head of Finance, Boston Borough Council). Mr. K. White – parishioner of Holland Fen.

1.2Apologies:Clr. M. Leggott, Clr. P. Anderson, Clr M. Brookes and Clr. Keywood-Wainwright.

1.3Public Forum: Mr. White of Latham Court, Holland Fen attended the meeting to discuss the cutting of North Forty Foot river banks near his home. He was advised that Latham Trust own the land but he should also gain permission from Black Sluice Drainage Board (Paul Nicholson) to cut the river banks.

Paul Julian gave a brief resume of the meeting regarding future funding of local government and its impact on parish councils. As reported,the borough council need to reduce costs and their plan is for the parish council to undertake funding for various items including: footway lights in the parish (12 in Brothertoft and Holland Fen); open spaces (none in our parish); funding for elections (parish council element). A decision from each Parish will be expected by the end of September.

Mr. Julian was to send a copy of a letter explaining the above in detail; it was to be forwarded to the parish councillors by the Clerk.

  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
  1. Minutes: The minutes of the lastmeeting were agreed by the Council andsigned by theChairperson.

4.Matters Arising:

4.1 Highways:It was reported that several pot holes were still in need of repairing:

Kirton Drove; Ferry Lane near Meeds’ corner; Langrick Bridge Shop; Punchbowl Lane near the gun shop.

The clerk had been in contact with Kathy Roberts, the clerk to Chapel Hill Parish Council, regarding the condition of the road just over Chapel Hill Bridge, she had stated that the matter had already been reported to highways.

4.2 Tritton Offshore Wind Farm:–still ongoing.

4.3Police Matters: There was no police presence and no information received.

4.4Traffic Lights – the lights have been reported again but have still not been attended to. The bushes around the traffic lights also need trimming – this would also be reported.

4.5Viking Link – ongoing.


5.1Heckington Wind Farm: Clr. Cannon had attended a meeting about the proposal; the way in which noise is monitored and assessed is deemed inadequate. Copy of email received is to be filed and be noted that Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish Council have shown their support to Amber Hill Parish Council regarding this issue.

5.2Brothertoft Village Hall: a letter advising an increase in hourly rates for the hire of the hall was discussed; rates increased to £7.50 per hour.

6.Accounts:There weretwo cheques signed at the meeting by Clr. N.Early, Clr. P. Robinson and the Clerk.

6.1P. Bateson£20.00Internal Audit

6.2Brothertoft Village Hall £26.00Hall Hire

  • Lamppost at Brothertoft Village Hall – removed top section – remainder is dangerous. Still not repaired.
  • Pot holes between Cheethams Bridge and Chapel Hill Bridge;
  • Dips along the verges along Kirton Fen and Kirton Drove.
  • Fence at Langrick Bridge still in need of repair.
  • Query was made about the time scale for the speed limit at Langrick Bridge.

The Clerk would contact the appropriate departments.

Date of next meeting – Tuesday6thSeptember 2016 atBrothertoftVillage Hall at 7.30pm.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm.

