
Ms. Holt’s 7th grade mathematics students will be shopping this holiday season! It doesn’t matter what your background is or in what you believe. It is always a great feeling to give back to your favorite people.


Your task is to select holiday gifts for 8-10 family members and friends coming close to, but without exceeding, $1,000.00. You will search the internet and use sales papers and flyers to find the gifts. You are also provided with discounts that you are required to use. Sales tax must be calculated and included in your purchase price.


Identify the 8-10 people for whom you are shopping by name and age. The age is important so that your gift is appropriate. Any person over the age of 18 years of age can be identified by “adult” instead of using their exact age. Choose a gift that this person wants or needs. This means you will need to use the scientific process and talk to them to determine the best gift for your money. Yes, you can include yourself on your gift list

Research the internet using a variety of websites and look through sale papers and flyers to find a gift for each member. Be sure to print out a copy of your gift ad or cut out the picture from the sales ad in order to prove your price. You may also download the ad from the store website.

Make a table of your gifts using the form provided. Include the name of the item, who it’s for, the original price, discount used, 7% sales tax, and the sale price. Round each price to the nearest cent. Report the total for all of your purchases.

Display your pictures, purchases (with discount and tax calculation), and completed tableon a poster, in a power point or other digital presentation.You may also choose another format for display with prior approval.

Important Sales Information

Apply these discounts to your purchases:

Clothing25% off

Electronics15% off

Books, CDs, Videos10% off

Jewelry20% off

Everything Else5% off

Resources (this is not an exhaustive list).

We will spend Dec. 14-17 working on this assignment in class. However, if you will not be here on some days that week, you may need to start early. This assignment, along with the display, is due before you leave for the holidays!

This will count as a test grade.


Have fun shopping