South Carolina Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers

Discussion Meet Application

Deadline: 4:45 pm on October 1, 2015

Contestant’s Name


City State Zip

Cell Phone Work Phone

E-Mail Address

Date of Birth Gender ______

Farm Bureau Membership in name of:

County Membership # Expiration Date

Please provide a short biographical sketch

Describe your present involvement in production agriculture:

I herby certify that the above named applicant has met all contestant qualifications as set out

by the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation.

Contestant’s Signature:

Please email, mail or fax completed application to:

SC Farm Bureau

Attn: YF&R Coordinator

PO Box 754

Columbia, SC 29202-0754

Fax: 1-803-936-4435


Deadline: 4:45 pm on October 1, 2015

SCFB YF&R Discussion Meet

Friday, December 4, 2015

Embassy Suites Hotel – Kingston Plantation

YF&R Discussion Meet Questions

1. How should Farm Bureau protect and encourage producers’ ability to use new technology? How can Farm Bureau work with government and the public to ensure public acceptance while encouraging innovation?

2. Should we draft policy to protect livestock producers from false accusations regarding animal welfare? What could it look like?

3. How do we balance agriculture’s water needs with maintaining vibrant communities? How do historical water rights influence this discussion?

4. How do we get the public to support right-to-farm laws? Should these laws be determined on the state or the federal level?

5. How can we influence state and local policy that more effectively balances the social and economic interests of farmers and ranchers versus burdensome federal regulation?

All contestants will be provided complimentary lodging for Friday evening in Myrtle Beach following the contest on Friday afternoon and a $75 cash award. The runner-up will receive a $250 cash award, and the winner will receive $500 towards the purchase of STIHL equipment, $250 cash, a trip to Orlando to compete nationally, and a trip to Kansas City for the Engagement Conference.