Holiday Pay RSIA
Without prejudice to the Organization's position that what is involved may be a "major" dispute under the Railway Labor Act, claim Holiday pay for (holiday) due to being withheld from service to obtain the required rest in compliance with RSIA Hours of Service reforms. (UTU IGN Agreement Dated July 1, 1998 Article C-2 PAID HOLIDAYS - ROAD SERVICE Article I Section 2 - June 25, 1964 National Agreement as Amended by Article IV of October 15, 1982 National Agreement)
Without prejudice to the Organization's position that what is involved may be a "major" dispute under the Railway Labor Act, claim Holiday pay for (holiday) due to being withheld from service to obtain the required rest in compliance with RSIA Hours of Service reforms. (UTU IGN Agreement Dated July 1, 1998 Article C-2 Section 2 - Paid Holidays - Yard Service)
Extra Board
Without prejudice to the Organization's position that what is involved may be a "major" dispute under the Railway Labor Act, claim Holiday pay for (holiday) due to being withheld from service to obtain the required rest in compliance with RSIA Hours of Service reforms. (UTU IGN Agreement Dated July 1, 1998 Article C-2 PAID HOLIDAYS - AWARD NO. 51 Case No. 42 February 12, 1976)
When employee tried to layoff to break 6-day cycle but was denied add the following to the above:
In addition, on (Time, MM/DD/YY) I attempted to layoff [LP, PL, LV, FD, etc] in order to break the 6-day cycle under the RSIA. This request was denied by CMS caller/manager (Name and/or position)
[Remember: If a member attempts lay off in order to break the 6 day cycle, he or she should so state to the caller when they try to lay off.]
Loss of Holiday
Con/Brk/Sw: ______Emp #: ______
Date of Claim: ___/___/______Pay Period: ______
Non Service Claim# ______Board assigned to:______
Declination# ______
FR or FZ status: From Date & Time ___/___/______:___ To Date & Time ___/___/______:___
Did you try and lay-off to break your cycle? Date and time ___/___/______:___
Name and area of crew caller/manager: ______
Type of lay-off requested [LP, PL, LV, etc]: ______
Complete this form and give it to your Local Chairperson along with the following information:
Copy of the non-service claim that you submitted
All recap sheets including declination sheet (Last Page of pay stub) so it can be seen what you were paid, plus any response or heat tickets from the timekeeper.
You MUST HAVE all of this information to validate your claim so it can be processed.