Getting holiday insurance cover can be difficult for renal patients depending on the sort of treatment you are on. Most companies giving travel insurance will not give cover for renal patients.
Pre-dialysis Patients
Insurance companies giving travel cover ask you to tell them if you have a serious illness. They will then ask you details of your current condition and may refuse to treat you. If you become so ill while away and need transport home the insurance cover for your companion may not cover their travel costs.
Inexpensive insurance cover can be obtained and travel agents should be able to help you find it. There are some travel agents who will provide suitable insurance cover but only if you travel with them.
Haemodialysis Patients
Patients on haemodialysis face a problem as insurance provision changes so much even specialist ravel companies find it difficult to cope with. Specialist companies such as Freedom Holidays or Saga can arrange both haemodialysis sessions on holiday and insurance.
Patients on the Transplant List
Getting insurance while a patient is on the transplant list is very difficult if not impossible because of the risk of the patient being called when a suitable kidney is available. Most patients find the best way round this is to come off the transplant list while going on holiday.
Transplant Patients
A lot of insurance companies will give cover for healthy transplant patients. It's worth shopping around as rates can vary between companies.
The insurance companies listed have been passed on by patients, who obtained holiday cover from them at a reasonable price. The list is not in a particular order. You may have to ring round to obtain a quote to suit your particular needs.
Freedom Travel / 01223 446914 / Insurance, holidays etc.
RIAS / 0845 234 0011 / Over 50s - apparently very good
Our Way Travel / 0208 313 3353
0208 313 3900
Worldwide Travel Ins. / 0189 283 3338 / cheap annual policies
Leading Edge Travel Ins. / 0189 283 6622
Travelcare / 0208 285 1234 / Medical screening
Leisurecare (Insurance Service) Ltd / 0179 375 0150
Post Office Insurance / Quite good - Medical Screening
Clover Insurance Services / 0208 805 1121
Tesco Insurance / 0845 305 0505 / Recommended by a CAPD patient
Venturecare insurance / 0800 181 532
Travel Assurance Premier / 01404 830 100 / Excellent rates - recommended by a CAPD patient
Nationwide Travel Ins. / 0870 00 55 622
RAC Travel Insurance / 0800 55 00 55
ASDA Travel Insurance / 0208 446 5414
Sun Selection / 01582 476 026
Holiday Services Travel Insurance / 01623 407 321 / CAPD Patients only
American Express / 0800 018 7573
Atlas Direct / 0870 811 1700
Colombus Travel / 0845 330 8518
Churchill / 0800 026 4050
Essential Travel / 0870 343 0014
Insure and Go / 0870 901 3674
Stay Sure / 0870 901 3674 / 10%discount. (This discount only refers to the policyptice – or maybe polysystic? - and does not include medical screening costs) Quote Discount Code KPA10
Medicover / 0870 735 8518 / Recommended by a haemodialysis patient
Direct travel / 0845 605 2700 / Recommended by variety of patients