Holiday Camp Suggested Format: Saturday 12:00- 3:00 PM
Time / Activity / Materials / Tips / Extra Instructions12:00- 12:15 PM / Check In!! /
- Prepared Name Tags
- Printed Release Forms
- Pens
- Music
- Hula hoops, balls, streamers
- Play Holiday Music
- Allow kids to play and dance with hula hoops, balls, and streamers
- Encourage kids to wear their pajamas
- Print out extra release forms and name tags
- Have an adequate space where kids can play and parents can fill out release forms
- Get a completed Junior Jazzercise Release Form for each child in attendance (In Junior Jazzercise Area of FZ)
- See “extended holiday playlist” below for music ideas while they come in
- Encourage them to bring a new unwrapped toy or canned good to give to charity, provide a small discount if they bring either item (5-10% off)
12:15- 12:20 PM / Rudolph Rules /
- All materials and equipment should be put away
- Review Rules: Emphasize the FUN
- Bodies to yourself
- Respect your peers and instructor
- No leaving without asking
12:20-12:25 PM / Winter Warm-up /
- Adequate dance space
- All materials should be put away
- Music
- Microphone
- Stretch sections may be a bit shorter, so adapt as needed
- Talk about the importance of the stretches and warming up the muscles
- Remove some of the pelvis isolations and make them hip shakes
- Use the “freestyle” sections to move around the room and let the kids get a little crazy
12:25- 12:40 PM / Tinsel Time Dance Party /
- Music
- Microphone
- Adapt existing choreography to Holiday songs
- “Treasure” to Winter Wonderland by Selena Gomez
- “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” to “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” by Justin Bieber
- Do the regular versions of “Happy” and “Abracadaba” to mix it up. Anything that’s fun and age appropriate!
12:40-12:50 PM / Snowman Bowling /
- Paper Towels-decorated like snowmen
- Small balls
- Set up a few bowling stations and break kids into groups
- Set up your decorated paper towels (pins) and rollballs to knock them down. White Styrofoam balls from the craft store, work great for this and they look like snowballs!
- Position the “pins” in different way to create different challenges
12:50- 1:10 PM / Snowflake Stage Time! /
- Stage or designated stage area
- Music
- Play like “Jazzercise Idol”
- See instructions on Games and Activities Page of the FZ
- Allow them to “show” alone or in small groups
- Allows kids to quickly show off their favorite “talents”, because they ALWAYS have something they want to show you
- Choose 3 songs from the Extended Holiday Playlist for them to choose from
- Give 5 minutes for them to collaborate
- Allow them 30 seconds- 1 minute of stage time each person/ group
1:10- 1:15 PM / Dasher Dance Break! /
- Music
- Hula hoops, balls, streamers, pom-poms
- This gives the chance to dance and do whatever they want for an entire song with the hoops, balls, streamers, or pom-poms
- Let them be silly, controlled chaos can be a good thing!
- Use upbeat holiday music included on the “extended playlist” below
1:15-1:30 PM / Reindeer Relays /
- Space to run from one end of room to next
- Hula hoops, tubes, chairs, balls etc…
- Music
- Use hula hoops, tubes, chairs to set up obstacles and different challenges
- Start and pause music so they freeze and go
- Relay example: Run to the hula hoop, hula hoop for 10 seconds, hop on 1 foot from the hoop to the chair, bunny hop around the chair, run to the tube, do 10 bicep curls standing on the tube, run to next person in line and gently tag their hand to go next.
1:30- 2:15 PM / Crafty Craft and Surprise Snack Time! /
- Healthy Snack
- Craft ( ideas below)
- Glue, markers
- Music
- Paper or vinyl tablecloth
- Have a healthy snack ready (images below).
- Complete inexpensive craft, order from Oriental Trading Company or craft store
- Order your craft supplies EARLY! Each of the crafts are $10 or less and come with at least a dozen
- Get inexpensive tablecloths at the dollar store, this makes for easy clean up
- Remind kids to keep all food and craft materials on the table cloth
- Reiterate the need to share with one another
2:15- 2:30 PM / Holiday Wrap Up /
- Pre-cut sections of wrapping paper
- Tape
- Bows
- Stop watch
- Break into small teams and provide each team with adequate wrapping paper, tape and bows
- Get paper, tape and bows from the Dollar Store
- Give each team pre-cut wrapping paper cut into 3 ft sized squares, that way they aren’t using scissors in a hurry
- Turn on upbeat holiday music
- Encourage them to wrap their team mates using wrapping paper, tape and bows
- Get entire team wrapped quickest, teaches team work
2:30- 2:50 PM / Jolly Dance Break Down /
- Music
- Microphone
- This routine has taken the “Life Is Better With You” choreography and adapted it to McClain Sister’s “Jingle Bell Rock”
- Put the kids in straight lines of 3 for the “snowflake section”
2:50- 2:55 PM / Frozen Freeze Dance /
- Music
- Adequate dance space
2:55- 3:00 PM / Jingle Bell Rock- The Show!! / Perform your “Jolly Dance Break Down” routine and any routines from the “Tinsel Time Dance Party” the kids liked. Kids wear pajamas they came in. Thank everyone for coming!!
Things to Remember:
- Feel free to adjust the times and content as you see fit for your camp.
- Have fun and add your own creativity
- Use the Junior Jazzercise Holiday Camp flyer template available on the Franchise Zone and get it out to current customers and people in your community ASAP. Great to pass out at schools and community events
- Announce from stage, post to your social media pages and encourage people to share the Camp information
- E-mail or call Junior Jazzercise Coordinator, Emily Tyson, at or 760-602-7122 if you have any questions!
Suggested Dates and Times:
Friday evening in December 5:00- 8:00 PM
- Above time or after your last class of the afternoon
- Advertise as a “shop and drop” so parents can get holiday shopping done or time to wrap gifts
Saturday, or Sunday in December 12:00 PM- 3:00 PM, or 5:00- 8:00 PM
- Above time or after your last class of the morning
- Advertise as a “shop and drop”so parents can get holiday shopping done or time to wrap gifts
Craft Ideas:Links are from theOriental Trading Company Website:
Smile Face Snowman With Sunglasses Magnet
Paper Plate Gingerbread Man Craft Kit
Wooden Snowman Banner Craft Kit
Mitten Ornament Craft Kit
Bake sugar cookies, use cookie-cutters for fun winter shapes, bring and allow them to decorate and take home as a treat!!
Snack Ideas:These are from Social Media Sites andPinterest and they have tons of great ideas!
Extended Holiday Playlist:
“All I want for Christmas Is You” from Merry Christmas II You by Mariah Carey
“Winter Wonderland” from All Wrapped Up Vol. 2 by Selena Gomez and the Scene
“Shake Santa Shake” from Disney Channel Holiday Playlist by Zendaya
“Jingle Bell Rock” from Disney Channel Holiday Playlist by McClain Sisters
“Santa Claus is Coming to Town” from Under The Mistletoe by Justin Bieber
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” from Disney Channel Holiday Playlist by Bella Thorne
“Happy Universal Holidays” from Disney Channel Holiday Playlist by Bella Thorne by Adam Hicks
“Jingle Bells” from Merry Nickmas by Drake Bell