“Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has, as its ultimate goal, the betterment of humanity.”
Nikola Tesla, 1919
Earth is unstable now; it wobbles more than ever. The atmosphere is speeding up, and Earth is slowing down. Earth’s core is getting hotter, magnetic north is changing, and the sun is more active and older than we thought. Everything is unpredictable and humans are always willing to push things to the limit.
In 1912, Nikola Tesla developed alternating current, high frequency radio technology, free energy, and worked with electromagnetic waves. He believed in our ability to change the weather, to create a shield around the earth to protect us from missiles, and claimed he knew how to split the earth in two.
In 1985, Bernard Eastlund applied for patents that could make some of Tesla’s ideas a reality. This patent became the “blueprint” for HAARP, (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). In 1984, Arco approached Eastlund to find a use for natural gas in the north slope of Alaska that they could not sell. Eastlund says it was enough gas to produce all the electricity in the United States for a full year. Eastlund originated some ideas for military applications and civilian applications in which that gas would be converted into electricity which would power some large antennas.
What Is HAARP?
HAARP is located in Gakona, Alaska, where the magnetosphere is closest to the earth. Eventually, there will be 180 poles that make up one large antenna, called a Phase Ray Antenna, which can be aimed in different directions. This antenna, together with the cross members and wire mesh, will send all radio frequencies into the ionosphere. HAARP began with Congress directing the Defense Department to explore the potential of using the auroral regions for a number of applications. Eastlund’s original patent discussed applications including 1) destroying missiles; 2) communications control during disruptions; and 3) the ability to modify weather and to lift a portion of the upper atmosphere to improve communications, navigation, and surveillance.
The ionosphere is somewhat like a thick soap bubble, a natural electrically charged shield around the earth that protects all life from deadly solar radiation. Without it, we would all fry. With the HAARP antennas, they can “paint the sky”, creating an aurora borealis effect. These beams fire a billion watts of energy into the ionosphere for testing. And HAARP’s goal is to be able to beam 100 billion watts. At its biggest suggested size, firing a beam into the atmosphere for 1-1/2 hours would equal the energy in a hydrogen bomb.
Some say that HAARP has no effect on the Earth.
Others believe differently.
What the Beam Does:
Back in 1912, Nikola Tesla said that it was possible to split the planet by combining the correct vibrations with the resonance of the planet itself.
What is happening to the ionosphere while this beam is holding it up 80 miles out into space? It is heating up. Molecules around the beam’s path are absorbing energy out of the radio beam, and if they pick the right frequency to push that plume out into space, it creates “holes” about 30 miles long, ½-mile deep, and 50-60 miles above Earth. If there are indeed holes, supposedly the lower atmosphere will rush in and fill them up, but this causes changes in localized weather patterns. This same technology is being used around the world and creating more and more holes. Suppose the atmosphere can’t keep up with the number of holes being punched in it? What then?
Brooks Agnew, Earth Tomographer, says that as we beam this radiowave into the iononsphere and continually charge it up, “not only are you sending energy into the ionosphere, but you are providing a path for energy to come back down out of the ionosphere.” “In other words,” says Jeane Manning, co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, “they can create a massive discharge of lightning, bigger than anything we have ever seen on this planet.”
Mr. Agnew continues, saying that once a solar tap is formed and the ionosphere actually discharges, “the electrons and energy will come from all over the ionosphere to that one point and it will strike the ground in a bolt that is 100 times greater than any lightning bolt imaginable. And it will not strike just one time. It will strike 30 to 40 times per second until there are no longer any electrons or energy to flow from the ionosphere through that tap to ground, but when it strikes the ground, it will vaporize the ground, the water, or whatever it happens to hit, kind of like three or four Mt. St. Helens volcanoes going off, each second that that bolt discharges.” He admits that this is somewhat farfetched, but believes that if you are experimenting with large amounts of energy, you should consider and be aware of worst case scenarios.
Electronic Warfare?
The Low-Intensity Conflict & Modern Technology” document from Maxwell Air Force Base lays out the use of The Low-Intensity Conflict & Modern Technology” document from Maxwell Air Force Base lays out the use of electromagnetic weapons technology for debilitating human beings. Adam Trombly, Physicist for the Institute for Advanced Studies, says that using electromagnetic warfare against human beings can cause disease, hysteria, and passivity through population control. Considered a child prodigy in electronics, Dr. Patrick Flanagan is an electromagnetic specialist. At age 13, he invented an electromagnetic device that transmitted sound to the human brain. He’s been studying this field for over 40 years. “HAARP scares me because I know what it can do. I know that HAARP can be used to control the human mind.”
Dr. Bernard Eastlund, Plasma Physicist, who left HAARP in 1987, says that in one of his last communications with Arco, it was indicated that a contract had been awarded for ionospheric warfare studies. John Heckscher, Program Manager for HAARP says “I have not heard of ionospheric warfare. I don’t even know what the term means.”
As far back as the 1970’s, weather manipulation has been a topic of discussion and a consideration for weaponry. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen announced in April 1997 that, in fact, geophysical warfare was becoming a more intense problem, and that they were speculating that terrorist organizations would have systems that could modify weather, create volcanic eruptions and even earthquakes using electromagnetic waves.
HAARP is, basically, a ground-based Star Wars weapon technology. David Harrison, Environmental Advisor and Chief of the Chickaloon Indian Tribe in Alaska, says that the Attorney General and the Environmental Program Manager for Upper Cook Intel Environmental Protection Consortium have worked with HAARP for many years and says that “…it [HAARP] changed from one thing to another. What a lot of people are not aware of is that it’s ground-based Star Wars technology. And the U.S. Congress has said they quit funding Star Wars, so they call it everything else BUT Star Wars to get it funded.”
What Happens Naturally & How It Affects Our Bodies
We are surrounded and bombarded by millions of megawatts of natural energy because the sun blows a solar wind crashing toward Earth. Since Earth is a magnet, the magnetic field called Magnetosphere protects us. HAARP’s original patent was designed to distort or alter the Magnetosphere. Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist, says “Humans generate a magnetic field as well, especially from our brains and hearts. Every cell in our bodies has a powerful magnetic substance called magnetites that respond sensitively to magnetic fields in the environment. If HAARP is distorting or altering the Magnetosphere, surely it will affect our health and physiology.” Since 1990, the military has managed this program. There are no independent scientific committees outside the military, nor any bioscientists or physiologists from the military involved in this project looking at these bio effects.
The Electrojet & ELF Waves
The Electroject affects global weather. HAARP wants to modify the Electrojet in order to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) waves.
They believe that they can shoot a billion-watt beam into the atmosphere, create a secondary beam, and together, these will cause the Electrojet to vibrate and send ELF waves back to Earth, penetrating it and, in essence, x-raying the Earth. HAARP says they want to create the capability to see underground tunnels, and to find minerals, oil, gas, and different types of ore. But Jeane Manning says that’s not all HAARP wants. HAARP intends to cause the Electrojet to dip closer to Earth so it can be tapped for a huge electrical power generation station, which is “insanity, because they don’t know what they’re dealing with…they’re dealing with the planet’s electrical system.”
How ELF Waves Affect The Brain
It is known that the human brain operates at very low frequency. When the brain is actively thinking, it generates about 13-14 cycles per second, while sleeping generates about 4 cycles per second. Dr. Patrick Flanagan says that HAARP is capable of generating all these frequencies, and that these kinds of signals can control the human brain. He believes that if you can control the frequencies and multiples of these frequencies in various combinations, you can control all kinds of emotions
The idea of ELF affecting mental states is not new. Jose Delgado, M.D. of Yale University, began with implants in the brain, then electromagnetic frequencies in the implants. He found that energy at 1/50th of what Earth naturally produces could, in certain frequency ranges, trigger huge mood swings.
So does HAARP affect human beings?
Symptoms of Electromagnetic Frequencies
Mrs. Jenelle Tuttle, former Administrator to the Attorney General, says she has found that symptoms caused by electromagnetic frequencies include anxiety, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, mood swings, nausea, increase in nocturnal urination, headaches, sudden increases in pulse rate, shortness of breath, tingling or prickling feeling in the skin, vertigo, nosebleeds, blood pressure increases, and body tremors. In her research, she found that every single one of the subjects studied who were experiencing some or all of these symptoms lived right next to or near a transmitter.
“There are a number of scientists like myself who are concerned about this, who are in fear of what HAARP can do to the planet.” Says Patrick Flanagan. “Not only mind control, but weather changes, possible earth changes, earthquakes, things like that.’
Earth’s magnetic system is not here to be exploited by the Department of Defense. It’s here to protect all life on the planet. “The Earth is a living organism.” Says Jeane Manning. “It’s not something that’s really outside of us, it’s really an intimate part of who we are. And when we destroy it, we destroy ourselves.”