Human Rights Consultant,social communicator and lawyer.
Journalism (Quito, Central University), and Legal Sciences (Quito, UTPL) .
Diplomas in Human Rights (Inter-American Institute of Human Rights,
San José , Costa Rica / 1987 ; Andean Commission of Jurists , Lima, Peru / 2006, 2007 and
2009) , Rights of the Child (International Institute for Child Rights and Institute
University Kürt Bosch, Sion, Switzerland / 1995 ) , Political Conflict Resolution (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Organization of American States, Bogotá, Colombia / 2001) states.
Diploma " Law Specialist in Environmental Damage Liability " ( Latin American Center Specializes in Environmental Training CIEFA , Lima, Peru / 2014 ) .
Areas of expertise
Civil, political, social, cultural, and environmental rights
Co-founder and former member of the Executive Committee of the Ecuadorian section of Amnesty International. Delegate to the XVII International Council of AI (Espoo -Helsinki , Finland). August 1985.
Cofounder and correspondent of the International Observatory of Prisons (OIP - Ecuador ) . March 1997.
Founder and coordinator of the Center for Human Rights Documentation
" S. J. Segundo Montes Mozo " (Quito, Ecuador ) . January 1991 to date.
Ex Board member of the International League for the Abolition of
Death Penalty / Hands Off Cain (Rome, Italy). January to December 1997.
Executive Committee Member of the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition ( Vienna, Austria / Heidelberg / Germany). In functions.
Consortium Member of Executive Committee Extraterritorial Obligations / ETO
Consortium (Heidelberg , Germany). In functions.
Regional Coordinator of the Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development (PIDHDD ) . July 2011 to date.
Rights of children and adolescents
Co-Founder and former President of Defense for Children International (DCI - Ecuador) .
September 1995 to February 1999.
Coordinator of the Working Group on Children in Armed Conflict (Quito, Ecuador) . December 1999 to March 2006.
Former board member of the Ecuadorian Center for Training and Development
Educators, CECAFEC (Quito, Ecuador) . September 1995 to February1999.
Former member of the Executive Committee of the Permanent Forum Ecuador
Organizations for and with Children and Adolescents (Quito, Ecuador). November 1995 to May 1998.
Human rights and international solidarity
Promoter and member of the Ecuadorian Committee for Solidarity with the People
Palestinian. Organizer of the Conference of the Palestinian Identity (Quito, Ecuador).
International Observer of the human rights situation in the country
Vasco, Euskadi Managers Pro Amnesty ( Bilbo , Basque Country ) . September 1994.
Manager in multiple initiatives for peace and human rights in
Colombia, the Basque Country, Palestine and Western Sahara. November 1999 to date.
Human rights, social dialogue and monitoring
Member of the Working Group “Civil - Military Dialogue for Building Democracy." Catholic University , Quito, and American University, Washington (Quito, Ecuador ) .
member technical team of indigenous, peasant and social organizations in the Dialogue on Migration and the Roundtable on " Plan Colombia " , with the national government during the administration of Dr. Gustavo Noboa Bejarano , Constitutional President of the Republic . January to June
Member of the International Verification Mission Housing Rights.
Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean for the Defense of the Rights of Women, International Federation of Human Rights, International Coalition Habitat and American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development ( Guayaquil , Ecuador ) . September 2013.
General Coordinator of the National Dialogue Civil Society Organizations on cooperation, human rights, democracy and development. FLACSO, ANC,
CITY CCONG Observatory Development Cooperation in Ecuador and
American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development
(Quito, Ecuador). December 2013.
Rights (as) migrants, refugees (as), displaced (as), trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants
Ex member of the Committee for Aid to Refugees and Displaced by Violence
(Quito, Ecuador) . 1994 to February 1999.
Former member of the Commission for Determining Refugee in
Ecuador , Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador . June 1998 to February 1999.
Coordinator unofficial visit to Ecuador by the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights of Migrants, Gabriela Rodríguez Pizarro. November 2001.
Management Committee Member of the National Workshop on Migration (TNM) . March
2002 to March 2004.
Coordinator of the Legal Working Group Ad -Hoc Human Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Aliens . July to December 2003.
Coordinator of the First Hemispheric Conference on Migration Policy (Quito,
Ecuador ). July 2004.
Coordinator II Hemispheric Conference on Migration Policy (Caracas, Venezuela ) . January 2006 .
Coordinator III Hemispheric Conference on Migration Policy (Quito, Ecuador ) . September 2009.
Representative in Ecuador of the Inter-American Observatory
Rights of Migrants (OCIM) . January 2004 to December 2007.
Technical Secretary of the Ad- Hoc Committee on Labour Migration
(MTML) . September 2005 to date.
Help Program Chairman, Saving and Investment for Ecuadorian migrants and their families, statutory body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Constitutional President of the Republic, Dr. Alfredo Palacio González . October 2006 to January 2007.
Member of the Working Group on Migration of the Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development, PIDHDD (Asuncion , Paraguay ) .
December 2007 to March 2009.
Coordinator of the Working Group on Migration Platform
American Court of Human Rights, Democracy and Development, PIDHDD
(Asuncion , Paraguay ) . March 2009 to May 2011 .
South American Representative of the Joint Space without Borders, ESF (Sao
Paulo , Brazil). December 2008 to January 2011.
Member of Migrants Rights International, MRI ( Oakland , USA / Geneva , Switzerland).
December 2009 to date.
Technical Secretary of the " National Conference on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling : Gender, Access to Justice , Human Rights and Public Policy ." Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador . May 2012.
Committee Member of the Latin American Observatory on
Trafficking in Persons (Puebla, Mexico / Buenos Aires , Argentina ) . September
2010 to date .
Human rights, peace and demilitarization
Member of the Latin American Council of Peace Research ( City
Guatemala , Guatemala ) . January 1996 to date.
Member of the International Network of Support for Reconciliation Processes
( Gernika , Bizkaia, Euskadi) .
Member of International delegation on Decontamination and Conversion of Military Bases, Fellowship of Reconciliation / FOR ( San Juan / Vieques , Puerto
Rico). August 2000 .
Participation in conferences, seminars and / or national and international courses
IV Meeting of Critical Criminology (Havana , Cuba ) . September 1986 .
Second Latin American Meeting of Sections Defence for Children International (Quito, Ecuador ) . March 1988 .
IX International Course " Citizen Security and Human Rights." commission
Andean Jurists ( Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ) . June 1998 .
IX Congress of the Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of
Disappeared , FEDEFAM (Lima, Peru ) . November 1989 .
Tenth International Meeting of the United Nations NGO on
Question of Palestine (Vienna , Austria). August 1993 .
Amnesty International Conference on the protection of human rights defenders in Latin America (Bogotá, Colombia ) . May 1996 .
World Congress against Sexual Exploitation of Children for commercial purposes
(Stockholm , Sweden). August 1996 .
Sub regional Workshop on the reception and protection programs for refugees and Colombian migrants in neighboring countries (Panama City ,
Panama ) . February 1997 .
International Conference on HIV / AIDS in African Prisons. observatory
International Prison OIP (Dakar , Senegal) . February 1998 .
International Seminar and Workshop "Women in Conflict with the Law and
Administration of Justice. " National Institute for Children and Families, Ministry of
Social Welfare , Department of Social Rehabilitation and Latin American Institute of the United Nations Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders ( Quito, Ecuador ) . July 1998 .
Binational Seminar and Humanitarian Forum " Putumayo a border of peace."
Guamuez Valley Township (La Hormiga, Colombia ) . October 1998 .
Summit of Defenders of Human Rights (Paris , France). December 1998 .
International Seminar " Topics of Criminal Procedure , Prisons and Medico Legal" . Supreme Court , Latin American Institute , School of Law, Central University , Andalusian Institute of Criminology and Foundation for Integral Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence (Quito, Ecuador ) . March 1999 .
Latin American and Caribbean Conference on the Use of Children as
Soldiers (Montevideo, Uruguay ) . July 1999 .
International Seminar and Workshop " Prisons : The Challenge of the New Millennium."
Inter-American Human Rights MINUGUA , Institute of
Comparative Criminal Guatemala Sciences , University of San Carlos of Guatemala and Universidad Rafael Landivar ( Guatemala City , Guatemala ) . August 1999 .
Regional Seminar " The human rights of persons deprived of liberty."
Embassy in Bolivia and Ombudsman (La Paz, Bolivia ) . May 2000 .
PARinAC Workshop - protection networks as a tool for strengthening the shelter in the region. Regional Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations
for Refugees, to the north of South America and Panama (Quito, Ecuador ) .
June 2000 .
Symposium on International Migration in the Americas and Forum "Civil Society : Towards new forms of hemispheric cooperation on immigration " (San José , Costa Rica ) . September 2000 .
International Meeting on Peace, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in Colombia . Government of Colombia and Peace Colombia (San José , Costa Rica ) . October 2000 .
Workshop for Strengthening Coordination and Network Details
Borders ( Bogota, Colombia ) . December 2000 .
Regional Seminar on Torture Reporting ( Mexico DF , Mexico ) . March 2001 .
Latin American Human Rights Defenders ( Mexico DF , Mexico ) . June 2001 .
Hemispheric Conference on International Migration: Human Rights and Human Trafficking
People in the Americas, and the Civil Society Forum of the Americas on
Mobility of Persons ( Santiago , Chile). November 2002 .
Seminar “Legislation and Refuge in Neighboring Countries " (Bogotá, Colombia ) .
November 2002 .
II Meeting of UNICEF, UNHCR and the Latin American Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers (Panama City , Panama ) . April 2003 .
Second session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
(New York , United States of America) . May 2003 .
Regional Seminar "Integration, Migration, and Development Cooperation ." Government of Chile, International Organization for Migration in Chile and Institute
Ecuadorian International Cooperation ( Quito, Ecuador ) . July 2003 .
Liaison Group Meeting - strategies against the FTAA (Brasilia , Brazil). October
2003 .
XXXIV General Assembly of the Organization of American States , OAS
(Quito, Ecuador ) . June 2004 .
III Latin American Consultation on Human Rights Defenders (Sao Paulo , Brazil). August 2004 .
First World Social Forum on Migrations (Porto Alegre , Brazil). January 2005 .
Pre- Conference against Racism , Xenophobia and Discrimination
Intolerance ( Santiago , Chile). August 2005 .
Seminar on Migration and Economic Development : The Role of Parliaments in the contemporary world / Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas , COPA
(Quito, Ecuador ) . August 2005 .
Seminar-Workshop "Migration : To and from Ecuador " / Andean Parliament
( Caráquez Bay , Ecuador ) . October 2005 .
Symposium " Transnational Dynamics of Conflict and Migration : Challenges and
Challenges for the Andean Region " (Bogotá, Colombia ) . November 2005 .
VI World Social Forum and II Social Forum of the Americas (Caracas, Venezuela ) . January 2006 .
XV Meeting of Neighbourhood Ecuadorian- Colombian . Government
Government of Colombia and Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador ) . April 2006 .
VII General Assembly of the Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas , COPA (Quito, Ecuador ) . June 2006 .
VI Global Forum on Children and Adolescents " Moving ... Paraguay : The Challenge
to realize Human Rights "( Asuncion , Paraguay ) . September 2006 .
Course VI Andean Regional Human Rights Law Professors , Non-Governmental Organizations Professional Advocates and Lawyers
Human Rights ( Lima, Peru ) . September to November 2006.
Regional Consultation on Migration and Human Rights ( Montevideo, Uruguay ) .
November 2006 .
Seminar “Terror and Latin America without Poverty " (Montevideo, Uruguay ) . November
2006 .
Sixth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
(New York , United States of America) . May 2007 .
Workshop on Human Rights : Prospective on the problems of youth and migrants ( Cartagena de Indias, Colombia ) . July 2007 .
First Global Forum on Migration and Development , Civil Society Day (Brussels , Belgium). July 2007 .
Global Community Dialogue on Migration, Development and Human Rights
(Brussels , Belgium). July 2007 .
International Seminar " Migration : A progressive look " ( Santiago , Chile).
October 2007 .
VII Andean Regional Human Rights Course for Law Teachers , Professionals and Non-Governmental Human Rights Defenders (Lima, Peru ) Attorneys Organizations . November 2007 .
Technical Working Group Meeting on Migration of the Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development ( Lima, Peru ) . December 2007 .
II Meeting of the Permanent Consultation on Migration and Human Rights
Latin America and the Caribbean ( Cuenca, Ecuador ) . April 2008 .
Ibero-American Forum on Migration and Development , FIBEMYD (Cuenca , Ecuador ) .
April 2008 .
International ' Social Policy and Public Institutions . " university
Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Headquarters ; Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, and
INNFA . (Quito, Ecuador ) . April 2008 .
Latin American Conference "Human rights, democracy and emancipation." Andean Human Rights Program of the University
Andina Simón Bolívar , Sede Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador ) . May 2008 .
II Provincial Meeting , Chimborazo , 2008, " Migration and Public Policy
Development " . Agency Network of Human Mobility Chimborazo, RIMHUCH ( Riobamba, Ecuador ) . October 2008 .
II Global Forum on Migration and Development , Civil Society Days (Manila,
Philippines) . October 2008 .
Seminary Sem Fronteiras Espaço - State Policy das migratory na América do
Sul (São Paulo , Brazil). November 2008 .
World Social Forum ( Belém do Pará , Brazil). Jan 2009.
International Workshop on Groups and Public Policy in Special Situations
Protection in the Andean Region and International Meeting of Project Groups in Situations of Special Protection . Andean Commission of Jurists ( Cartagena de
Indias, Colombia ) . May 2009 .
South American Meeting " Gender and Migration " . Space Without Borders, ESF ( The
Paz, Bolivia ) . June 2009 .
III Hemispheric Conference on Migration Policy . ASC , CAJ , CSA, ESF , Cry of the
Excluded , MTML , MRI, NALACC , PIDHDD , Red Andina Migration , and INDM
RROCM (Quito, Ecuador ) . September 2009 .
Regional Conference on Refugee Protection and International Migration in the Americas: Protection Considerations in the Context of Migration
mixed ( San José , Costa Rica ) . November 2009 .
International Seminar " Need for Comprehensive Penal Reform ." area
Law of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Office and Ministry of
Justice and Human Rights ( Quito, Ecuador ) . November 2009 .
International Seminar " Electoral Law and Electoral Justice " . Area of Law at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Office and Court Litigation
Electoral (Quito, Ecuador ) . November 2009 .
Course Subregiomal International Labour Migration : "Towards strengthening the capacities of labor migration management in the Netherlands
Andean " (Quito, Ecuador ) . December 2009 .
World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth (Cochabamba, Bolivia) . April 2010 .
International Seminar on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the
Done Immigration (La Paz, Bolivia) . June 2010.
International Conference “Identity, development and indigenous rights in Area
Andina " . FLACSO Ecuador and University of Sevilla ( Quito, Ecuador ) . July 2010.
II Latin American Forum on Migration and Development (FIBEMYD) "Impacts of the Economic Crisis on Migration and Development: Policy Responses and programs
Latin America " (San Salvador, El Salvador) . July 2010
First Preparatory Meeting of the International Working Group of the Action
Peoples' Global Migration, Development and Human Rights - Mexico
2010 (Mexico City , Mexico ) . August 2010 .
Seminar Workshop on Strengthening National Capacities for the Management of International Migration : " New trends, new issues , new approaches for the future " ( Santiago , Chile). September 2010 .
2do. Latin American Congress on Human Trafficking and Smuggling : Migration, Gender and Human Rights ( Puebla, Mexico ) . Universidad Iberoamericana
Puebla (Puebla, Mexico ) . September 2010 .
International Workshop on Organizations prior to the X Conference on Migration (Cochabamba, Bolivia ) Civil Society . October
IV World Social Forum on Migrations , FSMM (Quito, Ecuador ) . October 2010 .
X South American Conference on Migration (La Paz, Bolivia ) . October 2010 .
Peoples' Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights - Mexico 2010 ( Mexico City , Mexico ) . November 2010
IV Global Forum on Migration and Development, Civil Society Days ( Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico ) . November 2010 .
II Regular Meeting of Regional Parliamentary Council on Migration
( COPAREM ) . Central American Parliament ( PARLACEN) , Central Institute for Social Research and Development ( INCEDES ) and Sin Fronteras , IAP (Antigua,
Guatemala ) . April 2011 .
IV Congress of the International Network on Migration and Development "Global Crisis and migration strategies : Towards redefining mobility policies ." FLACSO
And INDM Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador ) . May 2011 .
Interregional Workshop on International Migration Strengthening Capacities to Deal with International Migration: Examining development, institutional and policy
aspects of migration Between Africa , Europe and Latin America and the
Caribbean . United Nations Office at Geneva (Geneva , Switzerland). September 2011 .
V Global Forum on Migration and Development, Civil Society Days (Geneva , Switzerland). November 2011 .
Regional Consultation ¾ Latin America and the Caribbean Alliance for CSO Development Effectiveness , CPDE . Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness and Better Aid (Lima, Peru ) . July 2012.
ECLAC Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development (Quito, Ecuador ) . July
2nd International Meeting " Rights of Nature : Universal Jurisdiction and extraterritoriality ." Constitutional Court of Ecuador and Study Center
Dissemination of Constitutional Law (Quito, Ecuador ) . August 2012.
¾ VI Caribbean American Forum of Civil Society . CONCORD, MESA
Joint ACTION and European Union ( Santiago , Chile). September 2012 .
III Andean Forum on Migration . Andean Community and SENAMI (Quito, Ecuador ) .
October 2012 .
Towards Post- Development Agenda 2015: Overview of Social and Economic Inclusion . Consultation Guadalajara. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Mexico (Guadalajara, Mexico ) . April 2013 .
Meeting Andean Sub- Region . Alliance for CSO Development Effectiveness , CPDE , and National Association of Centres , Social Welfare and Development , ANC (Lima, Peru ) . May 2013 .
3rd . Latin American Congress on Trafficking in Persons . Globalization , trafficking and access to justice : linking regional dialogues . Universidad de los Andes and Latin American Observatory on Trafficking in Persons (Bogotá,
Colombia ) . July 2013 .
Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Meeting on International Migration Preparatory High Level Dialogue on International Migration
and Development . CELADE ECLAC ( Santiago , Chile). July 2013 .
I Regional Forum Latin America and the Caribbean "Business and Human Rights."
Government of Colombia , the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other companies , and Programme