U.S. Member Body of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / / U.S. National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Please return this report within one month of the completion of the international meeting and submit it to the appropriate ANSI Department as follows:


HoD Reports can be used for a variety of purposes. For example:

To report results of a TC/SC meeting to the related TAG

To publicize the work of the TC/SC to the related US constituency via the ANSI Reporter, ANSI On-line, USNC News and Notes, or other media

To suggest areas for possible development of featured articles

To address specific challenges and concerns that the HoD may bring to the attention of related ANSI and/or USNC/IEC management

PLEASE REMEMBER: Your HoD Report is NOT filed as a confidential, password protected document and, therefore, may have broad, unintended distribution. Keep this in mind when preparing the Report and, if appropriate, use a more secure form of correspondence to bring attention to sensitive issues.

Completed by:

Head of Delegation:
(Please print) / Michael Loch
Telephone/Telefax: / 847 538 4493
Email: / Michael.Loch@Motorola,com
Date: / 11-10-10
Meeting of TC111
Date(s) October 14, 2010
Location: Seattle, WA USA
Please indicate, if available, both the number of delegates and the countries represented
at the Meeting:
__ Meeting attendance roster and meeting resolutions attached, if available
Please comment on significant or unusual attendance issues (e.g., new member bodies, regular members not in attendance, new Chairman or Secretariat, non-accredited U.S. persons, etc.).
Nothing of significance or unusual.
2a. Overall, how well did the U.S. meet its objectives on policy or technical matters?
__ Very Successful -- U.S. positions were accepted in whole
X Successful -- Compromises were reached which are acceptable to the U.S.
__ Not Successful -- U.S. positions were not accepted
One of the major outcomes from the meeting was the following decision. The US had originally voted no on this PAS/NWP
Decision 08/06: TC 111 decided to withdraw IEC PAS 62545 Ed.1.0 “Environmental Information on Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EIEEE)”.
2b. Please comment on any issues of significance which might have an impact upon
materially affected or interested U.S. parties.
2c. Was there any discussion for which the United States was unprepared? (e.g., late
document distribution, addition of new items, etc.)
2d. Did the U.S. extend an offer to assume any new TC/SC Secretariat or management
__ Yes X No
(If yes, please indicate which position and provide Officer contact information.)
2e. Did the U.S. extend an offer to host any future TC/SC meetings?
__ Yes X No
If yes, please identify:
2f. Were any new issues raised which require, or might involve, coordination with
other U.S. bodies? (Include coordination items with other U.S. TAGs, ANSI policy-level
committees (AIF, AIC), the USNC TMC and/or Council, etc.)
__ Yes X No
If yes, please identify:
2g. Did the U.S. put forth/agree to put forth any New Work Items?
__ Yes X No
If yes, please identify:
2h. Was there any evidence of “bloc” or “alliance” voting by participating countries?
__ Yes X No
If yes, please identify any significant issues or concerns:
2i. Are work items in the TC or SC being affected by related work in regional
standards bodies (e.g., CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, PASC, NAFTA, COPANT, etc.)?
X Yes __ No
__ No related regional activity
If yes, please explain:
There is activitie on Environmental Conscious Design (ECD) within ISO TC207.
There is a lot of activity on Climate Change , Energy Efficiency related issues in ISO, ITU and other organizations. The Japanese are driving work in this area and will be proposing two new work items.
2j. Were any issues raised which relate to or impact existing U.S. regulatory matters?
__ Yes X No
If yes, please explain:
2k. Please identify any IMMEDIATE U.S. TAG actions which will be required as a
result of this international meeting.
Decision 08/05: Identify expert for HWG 7 – To continue the discussion to clarify the area of interest of Chinese proposal (MT 62430, when established, separate NP TR, otherwise), for further decision of TC 111; Chinese NC will provide additional details on the proposal to simplify the discussion.
Decision 08/04: TC 111 agreed the circulation of a questionnaire (6 weeks of comments) that explain, due to the comments received to 111/191/CD and 111/192/CD, the possibility/benefit to have 1 merged document instead of 2 separate documents.
2l. Please identify specific decisions which the U.S. delegation believes to be noteworthy for
publication, publicity and/or development of a future article. If there are any, would you
be willing to help develop an article for publication?
__ Yes X No
2m. What might be done to further promote the ANSI Federation’s goal of “global
standards that reflect U.S. interests?” (Consider such issues as how might the U.S.
further promote acceptance of related American National Standards in international
and, where applicable, regional fora?)
Nothing at this time
2n. Has this report been provided to your TAG Administrator for US TAG distribution?
X Yes __ No
2o. Other Comments
Full list of decisions:
Decision 08/01: Relating to IE 62542 Ed.1 project and the PT project plan as in PT 62452 presentation provided at the TC 111 meeting, TC 111 agreed to request to SMB an 18 month extension to fulfil the time project plan of PT 62542.
Decision 08/02: TC 111 requests to PT 62542 to discuss on the creation of a speedy Maintenance procedure for update the project and request to include this indication in the DC document for NCs comments (next step of the project, see PT 62452 Project Plan as in PT 62452 presentation). TC 111 noted that Decision 07/11 taken in last TC 111 Tel Aviv meeeting: TC 111 WGs and PTs Convenors are invited to consider consistency with PT 62542 project before circulation of CDV related projects. is already valid; WG/PTs are requested to coordinate with PT 62542.
Decision 08/03: TC 111 noted the results the 199/RQ and 200/RQ and approved the change of status for the 2 projects IEC 62635 and IEC 62650, from Technical Specification to Technical Report. TC 111 noted again that the next step for both projects IEC 62635 and IEC 62650,will be the circulation of a second CD.
Decision 08/04: Considering recommendations by PT 62650 and PT62635, TC 111 agreed the circulation of a questionnaire (6 weeks of comments) that explain, due to the comments received to 111/191/CD and 111/192/CD, the possibility/benefit to have 1 merged document instead of 2 separate documents. The Questionnaire will provide information on the reason for the proposed change, together with title and scope of the proposed new merged TR document, asking for opinion of NCs. If the result of the Questionnaire will indicate agreement for 1 merged document, also the 2 PTs 62635 and 62650 will be merged into one PT, with 2 co-Convenors (PT 62635 Convenor and PT 62650 Convenor). In any case the status of the 2 projects/1 merged project is Technical Report (see Decision 08/03) and the next 2 documents/1 merged document in circulation to NCs will be circulated as CD(s).
Decision 08/05: TC 111 decided to establish a new Ad Hoc Group with the following task: Continue the discussion to clarify the area of interest of Chinese proposal (MT 62430, when established, separate NP TR, otherwise), for further decision of TC 111; Chinese NC will provide additional details on the proposal to simplify the discussion.
The AHG will include the proposer from Chinese NC, Convenors of PT 62635 and 62650, TC 111 officers, volunteers from NCs (one call for experts will be circulated asap)
TC 111 agreed to assign AHG Convenorship to the Chinese NC proposer, Mr. Liang ZHANG.
Decision 08/06: TC 111 decided to withdraw IEC PAS 62545 Ed.1.0 “Environmental Information on Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EIEEE)”.
Decision 08/:07: TC 111 noted the future circulation of 2 Japanese NC NPs on GHG subjects (e.g. Quantification methodology of CO2e emission for electrical and electronic products and systems and Quantification methodology of CO2e emission, Quantification methodology of CO2e emission reduction for electrical and electronic products and systems from the project baseline) based on and taking into account NC comments on 111/196/DC. TC 111 agreed, in case of approval of both NPs, to have just 1 WG responsible for both projects.
Decision 08/:08: TC 111 decided to continue the activity of AHG6 “ECD” with the same task.
Decision 08/09: TC 111 will reconsider the discussion/decision on possible establishment of MT 62430 at the next TC 111 meeting.
Decision 08/10: Liaison Reports available will be circulated with PPT presentations to all TC 111.
Decision 08/:11: TC 111 approved the establishment of Liaison with IEC SC 22H ”Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)”, TC 111 noted and approved that SC 22H Liaison person with TC 111 is Mr. Christophe GARNIER.
Decision 08/:12: TC 111 approved the establishment of Liaison with ITU-T SG5 “Environment and climate change”, TC 111 noted and approved that ITU-T SG5 Liaison person with TC 111 is Mr. Osamu NAMIKAWA.
Decision 08/13 : TC 111 officers will update the TC Program of Work with collaboration of WG/PTs Convenors.
Decision 08/14: TC 111 SBP as in MTG 5, with editorial modifications and update by TC 111 officers considering results of TC 111 Seattle meeting, will be added to TC 111 RSMB.
Decision 08/15: TC 111 noted the following phrase contained in document 22/128/NP (scope section) : “The requirements, in case of conflict, take precedence over requirements in generic and horizontal environmental standards and are compatible with ISO 14025.” and will suggest ACEA to give recommendation on the matter; TC 111 will suggest also to IEC 22H Officers to formally correct the phrase in 22/128/NP in line with IEC rules on horizontal standards.
Decision 08/16: TC 111 confirmed the acceptance of invitation of Australian NC to host the next 2011 IEC TC 111 meetings in Melbourne, in conjunction with IEC 2011 General Assembly, week 24-28 October, as following: TC 111 plenary meeting, 27-28 October 2011 TC 111 WGs/PTs meetings (probably 3-4 meetings in parallel)

December 2006