HLV Booster Club Minutes – 10/4/176:00 PM Media Center

Present:Rhonda W., Scott C., Laurel H., Heather S.

Called to order 6:11 PM

Minutes from 9/6/17Meeting –Were sent out via email – Rhonda made motion to approve, Scott seconded. Approved Unanimously

Treasurer’s Report

As of 9/30/17

Checking: $8892.07

Savings: $5086.12

Total Available: $13978.19

(Deposit: $11335 – Concessions and Donkeyball, Interest = $.49)

(Bills: $7960.21 – Harden Bros., KGRN, Cheer Uniforms, Dairyland Donkeyball, Town & Country)

Old Business

1) Donkey Baseball: The event went well and we made a decent amount of money. We are now the preferred group at HLV for Dairyland Donkeyball and will be the only HLV group that they will work with, so no one else will be able to do this event without us passing it on.

New Business

1) Fall Concessions: We will be having an extra three volleyball games (1 conference tournament game and 2 district games). We may also have 1 extra football game depending on how we are ranked in playoffs.

2) Old Fashioned Christmas: Craft show is getting full. Beau moved the scheduled home basketball game to away on the Friday before the show so set up can happen. Ryan Sullivan is coordinating the boys alumni basketball game and Laurel has Jessie Van Waus to coordinate the girls alumni basketball game (which will be 6 on 6 this year). The games will start on Saturday of Old Fashioned Christmas at 4:30.

3) Sesquicentennial June 29-30, 2018: No new updates since the last meeting, as Laurel was not at the last meeting.

4) Memberships:Steph is working to get the names on the sports programs.

5) Other fundraising ideas:We could not do “Warrior Cards” because they are selling those for the DC Trip. It was discussed that we need to set a budget and get on a rotation for uniforms for the teams. Heather will go through the old minutes and find out the date of the last uniform purchase (and equipment) and how much it was for each sport. She will bring the findings to the next meeting to discuss further.

6)Youth Tournaments (Basketball and Volleyball): Basketball is set for the 20th and 27th of Jan. Rhonda thinks getting people to work 2 weekends in a row is hard. Rhonda suggested sending a letter out to all coaches to get help with the tournaments since the money goes for all sports. If enough teams sign up, we can even extend it to a 2 day tournament if we can find enough help. As for Volleyball, there were no dates requested as of yet, but Beau was going to try to find out.

AD Report

Beau was absent, so there was no AD Report.

Meeting Adjourned – 6:53 PM -- Next Meeting:TBD (1st Wed. in Nov. is parent/teacher conferences)