HLFPPT/NOIDA/IT/ Dated: 22ndDecember 2017


Purchase of Sonicwall TZ400

Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) is a not-for-profit organisation registered in 1992 under the Travancore-Cochin Literacy, Scientific and Charitable Societies’ Registration Act, 1955. It is promoted by HLL Lifecare Limited, a Government of India enterprise under the Ministry Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW).

HLFPPT invites sealed proposals from eligible firms/agencies/individuals (hereinafter Bidders) for “Purchase of Sonicwall TZ400”.

Inthisregard HLFPPTinvites sealed proposals for“Purchase of Sonicwall TZ400”.

Detailed List, Specification& QuantitiesofItemstobe procured isenclosed in Technical Bid FormatasAnnexure-1

Detailed List of Item (s) to be delivered and installed is enclosed Format as Annexure-1.

For any TECHNICAL QUERIES related to the procurement, please call Mr Kumar Deoratan Singh, Team Leader – IT, HLFPPT (7404050430).

The sealed bids for the above will be received in the office of the Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust, B-14/A, 2nd Floor, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201 307 Telephone Nos.: 0120-4673600

Date of Release of RFP on website: 22nd December 2017

Last Date & Time of accepting of Bid:27th 2017 till 6.00 pm

Address for submission of bid:Manager – Administration

Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT)

B-14A, II Floor, Sector 62, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201307

Ph. 0120 – 4673600

Requestfor Proposal for

Purchase of Sonicwall TZ400

Terms and conditions

(To be enclosedwithtechnical bid)

1. Theagencycanbeanindividual/HUF/AssociationofPersons(AOP)/Society/Trust/Partnershipfirm/companyincorporated underthelawsofIndia. Therequireddocumentsrelatedtoconstitution/incorporationofentitylikepartnershipdeed/trust deed/society by laws/memorandum and articles of association along with registration certificate of the entity should be enclosed.

2. TheagencyshouldhaveanaverageannualturnoverofRs.5lakhsinthelastthreefinancialyearstobeabletoqualifyfor bidding.

3. Proofofcertificate forturnoveris requiredtobe submitted withthetechnicalbid (CAcertificateoracopyofthe AuditedBalance

Sheet,ProfitLossaccount ofimmediately lastpreceding three years).

4. ThebiddermusthavePAN(Permanent Account Number)andregisteredwiththeGSTIN,etc.andthedocumentsforthe same is tobe attached.

5. The agency shall bearallcosts associatedwiththepreparationand submissionofbid.

6. Noagencyshallbeentitledtosubmitmorethanonebid whetherjointly orseparately.Ifonedoes so,allbids whereinthe agency has participated shall stand disqualified.

7. Biddersshouldprovidebriefprofileoftheirexperienceforthelastthreeyearsalongwiththeevidencesofsimilarorders executedearlieralongwiththeclientlist.Certificate/documentsevidencingpastsuppliesfor uptolast3yearsshouldbe enclosed.

8. ScheduleofsupplywillbeprovidedbyHLFPPTatthebeginningofthePurchaseOrder.Incaseofdelay/disruptionofthe activity implementation/execution,penalty willbe levied.

9. HLFPPTreservestherighttoaccept/reject/selectoneormoreagencyandtoannulthebiddingprocessanyorallbidsatany time priorto award ofcontractwithout thereby incurring anyliability to the affected bidders.

10. The tenderwill beappraised by internal committee formed byHLFFPTmanagement.

11. HLFPPTshall withoutprejudicetoitsotherremediesunderthecontract, deductfromtheContractPrice,asLiquidatedDamages

asumequivalentto2.5% ofthepriceofagreedunperformedServices/goodsupplyorfordelayofeachdayuntilactualdelivery orperformance,uptoamaximumdeductionof 20%ofthecontractPrice.Oncethemaximumisreached, HLFPPTmayconsider terminationofthe contract.

12. Incaseofdelayonthepartof HLFPPTinprovidingtheapprovals,thetimeofservicedeliverywillbeextendedbyequal number ofdays.

13. Documentsrequired torelease thepayment:

a. Bill /Invoice mentioning PermanentAccount Numberand GST RegistrationNo.

b. Documentary proofofthe deliverables as perpurchase order.

c. Any other detail asrequired by the activity, as mentioned inthe purchaseorder.

14. Technical Evaluationofthe agencies wouldbe done onthefollowing basis-

  • Past experience
  • Company Profile
  • Annual Turnover
  • Clientele.
  • Any other criteria as per discretion of Management.

15. TheRFPshallbeevaluatedstrictlybasedonthesubstantiveinformation/credentials/documentaryevidencessubmittedbythe agencies.

16. Financialquotationofonlytechnicallyqualifiedagencieswillbeopenedandthefinancialquotationoftechnicallydisqualified agencies willbe kept sealed.

17. Management reserves the right to cancel partial / complete order at any point of time (if required) as per the program requirement or the case may be.

18.HLFPPT management reserves the right to change (increase or reduce) the numbers/units as per its sole discretion and requirement.

19. Theagencyneedstosubmit‘TechnicalBid’‘FinancialBid’separatelyinsealedenvelopesbysuperscribingas“Technical ProposalforPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400”and“FinancialProposalforPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400“. BoththeseenvelopesshouldbeenclosedinaMasterEnvelopebysuperscribing“ProposalforPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400”.

20.Bids receivedafterthe specified date and time forreceipt ofbidswould notbe considered.

21.Agencieswouldnot be allowed tofurthersubcontract, partial/full ofthe purchase orderassigned to them.

22. Deliverywillbeatour Noida office.Completeaddresswillbeprovidedin purchase order.

23.The ratequoted will be inclusive ofall Taxes / Levies / Freight/ Packing/transitinsurance/other charges etc.

24.The ratequotedby the agencyneeds tovalidfora period of 45 days fromthe date offinancialbids.

25.HLFPPTreserves the righttoawardthepurchase ordertothesecondhighestscoringagency inthe eventthe first highest scoring agencybacksoutafterfinaldiscussions.Managementreservestherighttoawardthepurchaseordertomorethanoneagency (onthe basis of quality consideration/experienceoftheagency)inadditionto rates parameters.

26.Any RFPwithinadequateinformationandthose whichdo notmeetthe eligible criteriaorreceived aftertheclosingdate will not be considered.

27.The RFPshould besentwithCapabilitystatement along-withCompanyProfile forsupplying the applied products.

28.Thebidder hastosubmitalongwithhistechnicalbidacopyofthetermsandConditions(allpages)andthetechnicalbiddingformat duly filled,signedby theauthority andstamped onall pagesindicating theirunqualifiedacceptance.

29.The Agencies shouldalsosubmit anundertaking(Annexure-3) duly signedStamped.

30.Brochure, original technical catalogue withdetailed specificationand picture ofthe product offered, ifrelevant.

31.The finalpricewill remainvalid forminimum 45days fromthe award ofthe contract.

32.All the bids need to be submitted by 6.00 pm on27th December, 2017 to:


HindustanLatex Family Planning PromotionTrust(HLFPPT)

B-14A, II Floor, Sector62, Noida, GautamBudhNagar, UttarPradesh-201307

Ph. 0120–4673673

We agree andabideby all terms andconditions as mentionedabove including the validityofthe offer


Ref:RFPPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400

Annexure-1: Technical Bid Format(tobe enclosed in sealed envelopealong-withtechnical proposal)

Location: Delivery ofproductwill be at our Noida office.

1. / Supply to be done according to thequantities,specifications,quality, schedule and locations
approved by HLFPPT
2. / The receipt ofproducts to be submittedas proofalongwithinvoice.
3. / The agency iscapable and agrees to completethesupply withinspecifiedtime as agreed upon
otherwise penalty clausewill be invoked.
4. / Past experience ofthe agency insupply ofitemsorsimilaritems, aslistedinthis RFP. Please give details orprovide list ofclients towhomsimilargoods have beensupplied.
5. / Management reserves the right to award thepurchase orderto more thanone agency(onthe basis
of quality consideration/experience oftheagency) inadditionto rates parameters.
6. / Constitutionoftheagency whetherProprietorship/Partnership/Company. Give details of
Proprietor/ Partner/Directors.
7. / Forhow many years theagencyis engaged insimilarline ofactivities. / Years-
8. / Registrationcertificate withGSTneedto be submitted along withthetechnical quotation.
9. / Penalty clauseswill apply as perthecompany’s policy, as perterms ofthepurchase order: the
decisionoftheHLFPPT/ProjectManagement shall be final and binding inthis regard.
10. / Brochure, original technical catalogue withdetailed specificationand picture ofthe product
offered, ifrelevant.
11. / The final pricewill remainvalid forminimum 45days fromthe award ofthe contract.
12. / The agency shall providestandardwarrantyofthe Sonicwall TZ400

Please Note:-

1. RFPForm mustbe completed inall respects; incomplete formsare liable tobe rejected.

2. The RFP form mustbe duly signed and sealed.

3. The RFP form mustbe submitted onorbefore due date and time.


Ref:RFPPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400

Annexure-2: FinancialBid Format(tobe enclosed in sealed envelope containing financialproposal)

I am submitting below the lowestquotationfor the above afterunderstanding completelythe technical specificationsand othertermsand conditionsrelating totime frame, quality as spelledoutinthe Bid document.

1. / Agency willquote the rates as perfollowing-
 Supply ofSonicwall TZ400 with 3 years subscription.
2. / The ratesquoted will beinclusive ofalltaxes/ Levies/ packing/freight/ etc.
3. / TDSas applicablewill bededuced as perI.T. rules.
4. / Payment shallbe madewithin45 daysafter delivery of goods
5. / The payment willbe done throughLocal Cheque/ NEFT/ RTGS.
6. / Penalty clauseswill apply as perthecompany’s policy, as perterms ofthepurchase order: the decisionoftheHLFPPT/ProjectManagement shall be final and binding inthis regard.

Please Note:-

1. RFPForm mustbe completed inall respects; incomplete formsare liable tobe rejected.

2. The RFP form mustbe duly signed and sealed.

3. The RFP form mustbe submitted onorbefore due date and time.

I amsubmittingbelowmy lowestquotation forthe above after understanding completely the technical specificationsand other terms and conditions relating totimeframe,quality as spelled out inthe Bid document.

Brand / Configuration / Qty / Rate / Tax / Total(Rs.)
Sonicwall / TZ400+3years Subscription+DLP / 01

Important Note-

 Supply to be done according to thequantities,specifications,quality, schedule and locations approved by HLFPPT

 The ratesquoted shallbevalidfor45 daysfromissue ofpurchase order.

Cost ofitemshouldinclude all kind ofpackaging,processingtransportation, transitinsuranceand othercharges along withtaxes.

 Envelopshould mentionProposal for “Purchase of Sonicwall TZ400”

Annexure -3

Undertaking from Agencies

(to be enclosedin sealed envelope containing technicalproposal)

Ref:RFPPurchase of Sonicwall TZ400

ThishasreferencetotheRFPpublishedonthewebsiteofHLFPPTon21/08/2017.In responsetotheRFP,wehave submitted ourtechnicalfinancialbids on…………..atyouroffice B-14A,IIFloor,Sector62,Noida,GautamBudh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh– 201307.In connection withthe above bids,we hereby declare as under:-

i-Thatweareneitherrelated toanyofyourTrustees,Officersandotheremployeesnordowehaveany financial, commercial or otherinterests withany oftheabove personsinany capacity whatsoever.

ii-Thatwehavesubmitted thebidsinthenameofM/S……………………...... anddeclarethat nootherbidshavebeensubmittedbyusinthenameofanyotherfirms/companies/proprietors/individualswhich comes under the samemanagementand related parties.


reservesthe solerighttocancel the contractand recoverthe full value ofthe contractfromus.