SouthBay Presbyterian Church


Please complete this form, attach backup and deposit in the overseeing Elder’s mail slot in the church office.
Check processing time is 2-3 weeks and will be mailed to the address on the check.
Requestor Information
Name: / Phone:
Please print / Please sign
Date Submitted: / E-mail:
Type of request /

Detail & Description

Check requested / Amount: / Budget line #:
Amount: / Description:
Address: / Amount: / Budget line #:
State: / Zip Code: / Amount: / Budget line #:
Check Memo: / Description:
Please rush.
In Kind Donation. No reimbursement necessary. Please include this in mygiving to SBPC. / Additional information attached
Attach original receipts firmly to letter size paper (8 ½” x 11”).
Attach receipts and any additional backup to request.
Receive review from ministry chair.
Committee Review:
MinistryChair: / Date:
Session Member: / Date:
For Finance Committee use only:
Finance Chair: / Check Date: / Check Number: / Received by:

SouthBay Presbyterian Church

Finance Submittal Form

Thank you for your service to God and this church body. Please use this form to request a check or to record a non-monetary donation. Missing information could delay the issuance of the check.

Use of this form will assist the Session Elders as they watch over the Church assets by providing meaningful and accurate reporting and budgeting.

  • Please provide information about yourself.

Requestor Information
Name: / OTTA Angel / Phone: / 310.555.1212
Date Submitted: / 1/6/06 / E-mail: /
  • Please provide information about the type of request.

Check requested


In Kind Donation to record non cash donations

  • For check requests, please provide information for the check.

If it’s for yourself / or / If it’s for someone else
Amount: / $100.00 / Amount: / $100.00
Payee: / OTTA Angel / Payee: / SBC
Address: / 100 Heavenly Ways / Address: / 100 Earthly Ways
City / Torrance / City / Torrance
State: / CA / Zip Code: / 90503 / State: / CA / Zip Code: / 90503
Check Memo: / Reimburse cell phone bill / Check Memo: / Acct. 310.555.1212
  • For all requests, please describe the ministry purpose of the request. The Budget line numbers are listed on next page.

Detail & Description

Amount: $100.00 /

Budget line #:5851.18

Description: Cell phone bill for December
  • Now the request goes to the Session Elder for tracking purposes and signature.

Tracking both check requests and in-kind donations will allow the Session Elder to see all the costs associated with the ministry. Please attach original receipts firmly on a sheet of paper and staple the sheet to form. No copies, please.

The Session Member will review, sign and deposit the form in the Finance Form box in the church office.

  • The check is ready.

The checkwill be mailed on Monday.

  • In Kind Donations

A copy of the form will be used in the preparation year end contribution statements.

5100-Worship-Elder Grace Marumoto / 5331.80-Well / 5650-Rent
5105-Flowers / 5332.10-Fathom / 5651-Rent
5110-Guest Ministry / 5332.20-Deacons* / 5652-CAM
5120-Holiday Decorations / 5333-Training / 5670-Utilities
5130-Pulpit Supply / 5333.10-Childrens Ministry / 5671-Electricity
5140-Recording Ministry / 5333.20-Laity Leadership Training / 5672-Gas
5150-Sound Equipment and Supplies / 5333.30-Office Retreat / 5673-Trash
5170-Worship Expenses / 5333.35-Parent Education
5333.70-Appreciation Gifts / 5800-Personnel- Elder Richard Chan
5200- Member Care-Elder Arnold Ng / 5811-Salaries and Housing
5210-Church Camp / 5400-Missions and Outreach-Elder Gary Marumoto / 5811.10-Pastor Salary
5240-Father's Day / 5411-Prebytery per capita / 5811.11-Supplement for Social Security
5250-Kitchen Supplies / 5412-Promotions and Publicity / 5811.15-Pastor Housing
5260-Mother's Day / 5422 Presbytery of the Pacific / 5811.16-Pastor Utilities
5423-Missions Committee* / 5811.30-Office Administrator Wages
5300-Discipleship/Leadership Training- / 5423.11-Broesamie, John / 5811.41-Youth Intern Wages MY
Elder Evelyn Chun / 5423.12-Cable, Mark & Jill / 5811.42-Youth Intern Wages JY
Children's Ministry / 5423-13-Chan, Jamie / 5811.90-Employer Taxes
5311-Children Ministry Activities / 5423.14-Dong, Eric & Teresa
5312-Sunday School
5312.20-Curriculum / 5423.15-Dyo, Tommy / Benefits
5312.30-Promotions / 5423.16-Fuping, Rev. Huang / Pastor
5312.40-Supplies / 5423.17-Ginting, Johann & Grace / 5812.11-Medical
5313- Children's Worship / 5423.18-Goo, Lionel & Gay / 5812.14-Pension/Death/Disability
5313.20 Worship / 5423.19-Karim, Mike & Annette / 5812.16-Vision & Dental
5314-Christmas Production / 5423.20-Steers, Tom / Staff
5315-Vacation Bible School / 5423.22-Wong, David & Colleen / 5812.21-Medical Reimbursement
5321-Youth Sunday School Curriculum / 5423.23-Wong, Kenny & Lalaine / 5813-Appreciation Gifts
5321.10-Curriculum / 5423.99- Administrative & Pulpit Supply / 5815-Workers Comp
5321.20-Supplies / Office
5322-Camps/Retreat / 5500-Finance-Elder Roger Lee / 5851.11-Copier Lease
5323-Youth Fellowship / 5510-Software / 5851.13-Internet Service Provider
5323.10-Activities / 5520-Bank Fees / 5851.14-Legal Fees
5323.20-Curriculum / 5851.15-Office Supplies
5323.30-Food / 5600-Building Elder Richard Chan / 5851.16-Postage
5323.40-Guest Speaker Gifts / 5610-Building Repair & Maintenance / 5851.18-Telephone
5323.60-Mission Compassion International / 5611-Repair / 5851.19-Website
5331-Small Group Fellowship / 5612-Cleaning Supplies / Staff Reimbursement
5613-Janitorial Services / 5852.10-Mileage Reimbursement -5K
5331.10-College Fellowship/Young Adults / 5614-Maintenance Supplies / 5862.11-Youth Ministry Professional Exp
5331.20-Ladies/Womens Group / 5852.12-Pastoral Expenses
5331.40-Mother's Group / 5640-Insurance / 5852.13-Study Leave
5331.60 Prayer / 5641-Liability Insurance / 5852.14-Medical Reimbursement
5331.70-Sunday School / 5642-Property Insurance