HIVAN and Medications use in Dialysis DMMS-2- Abbott et al.

Table 1

Factors assessed in ESRD patients, DMMS Wave 2, 1996 only

Factor / N (%) or
meanSD / Missing (%) / Patients with HIVANA
N (%) or
Demographic Factors
N / 3374 / 36
Male / 1802 (54.4) / 0 / 30 (83.3)*
African American / 933 (27.7) / 0 / 31 (86.1)*
Mean Age (Years) / 58.915.9 / 15 (0.4) / 38.96.4B
Quartiles of Age (vs. <48) / 781 / 33 (91.7)*
48-60 / 837 / 3 (8.3)*
61-71 / 867 / 0*
>71 / 874 / 0*
Body Mass Index
(kg/m2) / 25.55.6 / 795 (23.6) / 23.74.7B

Cardiovascular Factors

Diabetes / 1670 (50.7) / 78 (2.3) / 1 (2.9)*
History of Coronary Heart Disease / 1091 (34.9) / 250 (7.4) / 1 (2.9)*
History of Congestive Heart
Failure / 1150 (36.2) / 199 (5.9) / 2 (5.9)*
History of Peripheral Vascular Disease / 563 (17.9) / 237 (7.0) / 0*
Cancer / 280 (8.3) / 147 (4.4) / 1 (2.9)
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease / 271 (8.6) / 229 (6.8) / 0*
Stroke / 336 (10.5) / 164 (4.9) / 1 (2.8)*
Malnutrition / 446 (14.6) / 321 (9.5) / 13 (40.6)*
LVH by EKG / 479 (18.2) / 745 (22.1) / 2 (7.4)*
LVH by ECHO / 364 (16.5) / 1172 (34.7) / 0*
Cardiomegaly on CXR / 888 (31) / 506 (15.0) / 5 (16.7)*
EPO at day 60 / 2301 (71.5) / 157 (4.7) / 26 (74.3)
Cholesterol (mg/dl) / 192.750.3 / 313 (9.3) / 172.759.9B
Pre-Dialysis SBP / 14724.9 / 71 (2.1) / 136.819.6B
Post-Dialysis SBP / 141.924.7 / 1640 (48.6) / 132.020.7B
Hematocrit (%) / 30.56.1 / 95 (2.8) / 26.26.5 B
Smoking (Active) / 456 (13.5) / 233 (6.9) / 12 (36.4)*
History of / 1406 (41.7) / 233 (6.9) / 21 (63.6)*
CKD specific factors
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) / 7.74.8 / 125 (3.7) / 11.95.1 B
Ever Transplanted (Yes/No) / 460 (13.6) / NA / 0*
Calcium (mg/dl) / 8.72.4 / 138 (4.1) / 8.10.9
Phosphorous (mg/dl) / 5.63.4 / 145 (4.3) / 5.91.5
Calcium-Phosphorous Double
Product / 47.516.2 / 158 (4.7) / 49.014.7
Serum bicarbonate (mg/dl) / 22.36.8 / 309 (9.2) / 19.43.9B
Serum PTH (pcg/L)¶ / 307.9319.6 / 730 (21.6) / 239.3225.3
Serum Albumin (gm/dl) / 3.50.6 / 314 (9.3) / 2.80.7B
Hemodialysis / 1675 (50.2) / 37 (1.1) / 19 (54)
Fistula use (if Hemo) / 448 (26.7) / NA / 4 (21)
Peritoneal Dialysis / 1662 (49.8) / 37 (1.1) / 16 (45.7)
Antiretroviral therapy (patients
on at least one agent) / 19 (0.6) / NA / 13 (36.1)*
Specific antiretroviral agents
Reverse Transcriptase
Inhibitors / 20
Zidovudine / Assumed 0 / 10
Lamivudine / Assumed 0 / 7
Stavudine / Assumed 0 / 2
Zalcitabine / Assumed 0 / 1
Protease Inhibitors / Assumed 0 / 2
Indinavir / Assumed 0 / 1
Saquinavir / Assumed 0 / 1
Other Medications / Assumed 0
Aspirin (Yes) / 628 (18.6) / Assumed 0 / 2 (5.6)*
Coumadin / 198 (5.9) / Assumed 0 / 1 (2.8)
Beta-blockers / Assumed 0
Cardioselective / 486 (14.4) / Assumed 0 / 0*
Non-cardioselective / 177 (5.2) / Assumed 0 / 1 (2.8)
Calcium Channel Blockers / Assumed 0
Non-dihyrdopyridine / 439 (13.0) / Assumed 0 / 0*
Dihydropyridine / 1371 (40.6) / Assumed 0 / 12 (33.3)*
Statins / 310 (9.2) / Assumed 0 / 1 (2.8)
ACE Inhibitors / 772 (22.9) / Assumed 0 / 5 (13.9)

Education Level

< 12 years / 1023 (30.4) / 13 (36.1)
High School Graduate / 1030 (30.5) / 13 (36.1)
Some College / 509 (15.1) / 3 (8.3)
College Graduate / 453 (13.4) / 2 (5.6)
Missing / 359 (10.6) / 5 (13.9)
(Yes/No) / 2945 (87.3) / 39 (1.2) / 35 (97.2)

In column one, data given as the number (% of total) or mean  one standard deviation of patients.

SBP=systolic blood pressure, DBP=diastolic blood pressure, both in mm/Hg, obtained as the mean of three successive blood pressures.

LVH=left ventricular hypertrophy, ECHO=echocardiography, EKG=electrocardiogram

EPO=erythropoietin, CXR=chest radiographs, Statin=HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor

NA=not available since variable was constructed from multiple variables (15 in the case of medications)

Medication use was assessed at day 60 after initiation of dialysis.

Comorbidities such as coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure refer to a history of these conditions within ten years prior to the study period.

A4.1% of patients were missing information on valid cause of ESRD

Bp<0.05 in comparison of patients with HIVAN vs. those with other causes of ESRD by student’s t-test

* p<0.05 in comparison of patients with HIVAN vs. those with other causes of ESRD by Fisher Exact Test

Information on medication use was derived from multiple variables and an exact percentage of missing values could not be calculated, and was therefore assumed 0.

¶ Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) had a non-Gaussian distribution, with a range from 1.0-2989, mean as stated in table above.