Hit Parade of Words

  1. resourceful--able to find solutions
/ 38. temper—make less extreme; to moderate
  1. strive--try hard; make a major effort
/ 39. conventional—traditional; mundane
  1. utility--usefulness
/ 40. deliberate—well thought out; intentional; consider carefully
4.resolute--strongly determined / 41. fundamental—basic; essential
5.comprehensive--including everything; complete / 42. rectify—make better; correct; fix
  1. meticulous--very careful; attentive to details
/ 43. reconcile—come to an agreement; settle a problem
  1. integrity--honesty; moral uprightness
/ 44. philanthropist—charitable person; someone who does good deeds
  1. ingenuity--cleverness; originality
/ 45. obsolete—outdated or outmoded
9.serene--calm ; peaceful / 46. residual—describing the part which remains or is left over
10.tranquility--calmness; peacefulness / 47. extraneous—not pertinent or relevant
11.inaudible--too quiet to be heard / 48. superfluous—more than sufficient; unnecessary
12.subdued--quiet; controlled; lacking in intensity / 49. migrate—to move from one region to another
13.tacit--implied; not stated outright / 50. mobility—ability to move or be moved
14.stoic--having great emotional control / 51. purgation—the process of getting rid of impurities
15.incorrigible--not capable of being reformed; uncontrollable / 52. sect—a subgroup of a religion; faction
16.prodigal--wasteful / 53. sanctuary—a safe place or a room for worship
17.unseemly—inappropriate; in poor taste / 54. pious—having reverence for a god
18.slothful—lazy / 55. theologian—one who studies a god or a religion
19.truant—someone who cuts school or neglects his/her duties / 56. premonition—a feeling or anticipation that something is about to happen
20.implausible—not possible; not imaginable / 57. speculation—the act of thinking about or pondering something
21.impudence—bold disrespect or rudeness / 58. ominous—signaling something evil is about to happen
22.plagiarist—a person who presents someone else’s work as his/her own / 59.wariness—cautiousness
23.mediocrity—ordinariness; lack of distinction / 60. omniscient—having complete knowledge
24.presumptuous—bold to the point of rudeness or inappropriateness / 61. reminiscence—a story of past experiences
25.arrogance—overconfidence; being overly impressed with oneself / 62. repeal—to take back a law or other decision
26.ambiguous—unclear; having more than one meaning / 63. antidote—medicine for countering the effects of poison
27vacillation—wavering; going back and forth / 64.preclude—to make impossible
28.vague—unclear; not precise / 65. conflagration—a widespread fire
29.amorphous—having no set shape or structure / 66. vegetation—plant life
30.tentative—unsure; temporary; not definite / 67. tract—a tract of land
31.skeptical—showing doubt and disbelief / 68. promontory—a high point of land projecting into the sea
32.precarious—uncertain; unstable; insecure / 69. pioneer—to lead the way in any field; a leader in any field
33.systematic—thorough; regular / 70. plateau—a condition of neither growth nor decline
34.verifiable—able to be proven true / 71. terrestrial—having to do with the earth
35.methodical—orderly; having a set system
36.objective—not affected by personal feelings
37.unbiased—without prejudice; not taking sides
72. quarry—a large open pit from which stone is cut or mined / 114. revere—to regard with awe
73. vane—a device that measures wind direction / 115. obsessive—overly preoccupied
74. wharf-a structure built to extend from the land out over the water / 116. succumb—to give way to superior force; to fall under the spell of; to give in
75. phenomena—facts; occurrences; observable circumstances / 117. wallow—to indulge in a particular state of mind
76. gullible—easily deceived or cheated / 118. stupefy—to make less alert
77. inquisitive—curious; seeking the truth; questioning / 119. sluggish—lacking energy
78.novel—original; new and different / 120. torpid—without energy; sluggish; slow
79. unwitting—unaware; not knowing / 121. sobriety—being quiet or serious; state of being sober
80. novice—a person who is new to a job or activity / 122. mundane—ordinary or commonplace
81. dupe—a person easily deceived or fooled / 123. redundant—characterized by unnecessary repetition of words or ideas
82. vulnerable—capable of being hurt / 124. irrelevant—not necessary or important to the matter at hand
83. recluse—a person who lives in seclusion / 125. monotonous—boring; unvarying in tone or content
84. solitude—the state of living or being alone / 126. soporific—causing sleep
85. parochial—having a narrow scope / 127. lampoon—sharp satire
86. provincial—unsophisticated / 128. witty—clever or amusing
87. unprecedented—without parallel; never seen before / 129. wry—dryly humorous
88. temperament—one’s personal emotional nature / 130. whimsical—eccentric; unpredictable
89. innate—existing in a person since birth; part of the character of something
90. penchant—a strong taste or liking / 131. levity—lightness; lacking seriousness (humorous)
91. prevailing—having superior power or influence; generally accepted / 132. regulate—to control or direct by some particular method
92. unanimity—complete agreement
93. ubiquitous—being everywhere at the same time
94. indelible—incapable of being erased / 133. proposal—an offer for consideration or acceptance
95. patent—obvious; readily visible
96. inferred—concluded by reasoning / 134. agenda—a schedule of a meeting; schedule of activities
97. esoteric—known only by a select few / 135. blueprint—a detailed outline or plan, especially for a building
98. elusive—cleverly avoiding or escaping / 136. indifference—lack of interest, feeling or opinion
99. subtle—faint and mysterious / 137. oblivious—without recognition
100. obscure—not known; difficult to understand / 138. apathy—lack of interest or caring
101. unheralded—unnoticed or unappreciated / 139. slander—untruthful spoken attack on someone’s reputation
102. cynicism—the belief that all human action is motivated by selfishness / 140. vengeful—wanting or seeking revenge
103. tactful—saying or doing the proper thing / 141. provoke—anger, arouse, or bring to action
104. innocuous—causing or intending little or no harm / 142. quibble—a minor quarrel or objection
105. mitigate—to make less severe / 143. tirade—a long, harsh often abusive speech
106. sanction—to give permission or approve of; a penalty or coercive action / 144. defendant—someone who has been accused of committing a crime
107. morose—gloomy; ill-tempered
108. lamentation—an expectation of sorrow or deep regret
109. sullen—sad, sulky or disheartened / 145. obliterate—wipe out; remove all traces of
110. virtue—moral excellence / 146. terminate—bring to an end
111. lofty—of or having great height / 147. zealous—very enthusiastic
112. urbane—highly sophisticated
113. yearnings—deep longings
148. vigor—energy; vitality / 191. belie—to contradict; give a false impression
149. vivid—sharp; intense; making an impression on the senses / 192. bovine—cow like
150. vitality—energy; vitality (synonym) / 193. venerate-to honor or adore
151. reticent— not talkative; shy; reluctant to speak / 194. benevolent—generous; charitable
152. succinct—brief; concise; stated in only a few words / 195. atrophy—wasting away
153. taciturn—being of few words; not talking too much / 196. audacious—daring; bold
154. truncate—shorten by cutting off / 197. affable—courteous
155. paucity—small amount or number / 198. accolade—award of merit
156. meager—lacking in amount or quality; poor / 199. query—question
157. taper—gradually decrease; grow smaller at one end; dwindle / 200. indigent—poor; without visible sign of support
158. surfeit—excess; overindulgence
159. supremacy—the state of being supreme, or having the most power
160. satiate—satisfy fully
161.infallible—unable to be proven wrong
162. prominent—standing out; important
163. prevalent—in general use or acceptance
164. sycophant—a servile flatterer
165. terse—concise; abrupt; to the point
166. raconteur—a storyteller;
167. spendthrift—someone who wastes money
168. soupcon—a tiny amount; a dash or dab
169. motif—a theme; a pattern; a central image or idea
170. exacerbate—to make worse
171. morose—ill-humored; sullen; depressed
172. opulence—extreme wealth
173. nurture—to bring up; feed; educate
174. optimist—person who looks on the good side
175. opaque—dark; cloudy; not transparent
175. optimist—person who looks on the good side
176. pacifist—one opposed to force; one who stands for peace
177. potent—powerful; persuasive; greatly influential
178. piety—religious devotion; godliness
179. poignancy—quality of being deeply moving
180. quandary—a dilemma; a state of indecision
181. provincial—pertaining to a small town; limited in view
182. prudent—cautious; careful
183. recluse—a hermit; loner
184. reverent—respectful; worshipful
186. tantamount—equal
187. garbled—mixed up; confused
188. frivolity—lack of seriousness
189. foresight—ability to foresee future happenings; prudence
190. bequeath—leave to someone by a will
