Spring 2017 Course Offerings

Systematic Theology III, Th 215

Thursdays, 6:00p – 9:30p; Mar 16 – Jun 8; Instructor: Harley Westfall

This course covers: 1) Soteriology – the doctrine of salvation; its plan by the Godhead; its provision through the mediatorial work of Christ, and application through the Holy Spirit. 2) Ecclesiology – the doctrine detailing origin, nature and constitution of the Church; its local organization, ministry, ordinaces, and destiny. 3) Eschatology – the biblical teaching regarding the last things, the second coming of Christ and the consummation of the age, the resurrections and judgments, the millennial reign of Christ, and the final state of both the saved and the unsaved. (3 credits)

Spiritual Formation 1B – Gifting, Gm 103

Thursdays, 7:00p – 8:10p; Mar 16 – Jun 8; Instructor: Pastor Scott Dungan

God’s “call” is something we hear, but His “gifts” are something we discover. When God formed us in the womb (Ps 139:13-16; Eph2:10), He carefully designed each one of us so we would be able to successfully accomplish those things He would call us to do. He knew which strengths and capacities we would need in order to play our part in His great plan of redemption. This class will again engage the student in a God-guided process of self-discovery. It is designed to be a next step after taking the course Spiritual Formation 1A, Hearing God’s Call, Gm 101. The goal is for each person to gain a better understanding of their ministry gifts, to recognize their need to partner with others, and to form a plan to develop those gifts. (1 credit)

Cultures of Ancient Civilization, So 131

Fridays, 6:00p – 9:30p; Mar 17 – Jun 9; Instructor: Pastor Elanor Freiheit

This course analyzes the cultures of the Ancient Near East from c. 3000 BC up to and including the Greco – Roman period. Included in the course is a study of the social structure, religion, philosophy, art, economics, law and politics of the various cultures. Special attention is given to the integration of this cultural understanding with the biblical text. (3 credits)

Spiritual Formation 1C – Character, Gm 103

Fridays, 7:00p – 8:10p; Mar 17 – Jun 9; Instructor: Pastor Scott Dungan

This course is designed to do three things: 1) to define those qualities which make up a godly character; 2) to enable the student to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses within their own character; and, 3) to develop a plan to improve these areas that are weak, and a plan to maintain personal spiritual health for a lifetime. (1 credit)


Christian Ethics, Ph 201

Saturdays, 8:00a – 11:30a; Mar 18 – Jun 10; Pastor Tom Nicodemus

This is a study of the Christian basis for personal and public morality in light of today’s culture. Comparisons and contrasts with secular approaches are noted. The consistency of biblical ethics is emphasized with the practical application of the principles in one’s conduct. (3 credits)

Readings in Scientific Thought, Ph 202 (elective)

Saturdays, 11:40a – 12;50p; Mar 18 – Jun 10; Instructor: Pastor Jim Crawford

Relationships between key scientific disciplines and biblical revelation will be explored, especially as they pertain to the creation/evolution controversy and the intelligent design theory. This will assist the student with previous science classes to develop an general understanding and philosophy that will be compatible with his or her Christian faith. (1 credit)

Pentateuch, Bi 115

Saturdays, 1:20p – 4:50p; Mar 18 – Jun 10; Instructor: Fred Aiwekhoe

This course is a study of the first five books of the Old Testament which consists of examining each of the books in relation to each other, the Old Testament, history, Ancient Near Eastern literature and culture, and the New Testament. Special attention will be given to understanding the God of Israel along with creation, humanity, Israel, salvation, convenant, and law. (3 credits)

Spiritual Formation 1A – Calling, Gm 103

Saturdays, 3:00p – 4:10p; Mar 18 – Jun 10; Instructor: Pastor Scott Dungan

In this one credit course, developed by Pastor Steve, students can learn the concept of calling and be able to differentiate calling from gifting, ministry and vocation. Students will understand how to discover one’s call and be able to explain some of the obstacles or roadblocks to discovering calling and will analyze some of the considerations one should work through before ministering from one’s call.

(1 credit)

For Further Information Contact: Andrea Girvin:253-952-3500, ext. 268