History Essay Plan- Nazis in PowerSarah Anne Cairns



KU- 1932 FREE ELECTION (12 million votes) 33% of votes NOT a majority

KU- 1933 LAST SEMI FREE ELECTION (KPD (17 million votes) 44% of votes. Persuaded other parties to give him power.

A-Nazis DID have support as they had 17m votes in 1933, were popular. Many supported Nazi policies and voted for them.

A- Ian Kershaw “For almost a decade after 1933… of the German people”


KU- Unemployment fell - from 1 million to zero in 1939.Hitler created jobs – forced people to build bridges etc, built 1500 miles of autobahn, after 1935 built ships and planes= rearmament.

A- Even people who didn’t vote Nazis pleased to get jobs after Weimar misery.

Some Germans willing to accept low wage & long hours- first time things were looking up since Weimar. Re armament expanded army 50000 then to 1m – cut unemployment. Made Nazis look popular.

KU- Strength through Joy movement- encouraged work. Schemes – Paid holidays, people’s Car, and other.

A- KDF popular- supported Nazis because of incentives, new approach to rewarding loyalty.

A- David Welch- believes regime won over w/c through programs such as KDF.

Law & Order

KU- One party authoritarian gov – stopped violence in streets. Many thankful for return of strong gov. Trade Unions strictly controlled by German labour front. SS & Gestapo controlled Law and Order.

A- Many people had been frightened by violence/chaos of Weimar gov. Nazis created disciplined society. Many willing to sacrifice right for a strong gov, believed Germany was now a better place to live. Obedient and disciplined society.


KU- Boys- HJ= activities, uniforms, ages 5-12 yrs but up to 18yrs.

KU- Girls- BDM= emphasis 3 K`s, First Aid, Activities.

A- Popular with children- by 1936 6 million volunteered, clearly shows support. Get respect from older people and uniforms.

A- Popular with adults- disciplined youth, knew where children were, safe.

Foreign Policy

KU-Hitler ignored Treaty of Versailles- ended reparations, withdrew League of Nations etc. All of which had been banned by T of V. Hitler ignored hated diktat.

A- All Germans hated T of V. Restoring German pride- making Germany a strong nation again.

A- In eyes of Germans-Germany was becoming great again.


No Majority

KU-July 1932 13.7 million votes.

KU- Nov 1932 12 million votes, 33% of votes (CORRUPT as two elections in 1 yr)

KU- March 1933 election – 17m votes, 44% of votes

A- More people disliked Nazis than liked them. Hitler never won election. 1933 election rigged eg KPD banned. More than half of pop not voting Nazis

A- It was clear some force would be necessary to ensure cooperation German people.


KU- Hitler passed enabling act- enabled him to become sole ruler of Germany. Introduced 24th March 1933

KU- Nazis established totalitarian state that was hard to resist – banned political parties 2nd may 1933, trade unions 14th July 1933 and censored media (critical of Nazis shut down)

A- Almost impossible for negative info to get into public domain

KU- SS, GESTAPO & CAMPS- track down and eliminate opposition. Ensured few opposed Nazis. RE-EDUCATION CAMPS- symbol of terror, get rid of undesirables.

A-Germans terrified- inform on friends and neighbours. Fear of camps so great.

A- Peukert= Nazis kept control over Germany because the w/c too afraid to take on Gestapo and SS (Historiography)


KU- opponents sacked from jobs, teachers who would not support Nazis sacked. Forced to join national socialist teacher’s league.

KU- Teachers expected only teach Nazi views such as eugenics. All institutions ran by gov now pro Nazi, posed no threat to gov.

A- Teachers now had to teach Nazi curriculum, young only heard positive messages

A- Many people kept quiet rather than risk losing job, their co operation allowed Nazis to stay in power.


KU- over half of voters were women, but Nazis oppressed women, allowed no influence in society.

KU- women sacked, marriage loans, encouraged to produce children, forbidden to marry non Aryan men, nearly ¼ million forcibly sterilised.

A- Women reduced to roles as mothers and wives, punished, no ambition. Nazi regime silenced half of population.


KU- Distortion of education= Re banned, increased PE, eugenic studies.

KU- Minorities= Jews segregated, Jewish schools built, excluded all together.

KU- Forced compliance of youth= HJ & BDM compulsory.

A- Fun at first, but became endless political lectures, girls became resentful. BRAINWASHING of children. Controlled young strictly, allowing Nazis to stay in power.


KU- Hitler controlled churches- important in maintenance of Nazi authority. Religion posed a real threat to Nazism.

KU- Catholic Churches- 1933 concordat- church did not upset regime= no harm.

KU- Protestant Churches- amalgamate, NaziReichChurch. Taught Hitler new Messiah. Bible replaced by Mein Kampf

A- Not even churches safe- pastors etc arrested and sent to camps. Their alternative views too dangerous, Nazis stayed in power as no religious figures to speak out.

Anti Semitism

KU-Hitler made no secret of anti semitic beliefs “the personification of the devil…”. Not just Jews persecuted= gypsies, Jehovah witnesses, homosexuals.

KU- Stage 1 Petty Harassment of Jews- low level intimidation and violence eg yellow park benches, synagogues vandalised.

A- Some Germans approved of Nazi actions against undesirables.

KU- Stage 2 the Nuremburg Law 1935- marriages between Jews & Aryans illegal, Jews no longer German citizens.

A- Germans felt discrimination could be tolerated as no violence towards Jews.

KU- Stage 3 Kristallnacht 1938- over 7500 Jewish shops destroyed, 91 Jews killed, 20,000 sent to camps.

A- Nazis managed to cover up attacks by censorship etc, but by now most Germans appalled at treatment of minorities- but so scared of camps did not speak up.


KU- Mediums of propaganda- newspapers, cinema, radio, rallies and much more.

KU- 1) Broadcasting social benefit of the Nazi rule- Nazis would display benefits of Nazi rule, positive messages eg KDF benefits

KU- 2) Promoting the Fuhrer cult- building Hitler up to a god like figure. Linking loyalty to Hitler rather than the state. Success publicised.

KU- 3) the dominance of the Aryan race- superior nature of German people. Anyone different labelled “asocial”. Inferiority of Jews and undesirables created. Caring for the viewed as weakness.

A- There is no evidence propaganda completely changed the minds of German people. Research shows that Germans who were not prejudice did not become prejudice due to propaganda.

A- Propaganda publicised the benefits of the Nazi gov- making people feel grateful.

A- Impact on young whose minds easily shaped.

A- David Welch – argues propaganda was largely successful- at least to the extent that it tended to limit opposition to the regime.