Baylor Clinic for Assessment, Research, and Education

Baylor University Center for Developmental Disabilities

Functional Behavior Assessment
(FBA) & Behavior Intervention Program (BIP)

Information & Application Packet

The Clinic for Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) FBA & BIP Therapy Program

The purpose of the FBA and BIP program is to support caregivers in understanding and managing their child’s problem behaviors. This two-part program consists of assessment and interventions based in applied behavior analysis (ABA) theory and practice. The purpose of the FBA is to determine the reason a behavior is occurring (i.e., the function). Based on the results of the FBA, an individualized BIP is created to reduce the problem behavior and promote replacement adaptive behaviors.

Target Behaviors: The FBA and BIP program will target a variety of behavior concerns. Example of target behaviors that could be improved with this program include tantrums, screaming, aggression, task refusal, disruption, elopement, self-injury, stereotypical behaviors (i.e., self-stimulation, “stimming”), and self-injury.

Client Requirements: The FBA and BIP program is designed for children ages 2 to 18 years diagnosed with a developmental disability (e.g., autism, Down syndrome, intellectual disability). Clients must be exhibiting problem behavior in the home.

Program Staff: The FBA and BIP programs are staffed by advanced graduate students studying Applied Behavior Analysis. Students are supervised by the Baylor CARE Director, Dr. Tonya Davis, BCBA-D and Baylor University Center for Developmental Disabilities Behavioral and Educational Services Director, Kristen Mainor, Ed.S., L.S.S.P.

Research Center: Baylor CARE is research center. As a result, many clients will be asked to participate in ongoing research activities.

Program Components: This program consists of two components. Caregivers must commit to completing both components of this program. Baylor CARE will not provide BIP services without the completion of an FBA.

Cost: The cost of the FBA and BIP program is $200. Payment programs and scholarships may be available.

Application: To apply for the program, please complete the attached application and return to the Baylor CARE.

For more information, contact:

Desiree Ramirez

(254) 537-1042


The FBA process lasts approximately 6 weeks and will consist of the following:

·  Structured and unstructured interviews with parents, and other caregivers (as relevant).

o  Approximately three 1-hour meetings at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

·  Direct observation of the individual.

o  Approximately two 1-hour child observations at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities or other settings as deemed necessary.

·  Functional analysis. A functional analysis is the most reliable form of assessment in which the therapist systematically manipulates the potential environmental triggers and consequences thought to be associated with problem behavior.

o  Approximately two 1-hour assessment sessions at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

·  Results discussion and report. A full written report with relevant graphs and conclusions will be provided and reviewed in a final conclusion meeting with caregivers.

o  Approximately a 1-hour meeting at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.


A BIP is created at the completion of the FBA process. A BIP will be completed and reviewed with caregivers approximately one month after the completion of the FBA and will consist of the following:

·  Creation of a written, individualized behavior intervention consisting of research-validated positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) that can be implemented in the target setting. The BIP will contain strategies for monitoring your child’s progress.

·  Consultation with the individual’s parents regarding the intervention plan.

o  Approximately a 1-hour meeting at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

·  Caregiver training in which therapists provide hands-on training on implementing BIP procedures.

o  Approximately two 1-hour meetings or observations at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

·  Follow-up consultations in which the caregivers meet with the therapist 4 and 8 weeks after implementing the BIP for follow-up questions, program adjustments, and plans for fading.

o  Approximately two 1-hour meetings or observations at the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.

Clinic for Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE)

FBA & BIP Application

Application Date:

Participant’s Name:


Guardian’s Name:




Gender: Date of Birth Grade Level (if applicable):


Parent/Caregiver Phone Number (cell phone, if available):

Home Phone Number: Work Phone Number:

Parent/Guardian Email:

Preferred Method of Contact:


Source of Diagnosis:

Participant Lives with: Mother & Father Mother Father Other/Legal Guardian (please specify):

List other children in the household:

Name: Age: Name: Age:

Name: Age: Name: Age:

Name: Age: Name: Age:

How did you hear about this program?

Identify participant’s favorite foods, activities, items, etc.:

Please identify participant’s current skill level. Check one:

Adaptive Behavior Skills:

Independent Needs Reminders/Instruction Needs Physical Assistance

Toileting ______

Hand Washing ______

Dressing ______

Communication Skills (check all that apply):

No Speech sounds Babbles (non-words) Says 1 – 10 words

10+ 1-word phrases 2 – 3 word phrases Short sentences or more

Imitates words & sounds Echolalia (nonfunctional repeating of sounds)

Primary mode of communication is verbal language

Primary mode of communication is sign language. If yes, approximate number of signs:

Primary mode of communication is pictures/PECS. If yes, approximate number of pictures:

Primary mode of communication is electronic communication device. If yes, approx. # of buttons:

Challenging or Problem Behaviors of Concern (list and rate):

1. Mild Moderate Severe

2. Mild Moderate Severe

3. Mild Moderate Severe

4. Mild Moderate Severe

5. Mild Moderate Severe

6. Mild Moderate Severe

7. Mild Moderate Severe

8. Mild Moderate Severe

Identify past or current interventions to address these behaviors, noting their success.

Describe the settings in which these problem behaviors are most likely to occur:

Describe any additional information relevant to your child’s problem behaviors:

OPTIONAL: Describe any unique financial needs that influence your need for scholarships to assist with program fees. Please note that scholarships are granted only when available:

Applications may be submitted by email, fax, or mail.

For questions or more information, please contact Kristen Mainor.

Desiree Ramirez

2201 MacArthur Dr., Suite 101

Waco, TX 76708


Phone: 254-537-1042