5.1.2FNM Data Gathering

After the projects to be included in the FNM update scope have been determined from RIMS and the CAISO Register, the CAISO conducts a data gathering process to collect from the appropriate Market Participants the necessary network model and market-related data and information which are needed for the FNM. This process includes requests to the PTOs or other transmission entities for transmission network parameter data, substation configuration information, RAS operational details, protective relay modification details, and real time telemetry related to the new or modified transmission facilities. This data is needed to ensure that the accurate grid topology and real-time data are provided to the State Estimator, other grid operations tools, and real-time situational awareness for the system operators. Examples of transmission data to be submitted include, but are not limited to: type, impedance, rating and connectivity of new or modified transmission facilities. It also includes requests to Participating Generators or other generation entities for generating facility data and information related to new or modified generation facilities. This data is needed to both maintain and update the “wires” model portion of the FNM, the market-specific portions of the FNM, operational instructions, and provide real-time situational awareness for the system operators. Examples include, but are not limited to:unit type, capacity, ramp rate, heat rate, and operating limitations related to new and re-powered generation facilities.

For the same reasons as the CAISO, the WECC also needs updated transmission and generation project data to support and maintain their west-wide system model. The WECC requires data for generation projects that are 10 MW or greater. Through the process described below, the WECC will obtain project data at the same time as the CAISO bybeing copiedon all CAISO data requests and PTOs and generation owners responses in the following manner:

  1. The CAISO requests project data from PTOs and generation owners through the use of two email mailboxes:
  2. PTO Model Update Request () – for transmission project data requests
  3. GEN Model Update Request () – for generation project data requests
  4. The CAISO requests project data by sending an email specifying the required data to the appropriate PTO or generation owner representative and includingthe address of a representative designated by the WECC in the “cc” line of the distribution list for the message.
  5. WECC Model Update address –
  6. The PTO or generation owner representative responds to the CAISO request using the ‘Reply All’ email function,which will include the WECC representative.
  7. The WECC will contact PTO and Generation owner representatives directly for any clarification concerning the response and include the CAISO by adding the appropriate PTO model or GEN model update request email address in the “cc” line.