Compare and contrast the ways that many Americans expressed their opposition to immigrants in the 1840 – 1850s with the ways that many Americans expressed their opposition to immigrants in the 1910 – 1920s.

  1. Introduction
  2. There has always been opposition to immigrants in the US.
  3. Thesis: Although the expression cof the opposition to immigratns changed throughout the years, the underlying basis of this predijudice remained the same.
  4. Unique to 1840s and 1850s (Differences)
  5. Creation of political parties based of off nativism
  6. Know Nothing Party
  7. Native American Party
  8. Supreme Order of the Star Spangled Banner
  9. More actions taken socially then physically
  10. Racism
  11. Inferior because of poverty
  12. Scared their jobs will be stolen
  13. Specific racism toward Irish and Germans
  14. Unique to 1910-1920s (Differences)
  15. More actions taken physically than socially
  16. Violence
  17. KKK is reborn
  18. Leo Frank (Jewish) case gains support for KKK
  19. Public whipping, tarring and feathers, and lynching
  20. More widespread targets of racism
  21. Exclusion expanded to Jews, Catholics, and all foreigners
  22. Federal government assists Nativist efforts
  23. National Origins Act
  24. Banned all immigration from East Asia (targets Japanese)
  25. Immigration heavily favors NW Europeans
  26. Considered the differences in speech and habits to be a direct threat to their way of life
  27. Both in 1840/50 and 1910/20 (Similarities)
  28. Both resulted in alienation and exclusion for immigrants
  29. Both were caused by the fear of losing the life the Americans love
  30. Both created sterotypes for groups and cultures
  31. Conclusion
  32. Restate thesis in a different way: Protection of the loved American Dream has always motivated opposition against foreigners, all throughout American history.
  33. Summarize main difference
  34. Summarize main similarity
  35. Analyze the irony of the protection of the American Dream resulting in the exact opposite, a country laden with the burdens of predjudice, hatred, and lack of freedom.