Hints for writing Chapter Essays


I.  Not having 4-5 sentences in each paragraph

A.  Each paragraph has to have a minimum of the above

B.  A long sentence with a lot of commas does not qualify as a paragraph

II.  Not reading the question

A.  Analyze the question first to determine what it is asking you

1.  After knowing what it is asking then determine an answer

2.  Develop a thesis statement that is specific and responsive to the question

III.  Thesis statement is too broad

A.  A thesis statement should be specific

1.  If there are multiple factors that could be the answer

a.  Determine which is the most significant and base your thesis on that

Example – In response to the question:

3.  Why did different cultures develop in different parts of Europe?

Think about:

a.  geography

b.  agriculture

c.  natural resources

Don’t write something like, The geography, agriculture and natural resources of Europe caused different cultures to develop in different parts….

This is too broad, you can say - Many different factors led to the development of differing cultures in Europe, the main factor being geography because it isolated different groups of people from each other.

B.  Always make sure that your thesis statement

1.  Answers the question

2.  Tells the reader how you will support or provide evidence to prove your thesis (answer)

C.  Not underlining your thesis

D.  Not reviewing the thesis statement guide that you were provided

1.  Several people started their thesis with

a.  I believe

b.  In my opinion…

IV.  Not writing to persuade the reader that your thesis is correct

A.  Your second and third paragraphs should

1.  Be directed at your thesis

2.  Written with evidence and support to persuade the reader that your answer is correct

B.  Not providing enough specific information

1.  Don’t say in different general terms things that you have already written

2.  You should details, evidence, information that persuades the reader you’re correct

3.  Don’t write in generalities



A.  Put your essay in a binder

1.  Just staple it, binders make the stack of papers too big and hard to handle, it will not help your grade

B.  Have a cover page, or any other pages, just have the question, and your 4 paragraph response

C.  Have photos included that do not have anything to do with your thesis or evidence

D.  Use paper that is not white

E.  Turn in a partial piece of paper

1.  Ripped or cut in half or 2/3rds or a regular sheet

F.  Center justify your entire paper

1.  All papers should be full justified or left justified only

G.  Use incomplete sentences

H.  Try to do these the night before without much thought or preparation

1.  It is easy for me to tell


A.  Use your thesis guide and this paper as a checklist

B.  Make sure your thesis is

1.  Specific

2.  Answers the question

3.  Tells me what to expect in how you will support (with evidence) your thesis

C.  Write to persuade the reader (me) that your thesis is correct

D.  Read the directions

E.  Read the questions carefully and know what the question is asking

F.  Make your thesis responsive to and answer the question

G.  Ask questions if you’re not sure what you are doing is correct

If you have any questions concerning your papers or developing a thesis, please email me or ask me to review them in class, I will be glad to do so. I hope that this helps in addition to the class review of this material that we are going to do.